
Mean While In Other Universe

In the hustle and bustle of their daily routine, Ryan and Isika found themselves in a constant race against time. They were a typical working couple, juggling their careers and the responsibilities of parenthood. Their home was a warm haven filled with the laughter of their two children: their elder daughter, Nadani, and their son, Shlok.

One particular morning, the sun's rays filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the sleeping family. As the alarm clock blared its familiar tune, Ryan and Isika stirred awake simultaneously. The race against time had begun, and they were already running late.

"Ryan, hurry up! We can't afford to be late again," Isika exclaimed, her voice a mix of urgency and exasperation.

Ryan, however, seemed to be moving at a pace that suggested he hadn't fully embraced the urgency of the situation. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he called back, his tone casual.

Isika rolled her eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. It was a familiar dance between them, the delicate balance of rushing while maintaining a sense of humor.

Meanwhile, their children were stirring in their own rooms. Nadani, being the responsible older sister, was already dressed and ready for the day. Shlok, on the other hand, was still tangled in his blankets, protesting the idea of leaving the warmth of his bed.

As the minutes ticked away, the morning chaos escalated. Isika darted between rooms, trying to rouse the troops and keep the schedule on track. "Nadani, have you brushed your teeth? Shlok, get up, or you'll miss breakfast!"

Nadani, who had inherited her mother's punctuality, was now waiting impatiently by the door, her backpack slung over her shoulder. Shlok, however, was engaged in a playful battle with his blanket, determined to delay the inevitable.

"Come on, Shlok, we don't have time for this!" Nadani chided, her voice a mixture of irritation and affection.

That's when the playful skirmish between brother and sister erupted. Blankets were pulled, laughter echoed through the rooms, and their innocent rivalry filled the house.

Isika's patience, though tested, remained steady. However, as the clock continued to tick, she could feel her patience wearing thin. "That's enough, you two!" she finally exclaimed, her stern tone bringing a temporary ceasefire to the battle.

Both Shlok and Nadani looked at their mother, their expressions a mix of mischief and guilt.

"It's time to leave, and you're not even dressed, Shlok," Isika scolded, her voice carrying the weight of urgency.

Ryan entered the scene just in time to witness the aftermath of the sibling skirmish. He exchanged a knowing look with Isika, both parents understanding the challenges of managing a family's morning routine.

"Nadani, help your brother get ready. We're already running late," Isika instructed, her tone softening as she tried to maintain a sense of calm.

Nadani nodded, taking on the role of the responsible older sister once again. Shlok, realizing the time had come, scrambled out of bed and started getting dressed.

With a final burst of energy and determination, the family gathered near the front door, backpacks and jackets in tow. As they prepared to leave, Ryan and Isika exchanged a glance that conveyed a mixture of exhaustion, love, and shared determination.

"Nadani, Shlok, let's go!" Isika called, her voice a mix of authority and encouragement.

With a last-minute dash, the family finally managed to leave the house. Nadani and Shlok were bundled up and ready for the day, their expressions a blend of excitement and readiness to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the door closed behind them, a sense of accomplishment settled over Ryan and Isika. Despite the morning chaos, they had managed to rally their troops and set them on their way. The house, now quiet, stood as a testament to the everyday struggles and joys of family life.

And so, another day began for the family of four, each member venturing out into the world with their unique perspectives, hopes, and dreams, united by the love that bound them together.

In the hushed shadows of the night, Ryan's group of friends—Krish, Pande, Nikunj, and Viraj—gathered outside Warden's house, their faces illuminated by the moon's soft glow. Determination gleamed in their eyes as they embarked on a mischievous endeavor—a plan to cut the electricity wire that towered high above them. The wire seemed to stretch into the sky, an imposing challenge that required their combined effort.

"Alright, guys, time to put our towering skills to the test," Ryan said with a grin, glancing at his friends.

"You know, I never thought my shoulders would become a stepping stone for criminal activities," Viraj quipped, striking a pose that exaggerated his posture.

"Come on, Viraj, your shoulders are perfect for this," Krish chimed in, his laughter contagious.

Nikunj, always the joker, added, "Yeah, you were practically made for this mission—born to give us a leg up!"

Amid laughter and friendly ribbing, they began forming their human tower, each friend perched atop the other's shoulders. As they reached toward the sky, their hands extended like daring fingers attempting to grasp the unreachable. Laughter and whispers punctuated the quiet night, the thrill of their secret mission propelling them forward.

"Careful, Pande, don't let your glasses slip off," Ryan teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Hey, at least I can see in the dark, unlike someone I know," Pande retorted, his grin evident even in the moonlight.

Just as their fingertips brushed against the wire, a sudden rustling sound pierced the air. The group froze, their precarious tower wobbling in response to their collective surprise.

"Holy cow, what was that?" Krish's eyes widened, his grip on Nikunj's shoulders tightening.

"It's the ghost of Warden's electricity, coming to haunt us!" Viraj joked, his voice tinged with mock horror.

Heartbeats quickened, and eyes widened as they peered into the darkness, each friend holding their breath.

Nikunj, always quick with a punchline, added, "Maybe it's Warden's pet squirrel, trying to protect its electricity stash!"

As the seconds ticked by, the rustling grew louder, revealing the culprit—a curious neighborhood cat that had apparently stumbled upon their clandestine activity.

"Guess we've got a feline security guard on duty tonight," Ryan quipped, his relief evident in his tone.

With a shared chuckle and a sense of camaraderie, they carefully disassembled their human tower. Their grand plan to cut the electricity wire had been thwarted by an unexpected feline intruder, a twist of fate that had transformed their daring mission into a comical escapade.

"Looks like our plan to take down the electricity grid has been foiled by a furry vigilante," Krish mused, shaking his head.

"You know, guys, we may not have cut the wire, but we've definitely cut loose some laughter tonight," Nikunj added with a wink.

A sudden uproar interrupted the rhythmic hum of night activity. Raised voices pierced the air, creating an unexpected interruption to the dorm's routine. Among those who perked up was Ryan, curiosity etching lines of intrigue across his face.

"Did you guys hear that?" he asked his friends, glancing around the room.

"Yeah, sounded like quite the commotion," his friend replied, raising an eyebrow.

Curiosity piqued, Ryan exchanged knowing looks with his friends. The morning's languid atmosphere had suddenly been disrupted by the sharp notes of a heated exchange.

"Isika's involved," another friend chimed in, nodding towards the direction of the commotion.

Ryan's brows furrowed, his concern evident. Isika, their close friend, was not one to be embroiled in arguments. The clashing voices grew louder, and Ryan's intuition pushed him into action. Without hesitation, he stood up and headed towards the source of the noise, his friends following suit.

As they neared the scene, the words became clearer, and the situation came into focus. Warden, a figure known for his imposing presence, was engaged in a fiery confrontation with Isika. The tension was palpable, and Ryan's heart went out to his friend.

"Warden, I don't see what the big deal is!" Isika's voice rang out, her determination evident.

"You're not going anywhere, Isika, not when I'm responsible for you here!" Warden's voice thundered, his stance unwavering.

Ryan felt a surge of protective instinct rise within him. His heart raced as he stepped forward, his friends following suit. "Hold on, Warden. What's happening here?" Ryan's voice held a firmness that demanded attention.

Warden's eyes flicked towards Ryan and his friends, his expression momentarily caught off guard. "Ryan, this is none of your business. Isika's not going out tonight."

Ryan's jaw tightened as he exchanged a knowing glance with Isika. "Warden, we're all a part of this hostel community. If Isika wants to go somewhere, she should have that freedom."

"Freedom? You think it's that simple?" Warden scoffed, his disbelief palpable.

"It should be," Ryan replied, his tone unwavering. "We're not kids anymore, and Isika deserves respect and the right to make her own choices."

Isika's eyes gleamed with gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of Ryan's support. "Exactly, Warden. I'm responsible for my own decisions."

Warden's frustration was palpable, his grip on the situation slipping. "I'm just trying to keep everyone safe. You don't understand."

Ryan took a step closer, his voice unwavering. "We do understand, but smothering someone isn't the answer. Let her go, Warden. Trust that she can handle herself."

Warden's eyes darted between Ryan's determined gaze and Isika's unwavering stance. The hostel corridors were filled with tension, the clash of wills echoing through the air.

Finally, with an exasperated sigh, Warden's shoulders slumped. "Fine, go. But promise me you'll be careful, Isika."

Isika's face softened, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her. "Thank you, Warden. I promise I'll be careful."

As Warden retreated, Ryan felt a sense of victory mingled with concern. He watched Isika with a mix of admiration and protectiveness. "Isika, just... be safe out there."

Warden's eyes flicked between Ryan's determined gaze and Isika's unwavering stance. The hostel corridors were filled with tension, the clash of wills echoing through the air.

"Young love and recklessness," Warden muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. "Ryan, you may not grasp the full picture here."

Ryan's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean, Warden?"

"Warden, I respect your concern," Isika interjected, her voice steady. "But I have my reasons for wanting to go out tonight."

Warden's eyes narrowed, his expression conflicted. "Isika, you're like a sister to me. I can't just let you walk into the unknown."

Ryan's mind whirred with confusion, his heart pounding as he tried to piece together the puzzle. He turned to Isika, his tone gentle yet probing. "Is there something you're not telling us, Isika?"

Isika hesitated, her gaze shifting between Ryan and Warden. "I... It's complicated, Ryan."

Confusion gnawed at Ryan's thoughts. "Complicated? Isika, you know you can trust me."

Warden's arms were crossed, his expression unyielding. "Isika, whatever it is, you need to consider the risks."

Isika's gaze held a hint of defiance, a flicker of determination. "I know the risks, Warden."

Ryan's mind raced as he sought to understand the underlying currents at play. "Isika, if it's important to you, I want to help. But I need to know what's going on."

Isika hesitated, her eyes searching Ryan's for a moment. Then, in a barely audible voice, she revealed, "It's about the restaurant's food."

Ryan's confusion deepened. "The restaurant's food? What does that have to do with anything?"

Warden's gaze softened, a hint of understanding in his eyes. "Isika, are you going out just to get some restaurant food?"

Warden's expression remained unyielding as he glared at Ryan. "Ryan, this isn't your concern. Isika's not going anywhere."

Ryan's voice remained steady, his resolve unwavering. "It becomes our concern when we're all part of this community. She deserves the right to make her own choices."

Isika's voice, though calm, held an underlying layer of frustration. "Warden, I can handle myself. I'm not a child anymore."

Warden's eyes bore into Ryan's, his stance refusing to soften. "You're being naive, Ryan. There are things you don't understand."

Ryan's jaw clenched, his patience running thin. "Then make us understand, Warden. Treating her like a prisoner won't help anyone."

Warden's fingers tightened into fists, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're acting like you're entitled to know everything."

Ryan met Warden's intensity with his own determination. "We're entitled to look out for each other. Let her go."

Isika's voice, though tinged with frustration, remained firm. "Ryan's right, Warden. I'm not a child. I can handle myself."

Warden's facade cracked for a moment, revealing a flicker of uncertainty. "Isika, I care about your safety."

Ryan's eyes bore into Warden's, his tone unyielding. "Caring doesn't mean controlling. Trust her judgment."

Isika's gaze shifted between the two, her voice laced with determination. "Warden, I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this."

and rejected...

As Isika walked away, her steps filled with purpose, Ryan's heart raced with a mix of emotions. He knew there was more to this story, something that had driven her to this point. And despite his initial frustration with Warden's overprotectiveness, he couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for Isika's determination.

As the distance between them grew, Ryan decided to take a chance. With a quick glance around to ensure no prying eyes were watching, he subtly caught Isika's attention. He raised his hand and gave her a discreet, almost imperceptible signal to meet him later.

Isika's gaze met his, and for a moment, their eyes locked in understanding. She nodded ever so slightly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. It was a silent agreement, a promise to unravel the mysteries that lingered beneath the surface.

Ryan felt a rush of anticipation and nervous excitement. He hadn't expected the day specially night to unfold this way, but sometimes unexpected moments held the potential to change everything

In the serendipitous meeting spot that fate had orchestrated, Ryan and Isika finally crossed paths. As they stood face to face, a spark of nervousness danced in Ryan's eyes. He was no longer the assertive advocate from earlier; instead, he was a bundle of nerves, uncertain of how to navigate this unexpected encounter.

"Hey," Isika greeted with a friendly smile, breaking the silence between them.

"Hi," Ryan responded, his voice slightly shaky, betraying his inner turmoil.

It was a peculiar feeling for Ryan – he was well-accustomed to confidently debating with Warden or engaging in boisterous camaraderie with his friends. But now, with Isika's presence, his usual self-assuredness seemed to desert him.

Isika's warmth and ease were undeniable, as she picked up on his unease. "You were quite the knight in shining armor back there," she said with a playful glint in her eyes.

Ryan's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, a mix of embarrassment and amusement coloring his features. "Well, someone had to stand up for you."

Isika chuckled softly, her laughter like a soothing melody that eased Ryan's nervous tension. "I appreciate it, Ryan. You always have a way of making your point."

Ryan managed a shy smile, his usually confident demeanor momentarily displaced. "Yeah, well, I try."

The brief exchange hung in the air, a mixture of sincerity and gentle banter. With his friends conspicuously absent, the world seemed to shrink around them, leaving only the two of them in this moment.

"I have to admit," Ryan confessed with a sheepish grin, "I'm not usually the nervous type. But talking to you... it's different."

Isika's smile widened, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Different how?"

Ryan's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as he stumbled over his words. "I mean, usually I'm not... um, like this."

Isika's laughter bubbled forth again, genuine and heartening. "You know, it's kind of endearing. Seeing you like this."

Ryan couldn't help but chuckle, his nervousness beginning to morph into something akin to comfortable embarrassment. "Well, thanks, I think."

As their conversation flowed, Ryan's nerves began to ease. Isika's friendly presence was a balm to his unease, and he found himself opening up more than he had anticipated. And in that moment, as they shared laughter and anecdotes, Ryan realized that his earlier apprehension was well worth it.

As the conversation naturally transitioned, Ryan seized the opportunity. "Hey, Isika, speaking of nights out... I was thinking, maybe we could....."

Isika's brows raised in curiosity, a smile lingering on her lips. "Oh? Like what?"

Ryan's eyes twinkled with mischief, his plan coming to fruition. "How about we sneak out for a little adventure? Just we "

Isika's eyes sparkled with intrigue, her interest piqued. "An adventure, huh? And what do you have in mind?"

Ryan leaned in slightly, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "How about we go enjoy some of that restaurant food you were so determined to get? I've got a plan and here we means mine and ours friends"

Isika's laughter danced in the air, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Ryan, you're full of surprises."

With a mixture of excitement and a touch of trepidation, Ryan and Isika set the wheels in motion for their evening escapade. Little did they know that this impromptu adventure would mark the beginning of something even more extraordinary – a journey of shared moments, unexpected connections.