

" I won't marry Alexander" I said my voice louder than I intended it to and my tears came running down, as I remember everything including his betrayal. ♣️ I woke up and looked around, it was just a dream, a dream that comes every night to hunt me," it's all in the past " I said to myself , but I could still feel the pain. ♣️ MALE LEAD: Alexander FEMALE LEAD : Hazel, or Heaven Williams sliver: confessor Kyle: prince of gods Anna : goddess Lucian: God of war Katrine: Abigail: vampire Raven: mixed ( half vampire, half God ) Lucius: darkness demos: hazel father ♣️ she walked closer to me , her eyes looked at me like she could see my soul, and then I heard her say. " you my dear is something that shouldn't exists". **WARNING MATURE CONTENT**

Eroticlla · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Henry pov

I just stared at the empty bottles, in my front me no matter how many bottles I empty it doesn't take away the burning feeling in my heart, it hurts so much I couldn't breathe, why?, She was almost mine and she slipped from my hands,and just when I was about to get her back, he also took her away from me, fuck!!.

I gulped down the last bottle, and now needed more wine, if I was in my castle I would just walk to the wine cellar and just drink myself to sleep, I have been living in Hazel's home ever since she got married, the king had order it, in a way to give me more power, but that wasn't what I wanted, I want hazel, and he can't give me that.

" M.. my lord". I heard a voice say behind me, and I looked up to find a strange maid, I haven't seen her before, she had a long black hair that she had in a ponytail, her rosey lips that she pressed down together and her skin, God she was beautiful.

" My lord, beauty got sick so I was told to bring your food". She said keeping her gaze down, I moved my eyes through her body and she was sexy, innocently sexy.

" Put it here". I said pointing to the table in my front, she nodded and took steady feet to the table and dropped it, she bowed and was about walking out.

" Wait!". Why did I say that?, She turned to me and still kept her gaze low.

" What's your name?". What was wrong with me?, Must be the alcohol kicking in.

" Genevieve my lord, but my lady calls me eve". Eve?, She was Hazel's personal maid, okay used to.

" why are you here". I asked my eyes still moving around her body, I guess she noticed and she became more scared, biting her lips, fuck!, Hazel used to do that a lot.

" Beauty felt sick so I was told to bring your food". She muttered still biting those lips.

" My lord can I go?". 

" No". Why did I do say that?, She bite her lips again and I lost it, not like I had it before, I pulled her to me making her sit on my lap, she tried struggling, but I held her down, I stared at her beautiful face,and couldn't help trilling my fingers on her face.

" Beautiful". I wispered holding her tighter.

" M... My lord, I...". 

" Shush ". I wispered before leaving wet kisses on her delicate skin, it's been a long time since I had sex, I haven't touched a woman since I got engaged to hazel which was five months ago, maybe that explains the sudden urge I have to fuck this pretty.

" M ...., My lord please, your drunk". 

" Are you saying am not sane?". I asked her still leaving wet kisses on her shoulders, while she violently shook her head.

" Good". I said moving my hands to her gown trying to lose the knots.

" My lord, what are you doing?". 

" What does it look like am doing?". I ask laying her on my bed making me tower over her, still leaving kisses on her shoulders, I wasn't one to her an affair with the maids, but right now I was too drunk and hurt to care, I kept trilling kisses on her, making sure to leave my marks there, something I always wanted to do to hazel, I finally get those knots loosed and with ever step I took the clothes off I left my kisses there, I finally took the gown off making her hands move to her breast covering it up.

" Don't, I want to see them". I said moving her hands away and taking her right nipples in my mouth making her moan, I kept sucking wanting to hear more off those moan, while my hands did wicked things to her left nipple.

" Ahhh, my lord". 

" Henry". 

" What?". She ask confused and I left her breast and took her lips, I kissed her, tasting every corner of her mouth and I only broke out just because she needed air.

" Moan my name, not my lord". 

" But my lord...". 

" After this is over, you would call me my lord, but right now Henry's just fine". I said taking her lips again, while my hands slowly trill down too her Virginia,I touch her clit and she close her legs trapping my hand there, cute a virgin, I slowly play with her clit while she moans into the kiss, slowly feeling relaxed.

I went on like that before I slowly added a finger inside of her, she winced a little, but I moved the fingers out before putting it back, I kept doing that for a while before adding another finger inside of her, while going back to take her nipple in my mouth, I kept fucking her with my fingers and her walls clenched around my fingers tightly and soon she comed all over my fingers.

" That was amazing eve, ready for me to be inside you?". I asked and she just nodded.

" It might hurt a bit". I said before standing up to take my clothes off, I watched her stared at me, I mean am used to women drolling over me, but she staring at me felt different, I had a small dragon tattoo on my chest and she couldn't stop staring at it.

" Can I touch it?, M... I mean Henry, can I?". She asked biting her lips waiting for my answer while I just nodded, making her eyes glow before she lightly placed her fingers on it, trilling his wings.

" It's beautiful". I heard her say and I just stared at her dark long hair she had in a ponytail, and before I knew what I was doing I took the hooks off letting her hair fall freely, she stared at my eyes for some minutes before leaning in to kiss me, I kiss her back carefully putting her back down on the bed I left her lips and trilled kisses on her chest, just between her breast.

" Ready?". I asked looking up to her, what was wrong with me?, I should just fuck her and send her away once am done, then why was I acting this way?, Let's just blame it on the alcohol.

She nodded and I had my dick in her entrance teasing her a little before moving into her, she winced in pain and hold onto my shoulders leaving marks there, while a single tears dropped from her eyes, and I suddenly had the urge to kiss those tears away, but I won't it's just the alcohol playing tricks with my head, she relaxed a little and I started moving, I moved slowly at first but just went faster, I kept slamming into, waiting for her to tell me I was too much,but the only thing she said was moaning my name.

" Yes, ahhhh...". 

" Fuck eve you feel so good". 

" Ahhhhh". 

" Com with me eve". I said and she comed taking me with her, I comed inside of her rope after rope, and after sometime we stopped shaking, I laid beside her and just closed my eyes.

" My lord should I get out". She asked and I turned to see her black eyes, still looking beautiful.

" Funny if you think you could walk".

" But..".

" Just sleep tomorrow you can leave". She nodded and closed her eyes, I pulled it her close to me cuddling her, she opened her eyes and I just chuckled.

" Sleep, or I would kick you out". It's not like I would but it worked and she closed her eyes but not before leaving a kiss on my dragon tattoo making me freeze, she really was something

I woke up to the sun light, it was morning already, I tried moving and felt something holding me I looked to my side and found a girl naked, what happened last night?, I closed my eyes and the memories came back, I looked to my side again and she was still asleep she looked more beautiful now the sun did justice to her, I guess she felt me staring and opened her eyes, we just stared into each other eyes and I guess we could have go on for long if a knock on the door hadn't ruined it.

" What". I yelled standing up and walking towards my chair to get a robe.

" My lord the king requested your presence". The voice from outside say and while I just put on my rode and pick another one.

" Okay". I replied and walk towards eve.

" Stand". I tell her and she slowly stood up and I put the robe on.

" Thank you my lord". She wispered and I just stare at her.

" You can keep it". I said making her stare at me before nodding.

" I have to go, before they look for me". She wispered taking her gaze away.

" Okay". I said walking towards my shelf to grab a book, I heard the door open and shut, she left, I turned towards the bed and saw some faint stains off blood, "I needed to get ready". I wispered to my self before throwing the book.


It's been a week since I had sex with eve, and I haven't seen her, she hasn't even tried to come back it's like she doesn't want to see me, which was strange most girls I had sex with always come around hoping to get something out of it, I stared at the maid who served my tea and has been trying to seduce me, see what am talking about.

" My lord your tea". She said seductively trying to show me her breast, but I wasn't interested,like I said I wasn't one to have sex with my maids.

" Just keep it and leave". I said not taking my gaze off my book, she stared at me before dropping it and walking out, I stared at the tea and then at my book but I felt uncomfortable so I decided to go get some fresh air, I walk out off my room and plan on going to the garden, but instead I find myself in the maids quarters, what was I doing here?, I should go back, but I kept walking forward into the halls just to find eve kissing some guy.

" What's going on here". I ask without even thinking and they both turn to me in horror.


Eve pov

( Six months ago)

I was too engrossed in my painting that I didn't notice beauty walking up to me until she took my painting.

" Hey give that back". I said putting down my paint brush.

" Really, this again, eve when would you get over your silly crush on lord Henry". She said folding her hands under her breast.

" It's not a silly crush now give that back". I have always painted since I was a child and I am very good at it I used to paint and sell before my parents died and I had to work as a maid and princess hazel took me in even if I was just a month older than her, and coming into this castle I meant Lord Henry, well let's just say a silly me fell in love with him even when I knew he would never look my way or know if I existed, so i just loved him in secret untill last week when he became princess hazel fiancee, I was heart broken I had thought he had liked her as just a friend, but I guessed he loved her, and who am i kidding am just an orphan maid, I haven't told princess hazel I knew how to paint, because well she might want to see my work and that would be disaster since I only paint lord Henry.

" Eve he's princess hazel soon to be husband, how would you think she would feel if she finds out about this?". Beauty ask glaring at me, she was two years older than me but she acted like my mom which I liked sometimes, but not now.

" What, it's not like am sleeping with him, like you said it's just a silly crush, a harmless silly crush". I say trying to take the painting from her but she moved back.

" Won't you, if you had the chance?". She ask making me go quiet.

" Look eve, princess hazel trust you the most and even if you hand her a cup of posion, she would gladly drink it, just don't do this to her, you would only end up being heart broken, and please stop with the stupid fantasy in your head". 

" I don't have any fantasy in my head".

" Really, then can you explain why you have be turning down jack". She said making me to roll my eyes, jack was a guard but a head guard and he has been all over me asking me to be his lover, well sorry my stupid heart fell in love with someone I couldn't have.

" I don't like him". I said walking towards my chair to paint, if she wasn't going to give me I would just paint another one.

" Really, then who do you like?, Lord Henry?". She ask but I just ignored her, she knew the answer to that, she walked up to me and hugged me from behind.

" Eve, I was once like you but trust me it won't work out, they are more than five thousand maids here and half off them has a crush on him do you really think he would notice you?". She was right, I had to stop, but how?

" I would try". I said trying to not cry.

" That's my girl".


Eve pov

( One week ago)

I sit on my bed, still can't believe I had sex with lord Henry, he actually had sex with me,.I still couldn't believe it and sometimes I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

" Eve get up". I heard beauty say walking towards me, I haven't told her cause I don't know what her reaction would be.

" Eve you haven't worked all week, and your not sick so get up". I have haven't been working, because I didn't want to see lord Henry and mostly because I was hoping I would get pregnant, I know am silly, but if I couldn't have him maybe I could have half of him that's his child.

" I haven't be working because I want to get pregnant and stress might not be good". I said biting my lips,beauty stared at me before she burst out laughing.

" Oh... Oh my god, do babies just fall from heaven". She ask still laughing.

"I... I... I ..., I had sex". I said finally getting the worlds out, making her stop laughing.

" You... You had sex?, Oh my God eve with who". She ask taking a seat besides me.

"You remember when you got sick and couldn't go to give lord Henry his meal?". I ask and she just stared at me.

" Well we had sex". I said waiting for anything, a slap, yelling anything, but instead she took my hands.

" You didn't seduce him did you?". She ask and I just shook my head.

" Well that's okay, am sure he won't even remember your face". Yes she was right.

" But eve, if you do get pregnant, are you planning on using the child to blackmail him, he could just kill you and the baby". 

" Hell no, I would keep the child with out him knowing, aren't you mad?". I ask.

" Nope, and besides princess hazel is married, so that makes him single". I smile nodding and I hugged he, she was my everything".


Eve pov

( Present).

I walk down the halls, wanting to get some air and when felt a hand pull me,I turn and saw jack.

" Jack let go off me". I say trying to get my arm away from his grip.

" Come on eve, you've been ignoring me".

"So?". I ask still trying to get out of his grip, hell was he strong.

" Come on eve, I love you when are you going to accept that". I didn't want to go through this agurement right now, I could be pregnant and I don't want any risk.

" Come on eve answer me"

" I have nothing to say to you". 

" Eve, I love you". 

" And I don't, for God sake how many times do I have to repeat that?". 

" Then who do you love". He ask slamming me to the wall making me hiss from the pain, and his grip tighten more and am sure it's gonna leave a mark.

" Jack your hurting me " I wisper still trying to get out of his grip.

" Not as much as you are hurting me, eve say you love me". I stared at him and he was terrifying crazy, I kept quiet and his grip on me tighten.

" Say it eve". 

" SAY IT!!!!". He yelled making me jump.

"I... I .... I.... I love you". I wisper hoping he would let me go.

" Good girl". I heard him say, but what I didn't expect is that he would take my lips. 

" What's going on here?" I heard lord Henry voice ask, making both me and jack turn to him in shock and finally jack let go off me, and like I guessed he left marks on me.

" I asked a question".lord Henry yell again making me jump.

" We where.... It's not what you think". I said walking a bit closer towards him, no matter what I didn't want him to have a bad image about me.

" Then explain". He said and he so angry, but why? was he angry about the Fact jack kissed me or was it about something else, I really hoped it was the first.

" He, I didn't know he would kiss me". I said and he moved his gaze to jack.

" Wait for me in the hall".Henry told jack, the hall , before I could say something Henry took my hands and walked out of halls taking me straight to his room.

" I swear I didn't know he was going to kiss me". I said as soon as we got into the room, he pulled me close making me hiss.

" What's wrong". He ask looking at my wrist that had marks.

" Did he do this?". He ask and I just nod my head.

" Who is he?, Lover?". 

" Hell no". I only love you, I wish I could someday say it.

" He won't bother you anymore ". He said making me to just stare at him, I shouldn't but I leaned towards him and kissed him I don't know why I did that but I just did, I was expecting a push but he kissed me back pulling me closer to him.

" I want you, if you would let me". I say between our kisses.

" I was going to, even if you didn't ask". 


 Hey guys, I guessed nobody saw this coming.

 But hey I am full of surprises 😌.

 So get ready for more 🥰