

" I won't marry Alexander" I said my voice louder than I intended it to and my tears came running down, as I remember everything including his betrayal. ♣️ I woke up and looked around, it was just a dream, a dream that comes every night to hunt me," it's all in the past " I said to myself , but I could still feel the pain. ♣️ MALE LEAD: Alexander FEMALE LEAD : Hazel, or Heaven Williams sliver: confessor Kyle: prince of gods Anna : goddess Lucian: God of war Katrine: Abigail: vampire Raven: mixed ( half vampire, half God ) Lucius: darkness demos: hazel father ♣️ she walked closer to me , her eyes looked at me like she could see my soul, and then I heard her say. " you my dear is something that shouldn't exists". **WARNING MATURE CONTENT**

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33 Chs


Alexander pov


Thirty minutes ago


Am starting at Raven and Kyle give the guards instructions before we leave, we where informed that the witches where causing trouble, and it was my dutie to get rid off them, like I always do.

Looking around something isn't right, I felt anxious and scared, SCARED?. Now that was knew it couldn't be because of the witches, hell knows they where no match for me, so what was it then?.

" Alexander, it's time, we should get going". Kyle said walking towards me, and I just let out an hmmm, while looking around and my eyes caught something, jasmine, what was she doing here?, I walk towards her and for a moment she seemed surprised, like I wasn't supposed to see her.

"What are you doing here?". I asked as soon as I was close enough, she fumbled and kept looking past me as if trying to find an answer to my question.

" Well his highness was worried about you, so he sent me here to help". She said but I had this feeling that something wasn't right, jasmine was my father's, fuck that, the kings right hand, and he doesn't just send her to a mission this simple, I walk pass her, and she panicked and walked to my front stopping me, now something was definitely off.

" Your highness, where are you going?, The gaurds are about to set off". 

" Get out off my way, jasmine".

" What do you want?, Just tell me and I would get it for you". I stared at her and my mind went to hazel, the king wasn't a fool and he won't dare touch her, but how do I explain this and the funny feeling that won't go away.

" I forgot my badge, I'll go get it". 

" Your highness, you and I both know you don't need that". 

" Remind me why am explaining myself".

" Your highness I... Just..". 

" Out of my way jasmine". I said scarying her and she moved, I walked past almost running to my room 




"Hazel what did you drink?". I asked my mind hoping it wasn't what I was thinking,I mean why on Earth would someone feed her sex potion.

" Nothing, just the tea you sent me". She said leaving kisses on my neck, fuck if she keeps this up I would fucking loose it, tea?.

" I didn't send you tea, bloody hell". I walk pass her towards the table,I picked the cup up, and fuck it was it, a sex potion, why would they fucking give her a sex potion, and she was human she won't be able to handle it, I turn towards her and fuck, how did she undress so fast, fuck she was more sexy than I imagined and I swallowed hard, "control yourself Alex she doesn't know what she's doing, she just want sex and she doesn't even know who she's planning to fuck". I said in my head.

" Hazel please control yourself ". I wispered trying to take my gaze off her breast, fuck they would perfectly fit in my hands, and I was slowly losing it.

" I don't want to ". She shouldn't have said that cause now I can't control myself, she pulled me into a kiss and I kissed her back.

" Forgive hazel". I wispered between our kisses, before moving my hand to her Virginia, and hell she was wet, thanks to the potion.

I played with her clit before putting a finger inside of her making her to moan and fuck she was tight, I fucked her with my finger before adding another finger inside of her, making her to moan, and rock herself on my fingers, I pumped into her fast and she fell her head backwards from the pleasure my fingers gave her, and it didn't take long before she comed.

I picked her up and walked towards our bed gently putting her on it, I stared at her while undressing, leaving me naked too, her eyes trill over my body and I see her eyes slightly open out of shock, from the size of my dick,I chuckle and kiss her.

" It would fit perfectly". I wisper in between our kisses, and I teased her entrance with my dick causing her to moan.

" You ready?". I ask letting go of her lips and trilling kisses down her shoulder.

" Fuck me already Alex". That was quite an answer and I loved it, I slowly move into her and felt something stopping me from going any further and here comes the painful part, I gently push my self forward, and her grip on my shoulders tighten leaving a mark there, I kiss her trying to distract her form the pain, and when I felt her calm I slowly begin to move.

" Fuck Alex". She moaned out making me to increase my pace, I slammed deep into her and with a few thrust she comed all over me, I kept slamming myself deep inside of her and no quite long I comed inside of her.

" Fuck that was good". I said falling beside her, I pulled out of her and my dick had a mixture of her blood and my com.

" Hazel are you oka....?". I couldn't finish my sentence before she pushed me and moved on top of me I stared into her purple eyes that reminded me she wasn't with her senses.

" Hazel we should stop".

" I don't want to". She got on me putting my already hard dick inside of her.

" Fuck ". I moaned out, but she just sat on me not moving.

" Fuck hazel!". I said and she smirked before ridding on me, I moved my hands wanting to hold her but, but she slapped my hands away. 

" Don't touch me". Fuck she was going to be the death off me, she moved my dick out of her almost completely before slamming herself back, making me to let out a loud moan, she kept doing that and I just couldn't take it anymore I flip her over,and moved her legs to my shoulders while slamming deep and hard inside her.

" Fuck Alex, you weren't supposed to touch me". She moaned out.

" Sorry princess, I couldn't control myself".

" Alex am gonna com!".

" Com with me hazel, fuck!!". I said as I comed for the second time inside of her, not pulling my dick out of her I fell by her side and pulled her close to me hugging her.

" That was amazing Alex". 

" I know, now sleep before I fuck you again". She chuckled and placed a small kiss on my lips, I stared into her eyes and saw her eyes where slowly coming back to normal.

" Sleep". I said and I watch her slowly go to sleep.


Hazel pov

I open my eyes and found myself hugging someone, I looked up and saw Alex , hell he was even more handsome up close, I just kept staring at him, I tried moving and that was when I realized we were naked and his dick was still inside of me, fuck we had sex, Alex finally had sex with me, the memories of Last night came back and I so thank what ever came over me, I tried moving and I woke him up.

" Morning Alex!". I said with a smile.

" Morning hazel,are you alright?". 

" Yes, never been better". I said and moved his dick out of me making us slightly moan, he sat up and let out a sign.

" Are you okay?". I asked.

" Hazel, you where drugged". 

" Oh, drugged?, but I only had the tea you sent me". 

" I didn't send you any, apparently someone feed you sex potion in my name". Sex potion?, Why would someone do that?. 

" Do you remember the face of the person, who brought it too you". 

" No". I wispered and he just gave me a small smile, I moved closer to him and kissed him he kissed me back and after a while I let go off his lips.

" Even if I did act under the influence of a sex potion, I don't regret anything".

" Haze....".

" I love you Alex ". I said cutting he off and he just stared at me, this wasn't how I had hoped to tell him, but I just suddenly felt he needed to know.

" Wasn't that what you wanted to hear me say before you could have sex with me?". I asked, he had said he wanted to hear those words from me and after a long thought I realized he wanted me to say I loved him, so he could make love to me and not just fuck me.

" Yes hazel, but I don't want you to just say it, I want you to mean it". 

" Alex I mean it, I LOVE YOU". 

" Hazel, you might not be thinking straight, you might still be under the influence of the sex potion".

" Alex listen, am completely sane, and trust me when I tell you, I love you, I love you Alex, I love you". I said and he just stared at me before taking my lips again, we fought with with our lips and like always he won. 

" Your driving me crazy hazel". He said as soon as he let my lips go. 

" You too ".

" Come let's get you cleaned". He said getting down from the bed, I got down and finally realizing I was still naked.

" What's it?, Your suddenly shy?".

" No " . I wispered and he laughed, that was actually the first time I saw him laugh.

" Let's get you cleaned". He said getting his robe and putting it on.

Am in my bathtub while Alex is washing me, I can't believe it, I originally didn't want him to do it, but he had refused saying he wanted to, well why not just enjoy the feeling, I stared at his serious face while he washed my tommy and I couldn't help laughing.

" What's funny?".

" Am not going to brake, and also it tingles".

"This tinges?". He ask tingling me more 

" ye..., Yes". I laughed out, sitting down and holding his hands down, I stared at him, I moved closer to him and without thinking I kissed him, it was a slow kiss telling him how much I loved him and loved this, I broke the kiss, just because I needed air, I walked out of the bathtub dripping wet.

" What are you doing hazel?". 

" Get in ". I said pulling him up and he got in, I stepped into the bathtub and loosed the rope holding his robe together.

" Hazel, that's not a good idea". He wispered and I just smirked, I moved the robe out off the way and came face with his hard dick.

" Hell, how did you get this hard?".

" Hazel, just staring at you is enough to make me hard". I bite my lips and couldn't help blushing, I stared at his dick and a scene from sex came to my mind and I stared at him and smiled.

"What are you planning to do?".

" Watch". I said lowering myself and placed a small kiss on his dick making him groan.

" Fuck hazel, don't do that". I didn't listen to him and just kept placing small kiss all over him and I watched him moan, I smiled before taking half of him inside of my mouth, and he let out a loud moan.

" Fuck hazel, you surely would be the death off me". I smiled and kept sucking him, and oddly enough he tasted sweet.

" Fuck hazel". He said before fucking my mouth making me gag, he kept fucking my mouth and after a while he muttered.

" Fuck am gonna com". I heard him say and then I took his balls in my hands playing with it, and he moved my mouth off him and comed.

" Why didn't you come in my mouth". I asked still trying to catch my breath.

" No, Hazel your my wife not my slut". He said before kissing me.

" Now let me make love to you".


king malicia pov

Am just in my room doing nothing, than just my pen in my hands, Wondering when the fun would begin, it's taking too long.

" Your majesty". I turned and saw jasmine, finally.

" Where, where you, is Alex already in the room?".

" Yes your majesty".Finally the fun has begun

"But he..".

" He what?".

" Your majesty where here". I heard Lissa voice behind jasmine and looked over to see her and Henry, wait, what?, Shouldn't he be in bed with hazel, wasn't Alexander already in the room.

" What's going on jasmine?". I asked.

" Am sorry your majesty, I.., I failed you". Fuck!!.

" How?". I asked breaking the pen in my hand.

"He noticed something was wrong, and went to the room earlier than the plan". She explained, I saw Lissa eyes go red before walking towards jasmine.

" So, Alex is the one having sex with her right now?". Lissa asked.

" Fuck!!". I yelled kicking the table in front of me making everything crash.

" We need to cover our tracks Alex must never know we had a hand in the sex potion". I said closing my eyes trying to control my anger.

" Okay". I heard jasmine say.

" Lissa return Henry home". I said opening my eyes and staring at Henry who hasn't said a word since, but he had his hand held tightly into a fist, poor boy.

" Okay". Lissa said walking out with Henry. 

" And you my dear, your gonna be punished". I said pulling her to my lap.

" Am gonna, fuck you till you beg me to stop". I said moving the hook of her bra.