

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Ann felt her blood begin to boil at his words. Why we're rich men so insensitive? He was so relaxed as he stared at her expression. Pervert laughed to liven up the atmosphere but his efforts were received with frowns except Will who was still smiling for different reasons. He settled deeply in his seat embarrassed.

"Is Ann short for anything?" asked Baby.

"No it isn't." Ann answered.

"My question still stands, Violet." Will reminded her.

"She didn't do such. I know my mom...Will." she said.

The three men raised their brows as if it was an automatic thing. They all noticed how she had switched from 'Mr Brown' to 'Will'. Ann looked at Will straight in the eye and said nothing. Baby cleared his throat and decided to break the silence.

"Since we are no longer using formal names, my name is Daniel Brown."

"And I am Neil Brown. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a specific name for you. Can I call you White?" said Pervert.

"Yes Neil. Do you guys have normal questions for me." she said adjusting her skirt.

"If you're hired, what POSITIVE change would you bring to the company?"

Change? A positive change? How was she supposed to know that. She cleared her throat awkwardly and said 'positive change' out loud.

"I will...make sure you have more customers. I know a lot of people who want to start businesses of their own...."

"I hope you know we aren't asking about road side shops, Violet." Will said taking down some notes.

Ann frowned at him even though he didn't see it because he was looking down. She was about to say something to annoy him again when there was a knock at the door. None of the men got up or said anything making her wander if they wanted to test her. She got up and opened the door. The man at the door was facing the other side and when he turned he was momentarily shocked and almost dropped his documents. He composed himself quickly and smiled at her.

"Is Mr Brown in?" he asked.

"Which one?" she asked back slightly annoyed by the man's ambiguity.

"Neil. Neil...and Daniel too, please."

"Hold on, sir." she said moving from the door then coming back to close it with a smile.

"Pervert and Baby are..." she stopped speaking when she realised what she had called them, "Sorry my mind was elsewhere. Daniel and Neil, you are been looked for.

"Good but remember to call me first next time alright." Neil said standing up," I'm older than him." he pointed at Daniel who was also standing.

Ann nodded and wandered if they had hired her because of how he said 'next time'. Not only that but they didn't even ask about who Pervert and Baby were!

The two walked out and shut the door. Ann was about to start celebrating when she realized Will was still in the room. If the other two didn't ask about those names, ' Questionare' would definitely ask.

"I don't know why but it feels like you have also assigned us names of your own. My guess is 'Baby' is Daniel and 'Pervert' is Neil, correct?" he said putting his pen down.

Will crossed his legs and lay back in his chair casually. Ann was shocked at how he had correctly placed those names. Maybe he secretly thought the same about them. He stood up and tugged at his navy blue suit to straighten it out. She guessed he was over six feet tall and obviously taller than Baby and Pervert. He looked like her imaginary husband from when she was thirteen and she smiled remembering all the things she had imagined doing with him. If anything, he was an exaggeration of her dream man but he was real and he was her boss from the look of things.

He pointed to the ground infront of her where she had put the bottle of water but she didn't quite understand why. Ann looked at him confused and when he didn't move his hand or blink, she looked back down. There was a small pool if water around the bottle because the water had melted. She picked up the bottle and looked at him. His hands were in his pockets but his face was serious in comparison to his relaxed body.

"Is anything wrong William?" she asked switching to William other than Will.

He noticed the change in her addressing him and he smiled.

"What name have you given me?" he asked moving closer.

"Name? Well...you have no particular characteristic so I don't have a name for you." she answered shrugging.

"Most people, clients, call me the devil. Others.... Charming, Tiger and others... Cruella for some reason I can't fathom. What do you choose?" he said as he came to stand in front of her.

"Cruella?" she asked laughing at him.

Ann even pointed at him as she laughed; slapping her thigh. William looked un-amused and flicked his finger at her forehead. She winched and placed her hand on her forehead but she continued laughing. Will did the same thing on her shoulder but she still didn't stop so he did it on her lower lip. Ann pushed him away and frowned. Feeling victorious, he smiled devilishly only to see her smile as well. His smile faded and she started laughing again; louder and more annoying.

"Ann I am serious now. If you don't stop laughing...I will fire you." he threatened.

"No, please don't do that, Will. I'll tell you. Your name is Questionare." she said quickly.

He frowned hearing the name but understood why she decided to call him that. Now that he stood so close to her, Ann could see that his eyes were indeed green. She felt his warm breath cascade down on her and she felt nice. He moved away a little to observe her more clearly but she was completely hidden in his shadow and her height wasn't helping out. But not everything could be hidden by the darkness of the room. Her figure was still visible and so was her black hair that looked unkempt but it made her look sexy. Her eyes where exploring his face in a shameless manner and the little interest he had picked in her disappeared. He sighed and walked back to his seat. He turned his chair around to look at the city below just like when she had entered the room.