

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


A few seconds later, Neil and Daniel walked in and Ann was still standing by the door. Will was playing with his pen between his fingers though no one saw this.

"We'll see you tomorrow morning White." said Neil taking her hand to shake it.

Ann felt disgusted by his touch but she said nothing about it. He winked at her seductively and he blew her a kiss just like earlier that day. She heard Daniel sigh and she turned to face him. He pushed Neil away and stuck his tongue out at him. He really was a baby. Ann remembered how Sera had described the three and wandered why Daniel was labeled as a psyco and why Neil was the best choice for the position of CEO. Daniel bent over at a ninety degree angle and placed a kiss on her hand. She smiled to hide the disgust she felt.

Of the three, Ann deduced that Will was better suited to be CEO. They would suffer but at least the company would continue to flourish and not turn into a brothel.

"See you tomorrow morning...sirs." she said pulling her hand away from him.

Ann fought back the urge to wipe her hand and waved at them. She looked at William's chair and shouted a good bye that he chose to ignore. She frowned and smiled at the two men she was sure we're brothers and she walked out of dark room. The air even smelled different from that inside the interviewing room.

She went to the bathroom to pee again and to congratulate herself. If only she had her phone she would have taken a victory selfie and posted it on Facebook or she would have called her grandmother. She was sure Andy would be happy for her and she wanted to give him something nice to eat. Ann looked for Sera and found the lady waiting for the elevator.

"Sera! Sera!" she screamed running toward the woman,"I got the job."

"Ahhh!" the woman shouted excited for her new friend.

They embraced one another even though people looked at them like they were crazy. They jumped around a little before they finally stopped.

"See!I told you the job was yours?" Sera said slapping Ann's shoulder.

"You were right. I was like... so scared I went in looking like melting chocolate. But somehow, I managed to get the job."

"Ohh wow! So you will be coming to work tomorrow? I can't wait to start working with you, Ann."

The women squeaked in a excitement while holding each other. Ann felt like her teenage mentality was rubbing off Sera and she liked It. After talking to Sera for a while, Ann left the company and headed home. She was feeling so energetic that she walked home without realizing it. When she she reached Andy's alley, she started calling his name so she could share the good news.

"I heard you the first time dear Ann." said Andy emerging from the shadows.

The sun had already set and Ann was noticing this for the first time. She took out the box of chocolates she had bought for Andy and she run to him and gave them to him.

"Why are you so happy all of the sudden, love? Wait....you got the job?" he said as his eyes lit up in joy.

Ann was too happy to say anything so she vigorously shook her head. She jumped up and down till her heel broke. There was a momentary silence as they both looked at her heels. She looked up at him and frowned with tears threatening to fall.

"Suck them back dear." Andy said,"I'm sure a working woman can buy new shoes."

"Andy, I haven't been paid yet, you know. I actually need new clothes as well. I'll go and change then I'll go shopping." she kissed his cheeks and went to her apartment building.

Ann peeped at the corner to see if her Landlord was in the vicinity and the man was standing in front of her door.

"I know you're inside, Ann!" he shouted banging on the door,"I can hear your phone you idiot!"

She frowned and started walking towards him quietly. He heard her footsteps and turned. He frowned and turned to fully look at her. She was a lovely girl who never gave him problems with rent but all of the sudden something in her had flipped.

"Evening Mr Walker." she greeted him as she thought of something to tell him.

"What's your excuse for this month? Come on, spit it out."

"Don't worry, sir. I just got a job and I'll pay my dues by the month end. I left my phone this morning in the bathroom so I couldn't even communicate with you but I am here now. Please just one more month, PLEASE." she said.

Mr Walker looked at her and sighed knowing he couldn't chase out a girl late at night. He patted her head and walked away.

"You won't regret this, sir. I promise I will pay!"

When Mr Walker had disappeared into his own apartment, Ann opened her own and went in. She went to her bathroom and found her phone next to the tub. Twenty missed calls from Mr Walker,Ten from her mother and Fifty from her grandmother. She dialed her grandmother's number and the woman picked up immediately.

Ann told her grandmother everything as she changed her clothes to something more comfortable. She put on some sweat pants, a big T-shirt and some sneakers. She went out still on the phone with her grandmother and she only got off the phone when she reached the boutique.

"I'll call you when I get home granny....Bye and I love you too. I need to tell you about my bosses....yes...byeee."

Ann entered the boutique and her eyes were greeted by the bright lights inside. She squinted a little until her eyes adapted to the light. The air smelled of heavy perfume and deodorants and she knew some new perfumes were in stock. She walked to the ladies section and looked for the large clothes; formal wear of course.