

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Ann got down from the bed and sleepily walked to the door. She peeped into the hallway and saw that William was slowly walking towards the room with his head down so he hadn't even see her. She wondered what he was thinking about that he wasn't even paying attention to where he was going.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Ann asked stepping out of the room forgetting she was still naked.

William looked up lazily and when he saw her his eyes widened in shock. He quickly walked towards her and pushed her into the room.

"What are you trying to do walking around like this?" William asked upset.

"What do you mean?" Ann asked still oblivious to the fact that she was naked.

"You're naked Vi." William informed her and Ann looked down at herself in horror.

She quickly run to the bed and covered herself completely in shame. She apologized to him for it and pointed out that she didn't realize she was not dressed. William sighed and walked to the dressing room and he started to change into his pajamas.

When he got out of the dressing room, Ann was waiting outside so she could also change. She didn't look him in the eye and this made William smile. He ruffled her hair to taunt her but while trying to fight him off, she let go of the bedsheet she had wrapped around herself and she was once again bare in front of him.

"I'm sorry." William apologized sheepishly and he walked past her while she went to get dressed.

William sat quietly while Ann changed and even though he wanted to sleep he couldn't as he has also slept that afternoon. When Ann finally emerged from the dressing room William gulped down his saliva because she was still naked and he remembered she had wanted to badly consumate their marriage. He hoped she wasn't going to mention it again but to his horror she did.

"I don't want to." William said in a weak voice that surprised him.

"The feared and Tyrannical Mr Brown is scared of sleeping with his own wife." Ann taunted.

"Contractual wife." William pointed out trying to justify himself.

"Oh my green eyed tiger." Ann teases him and he frowned deeply,"We can get grandma and grandpa off our backs after this."

"You just want me and you're trying to make it look like you are helping. I know people like you very well."

"You caught me. I do want you and I want to walk out of this marriage with many benefits." Ann said seriously and William became serious,"Think about it....if I have your child then after the divorce you'll send money every month to support me and the baby and not to mention I'll already have fifty from the divorce itself."

William chuckled dryly and this surprised Ann. She remained serious simply telling William that she wasn't going to stop. William glared at her then he smiled devilishly and Ann tried to not look affected by this.

"Come over here Vi." he called her over and she confidently walked towards him,"Sit."

"Why?" she asked.

William did not answer and just smiled which made Ann worried for her safety. She bent as if she was going to sit then she stopped and moved away slightly.

"Are you agreeing?" she asked and he nodded,"You're lying."

"No I'm not. Money isn't a problem and besides, I've been needing to lose my virginity."

"Don't you want to lose it to Liz?" she asked and he frowned,"I was just asking no need to glare at me like I'm a parasite or something."

"Come here " he demanded and Ann refused and went back to the dressing room.

William smiled and lay back down on the bed then a thought struck him; what if she wasn't attracted to him the way he was to her?He shook his head to get rid of the thought and Ann came out from the dressing room and he observed her in her loose nightgown. She looked shorter in it and the fact that it was long and wide made her look even fatter.

"Does it make me look fat?" she asked after noticing how he was watching her.

"Definitely." he said without thinking.

"Should I change?" she asked sighing while playing with the dress.

"No. You look cute." he answered and once he realized what he had said he quickly added,"I feel like I'm already a dad, you know?"

Ann frowned and walked towards the bed to sleep again.

"Aren't you changing?" William asked covering her.

"No. Good night."

"Good night." he whispered.

After half an hour of tossing and turning Ann realized William was just as wide awake as she was even though he was pretending to be asleep. She slept on top of him and when he still refused to say something she finally spoke.

"If you can't sleep then let's watch a movie."

"I don't watch movies, remember?"

"Come on. You won't fall asleep anyway." Ann pointed out and he sighed.

She rolled off of him and brought his laptop to him.

"I don't have movies." he informed her.

"Yeah. We'll download some."

"Not romance this time." he said almost pleading.

"Why not? You need the lessons."

"No I don't." he protested.

"Then what do you want?"

"A documentary."

"Why a documentary?" Ann asked with narrowed eyes.

"Can't we do something that I like?" William answered with a question.

Ann pressed her lips together and then sighed in defeat. William chose a documentary and they sat in silence. Surprisingly Ann found herself enjoying the documentary and this made William proud of himself.

"You like it?" William asked and Ann covered his mouth to stop him from speaking as she wanted to listen to what the documentary's conclusion was.

When it was finally done she finally looked at him and released him.

"You were saying?" she asked smiling.


"Do you have another one?" she asked as her eyes gleamed with interest.

"We have to sleep. We need to be up early tomorrow morning to workout." William explained and he was about to take his laptop from her but she held onto it,"Ms Ann White, let go of my..."

"Mrs Brown." she corrected him,"When will you start calling me baby, huh?"

"Probably never." William said dismissively and he shut his laptop.

Ann stuck out her tongue at him and then after a few seconds she smiled.

"What now?" William asked tiredly.

"We can watch one tomorrow as we work out, can't we?"

"So you want a big screen in my gym so you can watch documentaries?"


"As long as it isn't a movie then it's fine."

They kept quiet and stared at each other for a while.

"What's wrong?" they asked each other at the same time and then they laughed at each other.

Another silence ensued then Ann lay down to feel less awkward but it made her feel even worse because William was now looking down at her. She sat back up and started looking around the room and when her eyes landed on the door she suddenly felt hungry.

"The lives of the rich must be tiring." she said and William looked at her questioningly,"Back in my apartment, the kitchen was just a breath away but now I have to go downstairs."

"Just get up ma'am. And you can bring me an apple as well."

To his surprise Ann did get up without a single complaint but it was no surprise that she didn't bring the apple he had asked for.

"My apple?" he asked.

"What apple?" she asked back smiling innocently and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"I told you to bring me an apple."

"Oh...I don't recall such an event occuring."

Ann brought some noodles for herself and she quickly started eating. William watched her and realized he still thought she was attractive even though she was eating like an animal. His green eyes showed a perfect reflection of her like a mirror. As she was chewing he suddenly spoke.

"Let's consumate the marriage."

Ann coughed, consequently beginning to choke and William helped her out.

"Why would you say that?!" Ann screamed,"I was eating."

"I didn't mean to make you choke."

"Still. Why?"

"Because we need to....we have to."

"So now you're suddenly in the mood?"


Ann kept quiet and looked into his eyes to see if he was serious and when she saw that he completely was she tried to find a way to sway him.

"You are attracted to me?" she asked kneeling on the bed,"If yes then you must be out of your mind Will. I'm not beautiful."

"I know you're not." he answered and Ann felt a little sad even though she didn't show it.

"That settles things. I don't want you to touch me if you are doing it out of duty or pity."

"I'm not. I'm doing it out of desire. I always wondered why I didn't find any woman attractive but now I know. I desired someone unique and not those available everywhere."

"I'm...flattered but..."

Ann didn't get to finish her words as William kissed her. The rest was history and in the morning she woke up to find that he was already gone. She thought he would be in the gym but he wasn't there. He did have a large screen put in the gym for her sake and she was grateful for it. Not wanting to be dead weight, she gathered enough strength to start working out.