

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Ann put the shirt on and got out of the car. William carried a mat with him for Ann to sit on and the went to a secluded spot behind a rock. He spread the mat and sat down while Ann took pictures of the sea. He quietly admired her curves and took pictures of her as well.

"Ann!" he called out to her and she turned her head to look at him.

He took a picture of her and she started posing.

"I needed only one." William said making Ann frown,"Continue what you were doing."

"Will! Just one more." Ann pleaded and he snapped a photo of her pouting her lips.

Ann run towards him and snatched his phone away from him. She looked at the photo and saw that she didn't look bad at all.

"Are you on any social media platform?" Ann asked smiling.

"No. I don't plan on it either." William answered and he snatched his phone back from her,"Why are you asking?"

"It would have more impact if you posted the picture yourself." Ann told him.

"Social media couples don't last." William said lying down on the mat.

Ann took a picture of him lying there with his eyes closed and she run away so he wouldn't take her phone away. She was surprised when William did not attempt to take the phone from her. She walked back to him and he grabbed her foot. She kicked his hand away and run and this time he followed her.

Unbeknownst to the both of them, Tiger and Megan were watching them. The old couple had smiles on their faces as the watched Ann and William play around on the beach.

"We should go before they spot us." Megan suggested.

"Wait. We'll leave once they kiss." Tiger said mischievously,"Look."

William had caught Ann and had taken her phone. She tried to get it back but he was holding it up above his head while grinning down at his short wife.

"Give me a kiss first." William said bringing his face down to hers.

Ann pressed her lips on his forcefully and William fell down on the ground.

Once she took her phone away from him she run away from him. He followed her slowly and when she got distracted he snatched her phone again.

"Will don't delete it!" Ann pleaded watching him sit back down on the mat,"Let's go and swim."

"What will you give me if I don't delete it?" William asked playing with her phone.

"I.... I'll give you a back massage." Ann said closely watching her phone as he played with it and even throwing it up in the air.

"Get in first." he ordered her and Ann walked into the cold water discarding his shirt as she went in.

William put her phone on the mat and went to join her. The had a race and played in the water for the next one hour.

William was the first to get out of the water feeling his eyes burning from the salt water

"Get out of the water Ann!" William called out to her as she was still playing,"You might become completely blind!"

"I don't want to?" she shouted back.

"I'll play with your phone if you don't get back when I finish counting to ten!"

Ann started walking back but then she saw a beautiful pebble in the water. She got back in the water and picked it up but then she saw another one and she couldn't help but go get it as well. She ended up swimming deeper than she had thought and she saw a rock that went all the way up to the surface.

Ann swam up to the surface of the water and attempted to do the signature mermaid on a rock pose while William was looking for her after seeing that she hadn't resurfaced after a long time. He saw her sit up on the rock about twenty meters away from him. Her pebbles fell back into the water while she was rubbing her eyes.

Ann tried to see where they had fallen then a wave came and pushed her off the rock.

"Vi!" William shouted and this captured the attention of the old couple about to leave.

William dove into the water and searched for Ann. When he spotted her he swam right towards her as she kept on sinking. He reached her quickly and swam with her to the beach.

William was shocked to see Tiger and Megan but he had Ann to worry about. He lay her on the sand and administered CPR. Ann coughed and spat out the water she had inhaled it before she could register what was happening William hugged her tightly and longingly.

He made her look into his eyes and she could see the fear in them.

"I told you to get out of the water." William said in a stern voice,"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"I....I wanted...."

"To die? We're leaving." William said and he stopped to look at Tiger and Megan who had maintained silence,"You should be in a retirement home far away from me."

Ann was confused. Why would she go to a retirement home when she was only nineteen? She looked behind and saw her grandmother and when she looked on the other side Tiger waved at her.

Before she could say anything to them, William picked her up and started walking towards the car.

"Since you are already here you can take those things with you." William said to the couple and they nodded sheepishly.

Ann did not try to protest because she could clearly see that William was upset. The ride back home was a quiet and tense one. When they got there he didn't let her walk on her own and he carried her all the way up to the bathroom and he told her to take a warm shower.

"Will." Ann called out to him hoping what she was going to say would make him happy.

He looked at her questioningly and Ann had to clear her throat to get the words to come out of her mouth.

"Are you still upset?" she asked trying to warm him up before she said what she actually wanted.

"I don't know. Do I look happy to you?" William answered sarcastically.

"No. It's fine you can leave." Ann said blushing and this little action confused William.

"You have something else to say. I won't leave if you don't tell me what's on your mind."

"I thought.....that maybe we should.....showered together." Ann said looking into his green eyes.

William continued to stare at her and before he knew it his eyes had strayed to her alluring bossom. Ann tried her best not to cover herself with her hands as he scanned her. He sighed and then left her alone. Ann looked down at herself to see if there was something strange about her but everything was as it was supposed to be. He had shown such interest in her in the office but now he was acting like he didn't even know who she was.

Ann took her bikini off and filled the tub with warm water. She preferred a bath to a shower. While the tub was still being filled she de-tangled her hair and when the tub was half full she got inside. She closed her eyes as the tub continued to fill up.

The water suddenly stopped running and Ann opened her eyes to see William standing in his boxers. He gestured for her to make room for him and she did. He got in with her and they sat awkwardly staring at each other and the walls.

"Why are you quiet?" William asked suddenly,"You always have something to say."

"I'm just surprised that you came back. I thought you didn't find me attractive anymore." Ann answered honestly.

"I'm new to this so shouldn't you be the one to lead me?" William asked smiling at her.

William felt his blood drain from his face when Ann smiled back devilishly while running her tongue over her upper lip.

"Are you sure Tiger?" Ann asked biting her lip.

William gulped down his saliva nervously and he felt Ann's little hand caressing his foot. He got up and got out of the tub then he rushed out of the bathroom.

"Oh come on!" Ann exclaimed in frustration.

She scrubbed herself aggressively and got out to go after him. She didn't take the towel either and went out butt naked. She stopped herself from exiting the room in that state for fear that she might meet someone else instead of William? She sat down on the bed but then after some time she felt cold and got under the covers.

She didn't even know when she fell asleep but when she.woke up the sun had already set and the moon and stars were beginning to appear.