
Love on stake

Blood thicker than water

Xtystar13 · Movies
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10 Chs




"Hun? Where am I? Did I get hit by a car?" Ai Yan looked confused. She looked around everywhere was covered in gold.

"Am I... in heaven?" Ai Yan began to walk around and found some people queued up and she joined them. Then it was her turn.

"What's your name?" A white haired young man dressed in white and had snow white wings behind his back asked Ai Yan.

"Are you... an angel?" Ai Yan asked.

"Yeah, and can you please tell me your name, there are still people behind" The man frowned.

"Ah! I'm sorry. I'm name is Yan, Ai Yan" Yan replied.

"So you're Ai Yan? The woman who got pregnant without knowing the father and got hit by a car"The man asked sarcastically.

"Well, yeah I'm the one. And how do you know?" Yan asked.

"Duh this heaven I know everything"The man replied sarcastically.

"Are you really paid to do this job or to gossip about ones past?" Ai Yan faced twitched in annoyance.

The guy was getting on her nerves. He had no trait of an angel but like an annoying brother. If not for his white dress and wings she'd have thought he snuck out from home and was playing pranks.

"Can you tell me where to go now?" Ai Yan asked