
Love Of Tourist

A charming young South Korean man named Joon. He intends to travel to Indonesia for his school break. He had previously viewed a blog on the internet that showcased the splendor of Indonesia. He landed in Indonesia on January 2022. He then stayed in Yogyakarta City after visiting several some many Indonesia's top tourist attractions. one of the top tourist attractions for international visitors. The building of Bu Woro's Inn is of a high art type and is quite appealing. Joon ultimately decided against staying a couple more days there before having to leave to catch a flight home from there. He's been allowed to see the tourism region thanks to a unique tour director. That is where he first met Zahra, the woman he fell in love with. a female student interning who is majoring in tourism. Will Zahra later develops feelings for Joon? especially because Joon is not an Indonesian?

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20 Chs

10. Just Her

It cannot be disputed that Zahra truly cares about Joon. However, Zahra will find it difficult if she is instructed to respond to Joon's proposal directly, particularly up until marriage.

The woman was silent for some time before Joon finally asked her.

"Now, Zahra, you're not required to respond. There is no need to be that tense," Joon replied while grinning.

Joon specifically requested that Zahra take her parents to the temple today. Joon had previously revealed the pictures he had taken while on vacation in Indonesia. The pile of stones that may construct such a lovely structure was one of the locations his mother was interested in. In addition, there are carvings in the area. It turns out that the carving is more than simply a superficial image; it also contains a past narrative. The tale is still being spread today, not just to visitors from abroad but also to internal tourists.

"You just mentioned that you wish to attend this college? what justification?" inquired Zahra.

Joon answered, "Because I'm already in love."

Zahra rephrased her initial question, "Fall in love with the same?" with a very faint smile.

Zahra questioned with a scowl on her face.

"Everyone. Environment, landscape, cultural landmarks, locals' friendliness, and so on. But if you're curious about the catalyst for my love for you, I'm not sure," Joon answered.

On the outskirts of the Sambisari Temple, the two of them were hiding under a tree. Joon's parents continued to travel and take pictures while they were there. Even though Zahra has only taken them to two locations, I have no idea how many photos they have taken.


Then, when Zahra's phone rang. She begged Joon for his permission to answer it for a short while.

"Yes ma'am," Zahra said as she greeted.

"Hello. Miss Zahra, my things are prepared. Could it be delivered tomorrow?" questioned Mrs. Ari, a business associate of Zahra's. A craftsman makes decorations out of various dried leaves that have been sold in America.

"This, ma'am, tomorrow? Of course, I won't be able to accomplish this for you for the next three days. How about Monday, at the very least, ma'am?" Zahra stated.

"Oh, what do you think? I've been working on this with the craftsman, Miss. Yes, it's okay if you have to withdraw on Monday," Mrs. Ari said, seeming a little letdown.

"I apologize once more, Mrs. Ari. Today I experienced a pretty unexpected activity, "explained Zahra.

"That's why, indeed, Zahra. But Monday is scheduled, right? I mailed 1500 sets," Mrs. Ari requested a second confirmation.

"Yes Mrs. Ari. Fix," said Zahra.

Once their discussion was finished, Zahra quickly stowed her phone in her bag before returning to Joon.

"Hey," said Zahra as she sat down next to Joon, who was now seated with her parents.

At Zahra's greeting, the three of them grinned at each other.

"Already? His commercial dealings?" queried Joon.

I have, Zahra answered with a smile and a gentle nod.

"Auntie, Uncle. Have you spent enough time here?" questioned Zahra, which Joon later translated.

"I have. Excellent, we were both so impressed," with a smile, Mrs. Ayeong said.

Zahra asked after giving the watch in her hand some thought "Lunch is scheduled at noon. What would you like to eat this afternoon, Joon?"

Gudeg was Joon's response.

Zahra questioned, "Gudeg that used to be what you mean?"

They talked for a while before heading straight to the restaurant. Gudeg restaurant, which Joon once went to when he first arrived in Jogja.

"How is Pa? Do you not like it?" asked his parents was Joon.

They gave a nod. Joon's query was unclear to Zahra, and both of her parents simply grinned.

"My mama and dad said, Zahra. They initially consumed this dish," according to Joon.

"Yes, Joon. Where there might be a gudeg like this is in Korea," Zahra added.

Following dinner, Zahra took the three of them back to Mrs. Woro's inn in her car.

Before Zahra went back to her house, Joon said, "I'm still going around with us around again, right Zahra?"

"Sure, Joon. Anyway, I'm sending you around Jogja full-time for the next two days. However, if it's the day after tomorrow, I must resume work," Zahra answered.

Although Joon was dejected, there was still plenty of time.

"Okay. You take caution with Zahra's return. I believe the music box is still in storage." queried Joon.

"Why? Would you like more?" Zahra replied.

"It isn't. Just curious, "Joon smiled in response.

Shaking her head, Zahra exited Mrs. Woro's inn's parking lot and got into the automobile.

"Therefore, keep in mind that period of time. Zahra, who is riding a motorcycle, is enraged with the person who nearly collided with it "said Joon.

Then he hosted his parents jointly.

"How is Mom? Zahra did that. Is it not a decent person? When they arrived at the room they had hired, Joon said to his mother, "It's nice too.

"It appears promising. Dad just concurs if you've fallen in love with Zahra. Are you prepared to coexist alongside Indonesians, though? Additionally, remaining here could take a while," Mrs. Ayeong retorted.

"There will be many things that are opposed to one another. Zahra didn't even mention her faith. Is she a Muslim, then?" his dad tacked on.

His mother agreed with her husband's comments by nodding.

"Joon has made up his mind. I see, Ma'am. I've known Zahra for two years, and I will never be able to forget her face. Additionally, Joon has never felt anything like this toward other ladies "explained Joon, who at the time was 28 years old.

"Okay, if you're persuaded, papa and mother will just concur. Yes, Ma, isn't it? " Mr. Jung said to his wife.

After his parents reportedly agreed with what his heart desired, Joon appeared joyful. He was anxious after his parents left for Korea. Joon will keep fighting for the love of the Indonesian women who have his heart, her name is Zahra.