
Love of a Ghost

Love of someone who can't move on from its past.

SecretAppreciator · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unstoppable

Sarah'S POV

I went into a taxi afterwards. Along the way I thought a lot, how to face Tri's parents, and what I should do to stop his parents from giving him up, so that they will let Tri continue to live.

My phone starts ringing. I check on who it is and see that it was Xin.

Xin is calling me again and I don't know the reason why he needs to do it right now. To get out and finish the conversation I immediately answered his call.

"What?" I asked him and obviously in my tone I was really annoyed by him.

"Why is that your introduction to me was like you were very angry at me? Can't you talk to me properly?" he asked me.

"Why should I?" I asked. Yeah, he may be a close friend of mine but in terms that I have an urgent need, I can't really talk in a calm way. I am the girl who always easily gets annoyed when I have an important matter.

"Tsssttt! Forget it. I just want you to know that you have a new blind next week. I just found some----" I ended his call. I know, I know that the blind date he just set up is for me in order for me to move on from Tri and just let Tri go.

I don't want to lose Tri, I really love him so much.

I hear my phone ring again as I see who's calling. However, I switched it off. How could I think properly if it was like this?

'I'm so sorry, Xin. I just need to do this. It's now or never.'

As I arrived at the hospital, I immediately paid the Taxi driver without asking him how much it cost. As I paid I quickly got out of its car and walked like I have a stalker.

"Miss! Miss!" The driver called me many times but I didn't hear him immediately, probably because I was thinking about a lot of problems because it came so fast. It wasn't easy at all.

I turn my back and walk towards the taxi driver. As I got nearer to him, I asked

"What's wrong, Mister?''.

"Why are you calling me? Is there any problem?" I added.

"You pay a higher amount ma'am, you should just only pay me fifty peso for the fare cost." the driver said towards me. I smiled. In this world full of fools and shitty people, I just encountered a good individual. The driver has a good character and I really like it.

"Oh, is that so manong?"

Note: Manong/Kuya is a term used by Filipinos to identify and call their older brother.

"Yes ma'am" he answered. I smiled at him when he was giving me the amount that I gave to him.

"Manong, it's okay, you don't need to give my money back. Keep the change. I know you're from the Philippines too." I said and gave him my best smile.

"Talaga po ma'am. Paano po?" he asked to me.

"Hmmm--- I know it just by your aura manong." I said to him. I see those smiles from him, a great smile coming from my kababayan is great.

Note: Kababayan is a term used by Filipinos to identify their fellow countrymen in other countries.

"Manong, can I go now? I have an urgent matter right now." I asked him.

"Yes ma'am. Salamat po ma'am. Take care ma'am" he said as I again saw his smile.

"Salamat po, Manong." I answered to him.

Note: Salamat is a term used by Filipinos for saying the word 'Thank you.'

As the driver and I settled the things, I immediately left the Taxi driver and ran quickly to Tri's room where he definitely stays. I was so worried when I arrived in his room, worried that they were to agree on this day. Luckily I just arrived at the right time.

"Mama, Papa…" I started. They were surprised as they saw me in the door where I stood up and breathing deeply.

Note: Mama (Ma) is a term used by the Filipinos to call their mother. Papa (Pa) is also a term used by the Filipinos to call their father.

"What is it, Sarah?" his Father asked me.

"Can I come in first?"

"Yes, come and sit beside us. We will talk about some things."

I followed what they requested me to do. I sit beside them as I also see the face of Tri.

Tri was really like a dead body right now. I held his hand as I saw him and kissed it as my tears also started falling down.

"My baby…" I whispered.

"Sarah, let him rest. I know it's hard for you to let him go but it's the best way to do it now." I heard from his father as it started to talk. I wipe my tears on my cheek and see them.

How could they give up on him when he was doing great when he was still alive and hanging around us. How could they give up their own son?!

"No, Pa. Please, let him stay here." I said. Tears from my eyes can't stop falling down.

"Ma, please do something. I will spend a lot of money for him if you were just thinking of the money that you'll lose. Ma, please don't give up on Tri." I said to them.

"I'm sorry, Sarah." they said.

I know that it was their son. I don't have the right to give my opinion but please stop this shit. I don't want him to be gone forever.

"Everyone please stop, please stop this shitness! Tri is not dead yet. He can still be alive! He promised me he will never leave me, just don't pull out the tube. Please let him in. Tri will wake up soon!'' I said in a calm voice while crying in guilt and regret.

It's my fault. It was me who made you there. I wish I was the one who lay on that bed. I deserved to be there and not you, Tri.

The door opened. We were surprised by the presence of Tri's older sister.

"You were not here for a long time. Why did you come?" she started while staring at me badly.

I am not here for a long time because I don't want to see Tri laying on this white bed and sleeping like it was forever.

"I'm sorry, Ate." I said. She just smiled at me and went nearer to me. I was surprised that as she saw me she hugged me very hard.

"You arrived at the right time." she whispered to me. I hugged her back like we missed each other that much.

Note: Manang/Ate is a Filipino term for older sister.

We talked sincerely at that moment and they agreed. I will pay all the expenses as the exchange they will be going to let Tri alive. They actually also didn't want to lose their son, but because we're afraid of their son lying there in pain and having a lot of expenses, they did these things from the doctor's opinion. And this is the right time where I definitely appeared in his life again. They hope that I can help their son wake up afterwards.

"Can I request everyone?" I asked.

"Yes, go on dear." Tri's older sister responded.

"I want to be alone with Tri right now, can everyone go out and help me a bit?"

"Oh sure, dear." she said. They all go out as I requested.

I knelt down in front of Tri.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." I said to him. I know he will not hear it right now but I also believe that he can.

"If you only…" I started as my tears burst like a fall.

"Why? Why? If you only listen to me and trust me like when we first met, you know I never thought I would hurt or betray you, make you like this. If only I could turn back time I wouldn't let this happen, are you mad at me that you want to disappear from your life forever now?''I sobbed and said these words in front of Tri.

I went nearer to him and hugged him at that moment in despair. How could you wake up now? Can we go back to the way we were before? I know you also love me so much that is why you reacted like that too.

"Tri!" I heard the door open. A girl suddenly appeared in the room. I was also confused who she was and what she was doing, how did he know Tri?

A lot of questions in my head that need to have an answer and I do believe that only Tri is going to answer those things.


Tri's sister said the girl's name who just entered the room.

'What is happening? Did I miss something?' I ask to myself.

She stares at me and slaps me. I was surprised by what she did.

"Why?! Why are you here? You left him and now you are here again?"she angrily said to me.

"Sino ba to (Who is this)?" I murmured to her that since they are Vietnamese people they don't know what I am going to say.

"Anong problema niya? (What was his problem?)" I murmured again.

``What did you just say?" she asked me.

"Nothing." I answer as I hold my face that she slaps. I want to slap her too for doing this to me but I really don't want to fight with someone who's not on my level.

"Huyen, come out!" Tri's sister said loudly.

"Why should I? I took good care of Tri these past few months and paid for the expenses on the hospital. Why should I? I am not the irresponsible girlfriend that Tri has." she said.

"Excuse me?" I said as it makes those words trigger me.


Huyen's eyes rolled as she kept on seeing me. What is her problem? Did I do something that made her like that?

"Huyen stop!" Tri sister said.

"Just who are you? You 're like taking my place. What is your relation to Tri?" I asked.

"Oh my god. You 're in a relationship with Tri and you didn't know who I was? What a pity. I may say how poor you are. Just because you're from the Philippines, Tri can easily fool you. HAHAHAHA" she says in her bitchy tone.

'What a pity for this one. Make me angry and I will make your makeup get darker.' I said harshly in my mind.

"Just who are you?" I seriously ask her.

"I am Huyen, I am Tri's ex-girlfriend." She said in her flirtatious tone.

"And I---"

"Shhh…. Darling, I know you 're Sarah. You don't need to mention it. It was so irritating." she said as my anger also said that I need to give her a lesson.

Within a second I made her down, having a bleed on her nose.

"If you were the EX, I am his LOVER now. Didn't he tell you?" I said in my scary tone.

"Sarah, stop." Tri's sister said as she helped Huyen to stand up.

I think Tri's sister knows how and what I can do if we talk a lot. I am not really a nice girl.

"You bitch!" she shouted.

I smiled like a crazy person towards her and said that…

"Do you want more? It will be fine on me, sweetheart." I said scarcely.

"You're crazy!" she shouted.

"You are not gonna be away with this!" she added. I just smile and then she leaves the room.

Tri's older sister asked me if I'm okay. I answered her honestly.

"Tri didn't tell that he had her…"

He used to keep her and hide it from you, that is how Vietnamese are."

Yeah, I come to my senses. They are Vietnamese while I am a Filipino. We are very different from each other.