
Love of a Ghost

Love of someone who can't move on from its past.

SecretAppreciator · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: I see you...

Tri's POV

Sometimes, things don't differ on what it looks like. It differs on how we make it more valuable as a part of it too. It is truly comparable in love, as two people love each other. They don't look at how each other looks on physical appearance but they look how they will be going to be part of each other as they needed each other on the journey they wanted to be together.

From the first time I met her, I was sympathetic and approachable, but in those eyes there was a lot of sadness like she was hurt a lot. I have this choice that I will ignore her at some point but I didn't. I don't know what happened to me and I still continue to do things that make me stupid on the eyes of other individuals.

"May I know your name?" I asked her. She looked surprised as she had a lot of questions in her head. She might say, 'Who am I talking to her like that?' or 'Are we that close enough to ask her name?' and so on.

"My name is Sarah, just call me by this name." She answered me as I saw in her face that she hesitated to tell me her name. Do I look like a bad person?

''Can we be friends?''. I kept asking her such silly questions.

''Of course yes, if you want we'll be friends from now on. Who am I to refuse it, right?" she replied to me. A very quick reply, and I was also surprised because she was so beautiful it was great to be friends with Sarah. I really did enjoy talking to her and getting to know her well.

However, I feel something strange about her. I don't know but I feel like there is something inside of me that makes me feel nervous.

I saw a light as we walked into the road. I don't know what's happening to me. I feel like she needed to push in order for her to be safe but I don't know how.

When we walked for a while I disappeared as I pushed her terribly because I knew that there was a fast truck coming in our direction, and I suddenly remembered as I pushed her that I was a ghost and I used to live here.

I really don't know how long I started to live on the road but being with Sarah is something magical. I was really surprised that I could communicate with her.

Sarah was also panicking at that time. I saw her with blood on her head. Gosh! This was an epic fail. I shouldn't do that.

''Oh, where is he, I'm not alone, I seem to have just met a ghost or it's an illusion.'' Sarah had such thoughts in her mind. She closes her eyes as she stands up. The truck ran away so fast that it didn't stop to help her.

I want to help her but this is a big question in my mind, HOW?

Time passed and she went home as her friend picked her up on the road….

Sarah keeps thinking about what happened. She was always wondering who I was and kept on thinking and thinking again, but then when she was tired, she fell asleep without knowing.

"Sarah? Are you really okay?" his friend asked her. I felt envious. I don't know why I even got in his friend's car. All I wanted was to know if the woman who first saw me as a ghost on the roadside was safe.

It was really irritating holding Sarah's face. That's why I threw a stone on his friend.

"What the fuck!" he murmured as his stone went on his head.

Sarah laughed terribly as she saw his friend get irritable on the stone I threw.

"You're so silly. It was just a stone. And don't worry about me Xin, I am really fine." she said to him as she also wiped the blood that was on her head.

That man smiled at her and continued to drive. I continue to go with Sarah wherever she goes. I know it's not good but I just really want to be with her even though she can't see me.

The next morning, she woke up and had breakfast with her family, then she decided to go on that road from last night since she wanted to meet that guy again and it was me.

When she was finally on the location, fate let us meet again. I don't know how it happened. All I know right now is that she can see me again.

''I finally met you again, why did you disappear last night without saying anything, promise me you won't disappear like that again, it was so scary, I feel like I am with a ghost." That's what she said when she met me.

I was very happy that she did not forget me even though we only met once.

''What's your name, may I know?." Sarah suddenly asked my name.

''My name is Tri." I replied to Sarah. She smiled when I said my name. It was like my name makes her happy but for some reason I don't know why.

"Ow, a name that somehow sounds familiar to me, like we know each other." Sarah told me. It makes me smile. I really don't know why I also feel the same right now. It was so weird to be honest but I keep on smiling as she also smiles toward me.

''Tri has the same thoughts as Sarah, we have the same feelings!''. I responded to Sarah so happily.

Since then we agreed to have kept in touch and talked often, we have met more often in that certain part of the road. I think there is a miracle here, that is why she can also see and talk to me.

A week later, Sarah posted a lot of pictures on her social media with me. However, things really made it so hard for me and Sarah as people on the internet world saw me as an invisible one and thought that Sarah was crazy and delusional.

"Sarah, are you really okay?" her friend asked her. Why is she not going to be okay? She was so happy posting our pictures on social media not until this rumor that she was crazy was started.

I saw Sarah look in his direction and smile. I saw a sweet smile on her lips that made her even more beautiful.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry about me."

"How could I not? I don't know what is happening to you. Sarah, I know you miss him but please could you back into your senses he will not going to go back. He chose to lie down there!"

I am actually wondering what is happening. What is he talking about? I came into my senses and saw that Sarah was about to cry when that guy hugged her.

"Sarah, I am always here for you. Please, come back to your senses. He didn't choose to stay. He didn't want to be with you."

I was about to leave them but I heard a slap. A slap of Sarah into that guy. I am really wondering what is happening as of now.

"How dare you tell that to my man?!" she angrily said as I heard her telling it in a loud way. Who is that man she's telling? Why didn't I hear it from her before? Is there something I should know?

I saw the man giving her a mad expression on his face.

"Why can't you just accept, Tri would not wake up because of you! You should be the one who will be blamed for what happened to him, right?! If it wasn't because of the Dating Applications that you manage and be expert on being a prostitute on that application that makes him feel jealous that night he wouldn't have an accident!" he stated.

Tri? Who is Tri that they were talking about? We have the same name. Who is he in Sarah's life?

"Enough and mine your own business." she coldly said to that guy and walked away.

As I followed her on her way to somewhere I saw her crying.

"Ahmmm…" I just make a weird sound. I am just hoping that she will notice it.

She looked into my direction and smiled.

"I am okay." she says. A liar from heaven. How could she even lie at this point?

Sarah's POV

"Why can't you just accept, Tri would not wake up because of you! You should be the one who will be blamed for what happened to him, right?! If it wasn't because of the Dating Applications that you manage and be expert on being a prostitute on that application that makes him feel jealous that night he wouldn't have an accident!" he stated.

I literally know how these things happened to me. I know it's my fault, it's my fault that I make him so jealous.


"Tri, can you please let me go. You're hurting me!" I said to him while he was driving along our way back home. I know he was terribly angry at what I did but do I really deserve to be treated like this?

"Tri, stop the car!" I shouted but he just ignored me. That is why I snapped at him so we wailed on the road because of my work.

I didn't notice a car coming from our direction. I was so shocked when I saw a light coming from us. I was so scared of it. I don't know what I am going to do. I don't know what we're going to do.

I closed my eyes as Tri hugged me out of nowhere. When I woke up last year they said Tri's brain was already dead. However, I didn't believe them. I know he is still here. I know he will never leave me as he said that he wouldn't. He promised me that's why he will not disappoint me by that.

And yes, I go back to where we had the accident every time I wanted to or I am not busy on something else. Every time I go there I pray that I can see Tri's spirit and that time when we met. I know that it was definitely him.

"Sarah, you were such a liar." he said, the reason why I came back into reality. I see him, I can see him now just like he was really in here. I know from his tone that he feels I am not alright as what Xin's said to me.

"Why?" I ask him with such a low tone. I hope he said that during his time here on land not just by being the spirit he has now.

"I can feel it. I can feel that you were lying. What a silly!" he said.

My tears started to appear as he said those words. I really love him, how could I not? If he only trusted me before we would not have come up to this.

"Wait… Did I just make you cry?" he asked towards me and went nearer upon me. I wiped those tears in my face as he hugged me.

This is the Tri who is supposed to be with me right now.

"Honey, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I didn't mean it." he said as he hugged me so tightly. I know if someone sees me here they will definitely call me crazy.

"You little silly." he added as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I just said to him while I was hugging him. This is such a sweet moment for the both of us if he only survived the moment we got in an accident.

"I love you too, honey." he whispered.

"Hey, aren't you going to the hospital?" he ask. I was shocked when I saw him, Tri also disappeared the moment he appeared. I didn't notice that he was there.

"Have you been there for a long time?" I asked him.

"No. I just arrived. I want you to know that Tri's parents allowed him to give up. Could you please go to the hospital and try to convince them not to?" he ask.

Yi and Tri were really good friends to each other. He also believes that Tri will wake up soon. He never gives up on him as I do too.

"I will." I said and smiled at him.