
Love me Season 1 and 2

Being loved is the most beautiful thing in the world. People always pray to have someone who will love them to death. But sometimes being loved could be the reason you will front insufferable pain in life. What will happen when two most dangerous people fall for one simple average girl? Who will love her the most?

Mkdinah_2027 · Urban
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46 Chs


*David's pov

I woke up when the sunlight hit my face. I scratch my eyes harshly before opening my eyes. When I turn around I saw a beautiful girl beside me. She is nonother than my princess. I went closer and removed a strand of hair from her face. Her face is covered by dry tears. Despite that, she looked like a princess. I turn my gaze to her wrist, she is still cuffed on the bed. I slowly uncuffed her. She immediately woke up. She was still scared.

"P..P.Please d...d..don't t...t.t...touch me" she shattered. I was feeling a little hurt to see her like this but I also was feeling good to see her being scared of me. That's what I wanted because I knew over some time she will recognize her feelings for me. But until then I don't want anyone to confuse her. I stared at her amazing face and kissed her. I got furious when she didn't respond so I grabbed a fistful of her hair which made her hiss in pain.

"KISS ME," I said glaring at her. She was about to cry. Not minding anything about that I kissed her again. This time she kissed back. I deepen the kiss feeling her lips on mine. That magical feeling I wanted to experience this whole time.

But she didn't seem pleased about it as tears were falling from her eyes. I thought she was crying for that bastard. I got furious and as a result, I bit her lip. She whined in pain. I bit her until her lower lip started to bleed. I pulled from the kiss and sucked her blood. She tastes amazing.

I looked at her she was still crying. I looked into her eyes and I said "If you cry one more time because of him, I will punish you" I looked at her smiling. I noticed that she was still naked and trying to cover her gorgeous body from me when I have already seen and tested every single inch of it.

"I will bring some clothes for you. Wait here." Though I didn't mind seeing her naked all day, I still think she wants to wear some clothes. I was about to leave, but I stopped remembering how she snaked out the other day. I went to her and cuffed her on the bed. "Just in case" I whispered near her ear. She didn't respond. I pecked her lips and went out.

*Liah's pov

He went out. I immediately broke down. I sobbed loudly. I hated myself, my body, my soul, and him. I missed Mark. 'Mark where are you, please save me from this hell' I sobbed harder. I thought about mom and dad and how they didn't even remember I exist. Now that I think about it, they haven't contacted me for the past two weeks. How they didn't even check up on me. 'Am I that easy to forget?' I thought and sobbed again.

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I immediately wiped my tears knowing he will be mad about it. I then heard the door open. It was him holding my phone and my clothes. He put the clothes on the bed and showed me the caller ID my face lit up immediately. But I collected myself and tried to memorize the number. I am talented in these kinds of things thanks to the good memory I have. He squeezed it hard until it stopped.

"It was ringing since last night," he said gritting his teeth in anger. It starts ringing again.

"If you make any sound I will punish you. And this time it will be really hard!!" he threatened. Then he picked it up putting it on speaker.


"Angel, are you ok why don't you pick up any of my calls? Is there any problem huh? Did I do anything wrong?" He sounded worried. I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't.

"Woh woh woh easy there Mark. Good morning to you too." David replied.

"Hey David, where is Liah? Why is her phone with you?" He asked.

"Didn't she tell you last night we went to visit mom and dad?" He answered caressing my cheek. I felt more disgusted with my body every time he lays a finger on me.

"No, she didn't. Is she with you?" He sounded mad. God, he must really hate me now. I can't blame him though. He has every right to be mad at me, to hate me, and even to be disgusted with me.

"She went to shower. Oh, here she is let me give it to her bye Mark." He said handing me the phone.

He put it on mute and whispered "YOU KNOW THE RULES PRINCESS. DON'T FUCK UP!!" then he pecked my lips.

"Hey, Mark," I said holding back my tears.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me you were going? Why didn't you pick up my calls? Did I do anything wrong? " He sounded like he was about to cry.

"I am fine Mark, my phone was silent. I forgot to tell you last night. Sorry." I said smiling. Meanwhile, David was busy kissing my neck. I think it is his creepy, disgusting, and monstrous new hobby now which makes me wanna throw up. When he saw I was smiling, he started biting my neck. I put my hand on my mouth trying not to scream due to the pain I was feeling.

"It's okay angel. You sound tired go back to sleep. I love you." In his last sentence, my heart flattered, and David's blood boiled. I want to do one thing that will get me into trouble, but I am going to do it anyways. Because I don't know if I will speak to him ever again.

"I love you too." David let go of my neck to glare at me. I hung up expecting the worst.

"What was that princess?" He gives me a death glare making me shiver.

"S..S..So...Sorry" I shattered. He then kissed me hungrily. I didn't kiss back. He glared at me and start kissing me again. This time I kissed back. Tears were falling from my eyes.

He pulled out and said "Go take a shower" I nodded and tried to get up. But I fell on the floor because my legs were sore. He picked me up and carry me to the bathroom. He washed my body. I was in pain every time the water is touching my wound. I was groaning in pain. But it didn't even bother David he kept washing me. After a while, I was done and he covered me with a bathrobe. He placed me on the bed and he made me wear my clothes. I didn't say anything because I was scared and my mind was busy memorizing Mark's number. After he was done he began speaking.

"We are leaving tonight"

''Why? What about my classes?" I asked him.

"Well you will drop out" he replied coldly.

"No, I can't just drop out. I have to complete my education, I need to graduate" I slightly shouted.

"Why... huh?! Why do you want to graduate all of the sudden?! You were complaining about how school was boring and how you want to be a housewife!" Did he seriously bring up the thing I joked about?

"That was just a joke, David!! I was tired and ... "

"That's my final decision Liah. YOU.WILL.DROP.OUT!!" he emphasized.

"But it is my life" my voice cracked.

"Well, not anymore. Anyways we will be living in my mansion. I hate living in this small house. It just makes me want to vomit you know." He said disgustedly. I was about to speak but he gave me a death glare and I immediately stopped.

"Good girl," he said cupping my cheeks.

'Mark... please save your angel from this MONSTER' I begged in my mind.

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