
Love me Season 1 and 2

Being loved is the most beautiful thing in the world. People always pray to have someone who will love them to death. But sometimes being loved could be the reason you will front insufferable pain in life. What will happen when two most dangerous people fall for one simple average girl? Who will love her the most?

Mkdinah_2027 · Urban
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46 Chs


*Mark's pov

After I hang up the phone I felt this weird feeling. 'Is she okay? Why did she leave? Did I do something wrong?' these thoughts are driving me crazy. Then I remembered how she said those magical words. A smile formed on my lips. 'My angel loves me' I thought.

After that, I decided to stay home staring at her photos. That became my new hobby now. My new addiction, Liah.

"I love you, angel. I will always love you. You're mine, angel. Mine" I said to her photos.

*Liah's pov

It's already getting darker. I was laying on David's bed since he locked me in his room. I was still crying. I miss Mark. David already texted him that there will be no signal in the village and that I will call him whenever I get the chance. I don't think I would ever see him again, and that is breaking my heart.

After a while, I heard the door being unlocked. I immediately wiped my tears and sit properly. I don't want him to touch me for any stupid reason.

"Get up princess, we are going to our new home now." He spoke. I just nodded.

"WORDS PRINCESS WORDS..." he said darkly. I hate it when he says that. It makes me scared.

"O...Okay" I shattered.

"Can I go to my room one last time?... Please" I asked softly. I wanted to say goodbye to my freedom.

"Sure... But don't do anything, stupid princess. You know I hate it" he threatened.

"I won't" I walked to my room.

I started crying when I see my room. Memories start to come to my mind. I sobbed quietly. 'Why mom? Why did you leave me with this monster? Dad, why did you bring him into my life? Do you hate me that much? What did I ever do to you?' These thoughts were driving me nuts.

Then I saw a little box. My face lit up as I remembered what it is. It was a mini phone. Probably 3 inches. I bought it 2 months ago when Sarah and I went to the mall. I found it cute so I decided to pay for it. It also had a sim card which made me smile quickly. I turned it on. It has a 100% battery percentage. I placed it inside my boots before locking my room.

"Ready princess," David spoke. I nodded. He glared at me. He is so scary.

"Yes," I responded.

When we went out of the house, black cars were waiting for us. I stared at the cars blankly. Then that monster signaled me to go inside the car, which I followed quietly. The whole ride was silent as I was trying to memorize Mark's number. That monster is busy caressing my thigh and sucking my neck. I am very disgusted with my body. I wish I was never born.

After a long ride, we arrived at his mansion. It was huge and very bright for a devil like him. It had beautiful lights that gave it a heaven-like view. But in reality, it was hell because of its owner.

He opened the door for me. He called me many times but I wasn't listening. I have lost in my thoughts.

"LIAH!!" he screamed. I flinched in panic.

"Get off. We're here" for some reason he looked pissed. Who cares? He is always pissed.

I got off from the car. 'Now I am really in hell' I thought. I wished myself good luck and went inside.

*David's pov

She was lost in her thoughts. I was sure she was thinking about him. How dare she? She might be thinking about how he touched her, kissed her, or maybe claimed her. The thought made me fierce. I saw her getting inside emotionless. Now I'm really mad. I pulled her wrist and take her to the nearest bedroom. I pinned her against the wall.

"Listen to me very carefully Liah, I will not repeat myself. If I ever catch you thinking about that bastard, I will punish you real hard. If that doesn't stop you I will kill that 'king charming' of yours. Understand!!" I said looking deep into her beautiful eyes. She nodded. I pressed my lips on hers harshly before glaring at her.


"Y...*sob*...Yes," she sobbed.

"Good girl. Now get dressed and come downstairs in 10 minutes. Wear that dress" I pointed at a red silky dress on the bed.

"Don't be late if you don't want that dress ripped off from your body," I whispered near her ear. She nodded. I looked at her.

"O..ok.." she shattered. Then I kissed her, she kissed me back. I was about to go out. I remembered something. I turn to her.

"You know the rules princess. Don't try to be smart," I had to remind her.

"Yes," she replied.

"Good girl" I went out.

*sensitive content ahead if you feel uncomfortable you can skip this part*

It's been 15 minutes since she started getting ready. I was getting impatient. She then came to the dining room running. She was huffing laboriously. I looked at her. She looked gorgeous. Her exposed shoulder and neck were sexy. Even the wounds couldn't make her less sexy. My art looked amazing on her. It's just that her body is made for me to mark her.

She was breathing heavily which made her chest go up and down. I looked at her exposed long legs. They looked perfect. The dress hugged all of her curves like it was made just for her. I was lost in her. I suddenly felt like hugging her. I stood up from my chair and went slowly to her.

"S...Sorry...I...I..I..w...was...t..t..tak...taking...s...s..shower..i...it...w..won't happen again" she shattered as she was walking back. I said nothing but walked towards her. She stopped when her back hit the wall. I went closer and hugged her. She was shocked. I slowly kissed her exposed neck.

"Shhh.... princess" I slowly looked into her eyes. They were teary. I felt a little sad.

"L..Let....m..me...g..go" she begged. I got furious. I harshly kissed her lips. She was trying to push me with her little hands. I grabbed them and pinned them above her head. She tilted her head trying to escape from my kiss. That boiled my blood. I slapped her hard. She fell to the ground. I stood her up and slapped her again. She cried badly. I grabbed her hair harshly, there was blood on the corner of her lips. That was nothing for me though, because I wanted to see more.

"YOU BROUGHT THIS TO YOURSELF LIAH!! NOW YOU WILL SEE WHAT HELL IS!!" with that, I start pulling her to a room.

"LEAVE ME YOU MONSTER!! I HATE YOU" she kept screaming. It made me more furious. I opened the door and pushed her inside. She hardly fell on the floor. She tried to get up, but she fell again. I locked the door. She turned around, and she looked terrified. She was in the red room. I smirked at her darkly.

"WELCOME TO HELL PRINCESS. IT'S GOING TO BE A LONG NIGHT!!" I chuckled darkly like a maniac. She was shaking as she was really scared. It made me feel good.

She got up from the floor and tried to run. I hold her wrist and put her on my shoulder. Then I threw her on the bed. She fell hard, but despite that, she didn't give up. She tried to get up. I slapped her again. She lay on the bed sobbing. Then I tied both of her hands on the bed. I tightened the belt. She screamed. I covered her mouth with duct tape.

"I TOLD YOU I'M GONNA RIP THIS DRESS OFF FROM YOU IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE!!" with that I ripped her dress harshly.

"Mmmmm... mmm mmmm...." she kept screaming. I ignored her and continued ripping her dress. She was left with a bra and underwear. The wounds from last night haven't healed yet. I didn't care she brought this to herself. I then ripped the remaining pieces of clothes on her body. Now she is completely naked. I got off her and went to the whips. She was struggling with the belt while taking a glance at me.

Her eyes widened in shock when she saw me with a thick and large whip. She kept screaming into the duct tape while her tears kept falling non-stop. Her hand never stopped fighting with the belt. She looked gorgeous like that. I slowly walked towards her. Her eyes were begging for mercy.

I traced her body with my cold bare hands. She shivered because of the coldness. She was sobbing. Then I remembered how she smiled at him. I whipped her hard. She screamed loud in pain.

I kept on for more than two hours. I stopped as I was tired. My body was covered in sweat. Her body was bleeding. She was silent as she fainted a few moments ago. I untied her hands, they became dark purple. I carried her to her room. I put clothes on her and I placed her gently on the bed. I kissed her lips.


After taking a quick shower I went to my office and started working on some papers I left while I was busy with, Liah. When I was done I called one of my men.


"Hello, boss," he said respectfully.

"I want you to do something for me. I want you to seal Liah's house and put it on for sale," I commanded.

"Sure, boss,"

"I also want you to clear all the evidence that will lead anyone to me. I don't want anyone to find out who I am," I explained.

"No problem. Should I also clear anything that is about Miss. Anderson's location and identity?" he asked

"Of course. Change everything about Liah Anderson. She will be Liah Adams now," I smiled.

"Sure. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

"Nothing," I hung up.

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