
Love & Lust Levels

Selena is a girl who in attempts of escaping her troubles begins gaming however the game she first picked up, just so happens to be one that transports her to a whole new world forever, but on the bright side she get's to decide how her new life will be to a degree.

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Worst Work

I made my way to the breeding fields, and prepared myself as I opened the door nobody was in there. I saw a orange paper and grabbed it.

' To all the newbies,

We have all quit so you're on your own, we don't want to have anything to do with these stupid hybrids any longer as multiple of us have been raped, hurt, or terrified while on the job, good fucking luck, I would quit while I'm ahead.'

I groaned and crumbled the paper and threw it to the side. I saw a white paper and looked over it. It was the task list. I read over it carefully to find 30 task. I signed and got to work. I had to first mount two hybrids which was so damn annoying. Next I had to help the female get in the milking station so I could milk her breast. I wasn't sitting here for that long. I got up and began my next task which was mount more animals and milking them. I did so with some reluctance from the cat hybrids.

Next I had to collect eggs which were heavy as hell. I toted them to the designated spot. I then had to help birth like 50 babies. I put them in their respective habitats. I had to keep stopping because the hybrids didn't want to and I didn't either so I had to explain to them why I had to do it and why they had to do it. In the end I was given two more assignments from them. I had to make a list of animals that could and couldn't cross, and somehow manage to aid in giving them all baths and health checks.

I made it to the wetland section by 12 pm when I started at 10am so not to bad. I got through them quickly as they were horny and happy to mate with each other. I had to collect saliva, cum, teeth, venom, antidotes, and everything in between for selling. They were also very friendly and talkative. I finished up by 2pm with me missing lunch. They all were settled and happy so I left with a huge harvest. I dropped it off and the men laughed at me saying I must have had help but I just kept moving. I got to the lab and sat down which felt so damn good.

" You're early, good, anyway this is your job now, take it seriously we're really short staffed the amount you seen yesterday has halfed already. I am your boss, if I tell you to do something you do it even if it is sex related." I shook my head no.

" That won't work, I like having a brain and free will thank you, and so I'll do what is okay to my morals and values, now stop being like this and give me my assignment." He placed a stack down on my desk, with keys and a small pin.

" Well angel, you got some snap to you, now get to work." I waited till he left to begin. The material was easy but a long list of it. So I was fine. I got up and got one of the plants it was peculiar I put on safety gear and slowly pried it open. Inside lay a womb like substance I put a tube down in it and something latched onto the tube. I pulled it up slowly and found it squirming for the liquid again. I drew it quickly down to detail and labeled it sense I apparently discovered it.

' Facehugger' and I named the plant the creatures womb. I put the creature back inside of the womb and grabbed the document papers. I worked until the bell rang signifying that the day of work was over.

I sighed and stood up. I hate it here. I hate these jobs.

" I quit, I don't want to deal with these weird creatures." Many people followed throwing down their offical church clothes. There was me, the boss, and another two people who now had to pick up the slack. I shook my head and began gathering my things.

" We end at 7 not five." I sat back down and continued my work. I had tentacles sat on my desk.

" Figure them out have you finished with the plant." I handed the folder over, then I handed the boss another folder on the creature inside, along with more on the things that I have gotten through. The boss took them with a great bit of joy. I continued on my work focusing on the tentacles. I found triggers such as the smell of sex.

The day went by with me researching more, seven finally came around and I was drop dead tired. I hurry to my room to see everything moved out including my bed. I punched the wall. I walked to the kitchen and ate the small amount of food that I was given. I looked at the time and made my way back to my room but I paused by the lab. I mean he was a comforting demon. I walked in and the mirror came to life with the glowing eyes which were quickly becoming common to me.

" You're back, did you forget something?" I closed and locked the door behind me.

" No, I was just holding up my end of the deal." I said taking off my underwear. He took them with delight.

" I was a little doubtful you'd uphold your end, but I'm glad you did, how was your day?" I felt the tears come up and I started crying.

" It sucked, I fucking hate it here, first of when I left here I ended up spending the rest of the fucking night picking tentacles out of dressers. Then I got up to eat nothing, then I had to got to the farm and work without help only to come here and work until 7 and then go to my room where there is literally nothing at only to eat a bit of cold shitty soup. And the poor hybrids here, forced to give birth after birth, be milked, and sold. Humans are so terribly cruel to them." I said crying.

" The thing about hybrids is that some of them will forever have the be forced to mate and serve like the cattle hybrids and car hybrids. However I can make you get revenge on these humans, aid you in a quest for conquest, or simply provide help for you to escape this place, all you have to do is sign a contract." I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

" I guess we can discuss one." He smiled softly as his hands which had callouses from hard work rubbed my face.

" Let me." I was confused as he kissed me softly. I pulled back remembering the clingy snake guy from earlier. I felt the information flood my head when a screen popped up.

' Do you wish to accept the contract with the demon lord, Incubi, Kai.'

I read over the information and altered quite a lot of it. Kai reviewed it then looked clicked yes. I double checked and clicked yes. His foot came out, it was wrapped for fighting in black silk looking material. He was taller then me at 6'10, he was attractive that was undeniable, and his fangs were on display, he was lean and my dream body having guy minus long hair.

" Have you gotten enough of looking at me or do you want to admire a bit longer."

" The latter." I said bluntly taking him all in, I guess something about the mirror warped his voice as well because it was little disturbing and distorted in the mirror however it was now as smooth as butter. His hands found my face.

" We have to finished the contract sweetheart."

" Hmm we just did, what are you talking about."

" Succubus and Incubus seal contracts with sex." I gulped a little scared after the horrors of my day, some of the demons were very aggressive on their partners and especially the incubus and succubi couplings.

I couldn't speak a word but as he kissed me gently her grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

" I'll be gentle, and I'll do all the work." I was still a little weary to give up so much freedom.

" My safe word is pineapple."

" That's cute, I'll remember that." He teased while kissing me again.