
Love & Lust Levels

Selena is a girl who in attempts of escaping her troubles begins gaming however the game she first picked up, just so happens to be one that transports her to a whole new world forever, but on the bright side she get's to decide how her new life will be to a degree.

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Talk With Evil

I crept down the hall my feet silent so much so I couldn't hear any of the padding that they normally make. I peaked inside to see the priest which Liam had praised so much Infront of a demon? The demon clearly saw me but paid me no mind as I peaked in on the worship ceremony. The priest had girls bent over, gagged, blindfolded and with multiple marks upon their bodies.

" We offer you their innocence in hopes of receiving the highest compensation a collection of other worldly knowledge and the ability to sully the angel players name " A screen popped up in front of me. I slowly red it.

' The demon being worshiped before you is the demon known as Mortala, he thrives upon fear, chaos, and worship, he's asking for access to talk with you, do you accept?' I looked at the options and clicked only this time. I felt pressure on my skull then it eased.

' Greetings little Succubus, what brings you along to my worship?'

' I was hungry, sue me, but what are you going to do with them, they've already fallen from their so called grace.' A hum flew threw my head.

' I haven't the slightest clue yet considering I'd need a sacrifice, one of purity to take a physical form, I'm seeking the demon lord they keep locked away in a mirror so you know where that is?'

' Yeah, but what's in it for me Mortala?' A laugh flew threw my head.

' You're adorable, you must be their so called angel player, I suppose that is a good question, what about their worship?'

' Not a prideful succubi, try again.'

' You're succubi lust is in your nature but you don't act upon it, peculiar I admit but it builds strength. I must ask what do you want?'

' I don't want to be raped for starters, and or sacrificed to you, and second of all, I don't think they deserve such a gift. I want this church, no this kingdom of humans to suffer.'

' Hmm I see, how about this I'll meet you in your dreams if you can win against me I'll become the first member of your cult and you can try again as many times as you please, however I'll get to enjoy my spoils of war.'

' I'll come back once I've thought about it, now I have to go, one of them is heading for the door.' I said and closed it. I jumped up and landed on the ceiling I crept further back towards my room and into the lab.

" So she returns, gorgeous body, really nice smile, and a highly tasty scent, you reek of other demon though, who have you been talking with?"

" Mortala." I admit his eyes lit up with hope and joy.

" He's here, my brother is here?"

" You two are brothers?" I asked softly.

" Yes, now how about we make a deal for my aid in growing into a proper succubus Queen you let me out of here."

" I'll have to decline your offer, I have a clue on how fickle demons can be."

" I see you're not stupid like the other player girls. I also see you desire to return to your world." I was curious now.

" I do desire to return home."

" A shame considering that it's collapsed into ours. The night that you got here was the night that everything went crazy. Portals covered your world and it was sucked into ours. There is no more home for you."

" What, no, no, no why, how, how long has then be true, you're lying, tell me you're lying!" I cried out, my mom and dad and even my slutty sister they were family. I felt a need for comfort and began towards the mirror.

" I can take away your pain with just a small drop of blood, nothing more nothing less." I lifted my hand to extend it and his slowly crept out of the mirror.

' Demons aren't yah friend unless you're on their level, they use and take' I remembered what my friends mom always said and yanked my hand back shaking my head.

" I don't think that we should talk right now, with my current state of distress." I stated holding my hands behind my back. He pulled more of himself out of the mirror and kissed my forehead softly I felt my nerves even out he brushed some hair out of my face his fingers getting stuck for minute but he was okay with that apparently.

" May I have your bra or panties?"

" What for?"

" I want something that smells good to rut in." I lifted my dress and slipped off my panties.

" No more tempting innocent people to the point of death."

" No promises." I was hesitant but he smirked. " I'll stop if you give me one pair a night." I nodded and his grin grew.

" Goodnight entity." I said softly.

" I'll be here waiting if you ever want to make a contract with me, over any and everything that troubles you." He called out and I nodded. I don't think I want to see how fickle he is.

My walk was peaceful and I was full from the sight earlier. I've met two demons tonight one who seeks my help and one who seeks dominion over me.I put on a pair of panties and felt something pass over my bud. I took them off immediately to find there was tentacles in the panties. I grabbed one of the wax jars and sealed them up in there. I began to check all of my underwear and found eggs in them. I ran to the kitchen quietly and grabbed a spoon and mittens and a mask along with clamps. I transfered all the eggs into a jar I checked the panties and drawer through. They have a tentacle problem. I slowly began to check the other drawers in my dresser and found it was infested so I took hours on picking the stuff out of my drawer and sealing it up. I poured holy wax over it all. I began to check all the drawers and found similar if not worst dressers. I was working until the sun came up but some how the sun was more draining and tiring then the moon.

The group of priest came in and I rushed over.

" There was a creature in our dressers so I cleaned them out." I stated worry lacing my voice.

" Tentacles, they must have gotten out again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, unfortunately we only have enough rooms for all the girls but one." I bit my lip.

" I'll stay I don't want them to suffer." I said and they nodded and collected the tentacles. One stayed behind he was in his 20s or early 30s.

" You should come down to worship today if you have time, I would love to have a confession with you."

" A confession, have I done something wrong?"

" No but a kind soul makes communication easier, I want to confess something to you."

" I will if I have time." I stated and he smiled.

" Thank you, here are the assignments for the day." I looked over it and saw most girls were to go into town and work as they do while I was stationed here in the library, breeding farm, and lab surprisingly enough.

" May I ask why I was placed in the lab and breeding farm?"

" Liam shared your talent with creatures, and that you understand what they're saying and can respond so we decided that working with hybrids for you might help them be better servants of the lord. The lab was actually due to a shortage in staff there they tend to drop like flies if it's concerning you I can have it removed by tomorrow."

" I'll try it for today." I said wearily and he smiled. Great I have work to do.