
Love like the wind

"I can't see it but i can feel it"

Fluverys · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Mr and Mrs Reynolds

"Paxon has nothing to give you, kaelynn come with me and i'll make you the most happy and fruitful woman that ever lived. Or would you prefer to die without a child?" Ingio persuaded Kaeylnn.

"She won't die without a child Ingio. Let my wife be!" Paxon yelled at his step brother Ingio.

He stared at Kaelynn

"Am always here when your ready" and he left.

Paxon faced his wife

"Do you think i can't give you a child? Do you think am sterile?"

His wife looked at her husband whom she had spent 10years of her life with yet no child

"I don't my husband. We'll have our own child when its time"

Paxon Reynolds had been married to Kaelynn Reynolds yet with no issue. They had been to several doctors and herbalists alike but none yielded any fruits. The results coming from them all was that there was nothing wrong with the both of them but tgey couldn't in any way deduce why they could bring forth a child. Inigo Paxon's step brother took the situation to heart by going after his brother's wife, on one occasion he even persuaded Paxon to hand over his wife to him. With the notion that he would get her pregnant,

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"No Paxon....see it is obvious that you are infertile..."

a loud slap landed on his cheeks

"Get out of my house ingio and never return!"

"I will....but I'll come for kaelynn" ingio replied and left.

Kaelynn rushed into the house when she heard something fall to the ground.

"Paxon!" She yelled her husbands name

She rushed to pick up the broken pieces of the vase her husband had just broken but he held her back

"They'll hurt you"


He cut her off before she could finish her sentence

"Ingio came here again"

Her face fell

"Don't worry Kaelynn very soon we'll have our own child"

"But its taking to long my husband" she sobbed.

Paxon hugged his wife

"Your temperature is high. You might fall ill if you continue this way"


Kaelynn began to throw up

"Kaelynn!!" her husband yelled her name but she had passed out. Out of fear he hurriedly to her to a nearby hospital.

"Congratulations sir your wife is pregnant" the doctor told Paxon extending his hand for a handshake.

Paxon became speechlees

"My...wife...." he stammered

"Yes she's Four weeks pregnant"

Paxon hugged the doctor as tears of joy fell down his wrinkled cheeks

The doctor left him alone with his wife

"Finally....finally!!!" he yelled

The news finally reached the ears of Ingio, and surprisingly he was the most happiest of all who heard it.

"Sweet heart your food is ready!" ingio's third wife called out to him

Ingio glared at the woman

"Carry this rubbish out of my sight"

The woman hissed and left.

"Useless women!" he growled

His first wife walked up to him

"Inigo i know you very much. Just don't try anything stupid to Kaelynn and her child if not...."

"Don't you have any reasonable thing to do with your life woman?! and what do you mean by that?!" Ingio asked with his brows furrowed in anger

She laughed and walked away.

"Congratulations Paxon am so happy for you. I never believed you'll ever be a father"

"Well i am" Paxon replied

"Soon to be....and i hope its a boy"

"Well tests say it's going to be a girl but the gender doesn't matter"

"Am really happy for you my brother....where is your wife?"

"She's inside sleeping"

Inigo nodded

"I'll get going now" Ingio said standing up

"So soon?"

"Yes. I just wanted to check on you and your wife and it seems you all are fine"

Paxon nodded.