
Love isn't toxic, it's the user!

He lost his consciousness...

KoriTheKommander · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Behind the scenes


A few hours had passed. Daniel walked through the mysterious dull green plains, the massive piece of land deserted, emphasising his loneliness. Tears threatened to spill from his crimson red eyes. If someone stared long enough, they would be able to see the depths of hell deep in them. Disparity, pain, and death filled them hoping for a way home.

Daniel dashed to the furthest place his feet could take him hoping he would find an exit to this desolate place.


The crimson-eyed boy's stomach rumbled furiously, signalling him to eat. He looked around for something to satiate his hunger. He found a tree, but the only thing that looked edible was the bark. He did not risk tasting it. He then pondered for a while and place his hand on the tree. He thought of appraising just like with the Mana Pulima.

<Activating appraisal>

[name: Acer Rubrum (normal tree)]

[Description: An ordinary tree. Can be found near water sources.]

Daniel's eyes lit up like a bonfire. There was water somewhere near! He began running around frantically scouting for water. A few hours had passed and he located a river. When he approached the river, he heard a young woman who sang with great control and projection.


"Hello, is anyone there?"

That was a dumb question because a person was singing. The singing was cut to a halt and dead silence followed.

"I am a knight of Zaire, if you hold your life dear cease to come forward! "

Daniel's heart skipped a beat, he heard the name of the empire he had recently conquered with his older twin brother Ludvic. With a rush of excitement, his legs propelled him to move near to the knight hoping she would take him back home, to his brother.

A water blade was shot straight at him but he dodged thanks to muscle memory. However, this was very slow in comparison to when he was in his prime.

"Did I not tell you to stop?"

The woman quickly shot another three water blades consecutively. He quickly dashed forward trying to evade the attacks. Unfortunately one had managed to nick the side of his cheek. He didn't falter his charge and kept on moving quickly. His red orbs were filled with flames.

Daniel located the woman who had just tried to hurt him. He immediately did a spinning left side kick which caused her to fall on her side. Her rib would've been fractured if she wasn't wearing her armour vest. He then jumped on top of her and made his arm into a fist.


Liliana was shocked the young man knew her name but took this as an opportunity to knock him out.


Daniel was out like a light. Liliana quickly finished putting on her armour and carried the young boy like a sack of potatoes.

<Install has been completed>

<Love system...initiated>

Daniel woke up after abruptly bumping into the side of the wooden carriage. He heard Liliana gasping for air as she had seen what happened to him. Her cheeks had become a tinge of rose after laughing for a while. She couldn't remember the last time she laughed ever since the death of her beloved master. Liliana's face grew sad after she found the prince's body lying lifelessly on the ground.

She had tried to get help from the palace servants but they all acted as if they didn't see a thing. They held fear in their eyes but did not dare to utter a word. When she pleaded with Ludvic to help him, he simply ignored her and prepared for the crowning ceremony. After he was crowned Emperor, the holy kingdom became one of his allies which made him one of the most powerful people in the world.

A few months had passed and Liliana had become a wandering knight after she figured out it was Ludvic who had betrayed her master. She buried her master's corpse next to his father because she knew that's what he would've wanted.

<Daniel Sorrel, you have been granted the Love system. Please say status>

"Status" daniel mumbled.

[user: Daniel Sorrel 17]

[Tier: Iron stage 3 243/400 exp]

[class: none]

[Mana power:10 +100]

[strength: 10 +50]


[Dexterity: 10]

[Intelligence: 2]

[Skills: Appraisal lv1 (Gold tier)]

[stat points:10]

[Skill points:5]

<Since you've met up with a loved one you have been granted Love Records skill (Platinum tier)>

[Description: You can see a random glimpse of a person's memory. Can only be used once a day. Can be used on anyone within a five-meter radius. Update skill to get better options]

Daniel looked at Liliana's sullen face which shocked him a bit. He wanted to ask her what transpired after he disappeared and how he got here.

<Love records activated>

Daniel then saw the coronation in which he was supposed to be crowned Emperor but he instead saw Ludvic. Pope Severus placed the gem-filled crown onto Ludvics's head while the commoners cheered him on. Ludvic looked very glad.

Daniel was taken aback and tears rolled down his dusty cheeks. His brother had betrayed him. He looked at Liliana and sympathised with her. The law of nature teaches us to kill our neighbour, and that's how men behave the whole world over