

Munashe_Mapati · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Ye Ling stood up for Ruyi


Mrs Fu: you are hands down the most beautiful girl in the crowd Ye Ling just like a stunning female lead in your movies and dramas

Crystal: she is a protagonist ...I admire how courageous and strong she is to fight for herself especial those crocodiles who schemes against her , ( she said with a brief smile)

Mrs Fu: not forgetting how sophisticatedly beautiful she is ...( Ye Ling was looking at both her manager and assistant who were flattering her to boost her confident )

Crystal: so innocent and kindhearted ,,

Me : you know the only reason which is pulling me to attend the even is one sole reason .( she reminded both of them)

Mr Fu: is it Jung?? ( she said giving her a naughty smile)

Crystal: to her it's Joong not Jung ( they both bursted out laughing)

Me: you making fun of me ( she said abashedly)

Mrs Fu: we are sorry

Me : so tell me how do I look in this ( she said giving them a full view of her gown ,

Crystal walked to me and turned me around to face the mirror

Crystal: when I look at the mirror I see you as the most beautiful goddess which has ever rose on earth ...it doesn't matter what dress you are in because your beauty slays no matter what ..( a smile flashed on Ye Ling face)

Me : you have a honey tongue,,

Mrs Fu: bloody sunny ( she praised Ye Ling)

Me: fine ..fine enough of praising me now how about we make a move ...we running late ( she said to the two who just exchanged looks Ye Ling caught them) what??? What are you giving each other looks

Both: nothing ...Joong ...( they teased her)

Me: if I'm not wrong I think only I have the right address him as that ...( she said feigning anger )

We headed outside our house to my surprise my guards were waiting for me. I hated this life. I had no privacy at all . I looked at both Crystal and Mrs Fu with a betrayal glare .

Me: I'm not a prisoner for goodness sake

Mrs Fu: whatever but I value your life ....there are lot's of crazy fans out there who act like they own you remember its been long you appearing in public think what they will do if you show up today ....it's my duty to take care of your security so no need to argue .get in the car..

Crystal: I'm sorry ( she whispered to Ling getting to her own car)

I tried to plead but my efforts were futile, silently I got in the car heavily guarded I felt so suffocated.

Within thirty minutes we had reached to where the event was taking place . Seeing many fans crowding the car I was in got me terrified ...they looked like zombies.

If it wasn't for the bodyguards I was sent with I would have been history ...because I almost got kidnapped and this wasn't the first such a thing has happened to me . Almost whenever I make a public appearance someone tries to kidnap me .

I signed few autograph before entering the Hall were many celebrities were waiting . The paparazzi started interviewing me .... Being an idol was the most hardest thing ever you have no privacy to your own life there is always a second person to interfere in your life .

I accidentally spotted this girl screaming my name as my guards were trying to stop her to get to me.

I don't know why but I felt a sudden attraction to her.

It was my first time seeing her maybe because she wasn't famous or she was a rookie actress .

I got to her stopping my guards from harassing her ...She was so cutie and innocent unlike other young rookie actresses I've ever seen . I noticed she wasn't friends with other celebs maybe because they bullied her. I don't know why but I felt like I had to keep her close to me . Ruyi .. Nice name isn't?

When the event started I had my eyes open to the entrance door . I kept checking for his appearance but he didn't show up. When I made a stage performance it was my wish to see him watching me ...

I felt like crying when I finished performing without seeing his face however I had to smile to hide away my pain .

I got off the stage it was Ruyi's time to perform . The girl looked pretty nervous. I could hear murmurs from other celebs .. Judging by the erratic beating of my heart the sudden rooting goosebumps I was quite assured my Joong was here . Everyone fall silent as he walked in ..he still possess that undeniable charm that attracts everyone . I could see he had changed ...though he chose a seat which was far from others his cold fragrance could reach me . He never looked at me even for once .

I averted my eyes away from him when I heard the two cockroaches who were sitting besides me gossiping about Ruyi .

" she should be home not here " Somi Han said with a mocking tone

" she thinks this is a kindergarten show look at her dressing" Guli replied

" she is not even a qualified actress that's why she lost that project of the weird princess ....do you know it was Ye Ling who replaced her... It said the investors refused her because her beauty standards are not enough" Somi Han whispered back to Guli

" I bet she is going to run away from the stage" Guli said

" you betting how much" Somi Han asked

" hundred Yuan" Guli answers with a giggle

Me: please be quite ...( Ling shut both of her friends)

What??? That project was supposed to be Ruyi's ... I really felt bad for snatching her role. I promised myself to set everything right for Ruyi I can't bear watching her getting mocked by other people . I looked at her there was a blank look on her face as if she just saw ghost ....she turned ghastly pale .

" wait for the drama" Somi Han whispered

No please Ruyi do it !! I silently prayed the next she left the stage running everyone watched her in awe

Somi: the dark hoarse just left ...( she said laughing)

What could be wrong with her??

I turned to Joong he was no longer on his seat . Where did he disappear to??

I went to look for Crystal as everyone in the hall was just spouting nonsense about Ruyi behavior .

Lucky I found her chatting with other celebs it was all about Ruyi this and that . I pulled her away from the scene .

Crystal: are you okay ??

Me: didn't you see what happened to that poor girl ?( she questioned with a sad look)

Crystal: oh ...

Me: only oh?? ( she asked surprised with her lack of concern)

Crystal: what else can I say ( she said walking away)

Once she left before I could look for joong I was circled by my nosy friends .

Somi: what do you think of that girl

Me: absolutely nothing ( she replied not interested in their gossips)

Guli: I think she saw The President of the Young company that's why she panicked ...

Somi: I saw the flames in her eyes when she made an eye contact with him ....thankfully he doesn't hang out with dogs ...

Me: guys will you be quite please ...when you first met Jung didn't you nearly pee in your own pants ...( Somi looked down in embarrassment)

Me: I know he is hot but Ruyi isn't that kind of girl who is bitchy like the two of you ...( she retorted)

Guli: okay fine enough of that ...let's have some drinks ..

Me: no thanks (she replied)

Somi: come on we said we are sorry ( she said patting her shoulder apologetically)

Me: I don't like the way you say things guys ....you know very well I don't like mixing anyone with Jung but you keep on hurting me with your words ( she said with a flat tone)

Guli: you know we talk bluntly

Me: then control your tongues .....

I smiled at them as a way of showing them I've forgiven their mistake ..The truth is in was worried about Ruyi the most . I tried talking to her Manager but she was more confused than I was .

No one had any hope she was going to return so the event continued.