

Munashe_Mapati · Fantasy
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29 Chs

taking you to hell


I bit my lips nervously lost in my wonder thoughts . Everything which was twirling in my head was asking me to take a risk and taste the forbidden fruit from the serpent . Fuck he was quite a temptation with just one look he left me intoxicated . I was somehow left entangled with something so intense . The undescribable feeling which was attacking my poor heart was somehow heartbreaking , making me feel my heart aching .

"Oh God I can't believe I just got bewitched by one glance of that demi_god!" ( she cursed running her hands in her hair )

I tightly squeezed my eyes together hoping to shutdown all the images which were hanging in my poor head.

Me: noo!! You have no right to fall in love ( unintentionally she screamed out her thoughts)

Voice: and who said there should be a right to fall in love ,,

I gasped as I slowly widened my eyes greeted by a tall figure of that demon who looked more like a mirage . He had a faint smirk on his face it was dreadful to look at twice . I bit down my lower lip looking down feigning confusion .

Me: I don't know what you are saying Mr ....

Lucas: your ears has turned pink ....what's going on ( he said trying to get his hands on her she freaked out moving away from him)

I don't know why but I just felt scared when he tried to touch me .....our eyes locked I don't know but I found it hard to breath well . I started breathing convulsively.

Me: I'm fine ( she said in a squeaky manner)

Lucas: oh ? I see you are okay

Me : that's an understatement...I'm more than okay ( she said with a shaky tone)

Lucas: did I hurt you before ??( he asked with an injured tone)

Me: no...no you getting me wrong ( she replied quickly looking nervous)

Lucas: why did you freak out when I tried to touch you ??? If it was Jung would you have done the same ??( he questioned his brown eyes turning darker than the night )

I saw some dark power radiating in his eyes illuminating everything around us . The room suddenly turned dark I could only see his face filled with rage caused by unknown reason . Air got stuck on my chest. My bones turned cold I quickly got up from the coach taking a step backwards . I felt like screaming but couldn't find the voice to .

Me : d..d.don't come any closer ...( she stuttered eyes filled with tears as he kept moving forward her)

I could see every step he took the floor turned icy ....

Lucas: you made me this way Ruyi ...you made me a monster without even getting my hand on you ...I guess I should just play like a demon in your head

Me: I'm_( her lips trembled looking at Lucas who was now looking like a fallen Devil from the Hell Realm )

Suddenly I got trapped on the walls ...there was nowhere else for me to go before I could think of any way to escape he had me on his grip .

His dark aura suffocated me ,

Voice: Lucas !!!

It was like I was hypnotized... The spell just broke out hearing this voice . The darkness disappeared in the shadows . Lucas moved away after giving me a sharp glare of warning . I quickly ran to the arms of a stranger .

I hugged the guy tightly somehow I found solace in his arms it all felt so cozy . When I inhaled his cologne that's when I was taken back to the reality ....it had swallowed me and dragged me to that night when I gave my whole soul to him. I pulled back looking at him. He was looking at the other side filled with so much fire in his eyes. I could hear the silent roar from his trembling lips. I followed his gaze he was looking at Luca's who had a mischievous glare on his face.

Jung: you crossed your lane this time ( he said angrily )

Lucas: so is she your lane ( he questioned with so much bitterness )

Jung: Ruyi get out of here ..

Me: what do you mean ( she questioned hesitantly)

Looking at how the situation was like I felt insecure to walk away like that .

They both looked possessed by the gods of wars .

Jung: I said leave ( he said with a deadly calm voice)

He said looking me in the eye ...I shook my head

Me : let's leave together ...

Lucas: Ruyi ...remember your promise ....( he said to her)

I froze reminiscing our first encounter my throat dried . He walked to where Jung and I were standing and offered me his hand . I looked at it for a while

Jung: you not going anywhere with him ...( he said with begging eyes)

Me: I'm sorry ...( she whispered with tears )

I took his hand... he dragged me out of the hotel room he was doing everything hastily as if he was running away from something . I could see he kept on gawking around .

Me: where are you taking me to??

Lucas: to see the World ,,( he replied calmly)

We got in the car ....he was still holding my hand tightly

Lucas: take me somewhere far where no human can enter ( he ordered his chauffeur ...Ruyi gave him a puzzled look)

Me: where is that???

Lucas: Hell of course ( he said with a smirk ,,, Ruyi shuddered under his glare)

My phone started ringing ....I answered with shaky hands

" Ruyi where are you miss Ye Ling wants to meet you" Feifei said

" I'm ...actually ...I ..."

Before I could finish the sentence Lucas took the phone from my hand

" she is going on a date with her boyfriend I would appreciate it if you stop calling her okay bye" Lucas hung up

I gave him a disbelief look but couldn't say a word .

Lucas: I'm sorry about earlier Ruyi ....I was just teasing you I can see you look tensed,, ( he said trying to calm her)

I remained quite I felt so fazed