

Munashe_Mapati · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A bad dream


I felt like my whole body was on fire suddenly my body turned cold as if I was in icebergs . I squeamishly laughed at my own stupidity as Lucas knelt besides me with a smirk

Lucas: are you okay ( he asked sarcastically )

Me: w_hy did you poison me??( she asked bitterly as her face turned pale white... She couldn't even lift a finger... she felt so helpless)

Lucas: no sweet pie I'm just trying to help you cultivate your supernatural power ...( he said with a smirk)

My vision turned blur . The next I don't what happened... I was perplexed to wake up the next morning curled in blankets on my own bed. For a moment I thought it was a dream I lied down back on the bed closed my eyed opened them again till I came to a conclusion this was real and my bad experience was a dream .

I slipped out of the bed to the mirror scrutinizing myself.... I looked totally fine like I've been home . Thank God I'm back home safe and sound . I sighed quietly heading to the bathroom. I have to go to a church to get rid of my natural bad luck it seems it's attracting all kind of evils that I can't even handle ..

I took a quick shower that's I recalled miss Ye Ling request oh lucky me I can't let this pass.

_In excitement she brushed away all the intentions of making her life better she ran to dial Ye Ling number ....was happy both stayed in the same city... They arranged to meet each other at Ye Ling place._

I was still in shock as I dressed up for my wonderful journey . I felt lucky enough to spend a whole day with my idol Ye Ling. It was the first time in my laugh to get chosen by something Angelic and I was going to cherish the moment .

As I stepped out of the house I did a wishful pray for everything to just go smoothly.

I took a taxi to the area she stayed lucky she had sent her house address so it was easy for me to reach her place . The place she stayed surprised me it was too simple for someone big like her ...I mean the fame and money . Her house was situated amongst other street house . It had only three rooms no gate just open. At first I thought I made a mistake .

I have to check the address again .

Voice: Ruyi? ...

I slowly turned around to see a beautiful tall figure of a goddess with a natural beautiful figure that makes every girl jealous. She was wearing a red flared dress that reached her ankles . She looks like a jade warm and tender . I froze for a moment locked in my own world with my beautiful idol. She had a soft smile on her face .

Ling: I was worried you were not coming ( she said initiating a hug ....)

Oh my God she also smelled like the earth itself. When she hugged me I couldn't move . She pulled away and slipped her hand in mine leading me in her house. The house itself felt so warm unlike mine.

Me: your house is warm ( she commented )

Ling: just like your heart ,,,

I blushed looking down . She took me in the sitting room..... She made coffee and brought it were I was .

Ling: wow .....you can't imagine how excited I am to see you ( she said her big eyes beaming)

Me: thank you miss ..( she said revering her)

Ling: no need for that from today onwards you can call me sister .....your big sister ( she said with a smile)

Me: sister ...( she said shyly drinking her coffee)

There was this comforting aura coming from her side but I don't know why it made my stomach sick. My gut feeling was somehow feeling uneasy around her ...

Ling: I heard you were supposed to be on shoot on your new drama" the weird princess"

Me: yah ...it wasn't for me ...they rejected me because of my looks ...I think they are too dull ...( she said laughing at the end of sentence not to make the atmosphere tense)

Ling: if you get the chance to act as the female lead of the drama will you take it

I looked at her with disbelief

Me: obviously I will accept it as I have no source of income..( she said hurriedly then paused as she thought about her own reality..) But I will only get that chance in my dreams ( she said with a sad tone)

Ling: how about I tell you the investors changed their mind and they want you back ( she smiling at Ruyi who just froze)

Me: sorry??

Ling: you are in all you have to do is sign this contract ....

I widened my eyes as she took some of the documents handing them over to me . My hands trembled as I took them she was for real ....they wanted ne back . I couldn't believe all this. How did this happen ?? Why did they change their mind instantly. I looked at Ling she was calm like always .

Me: I ...I don't believe this is happening ( she said with a startled look )

Ling: I'm sorry for what they did to you ....I will make them apologize .....actresses are chosen for their abilities and skills not for their looks that was outrageous of them to do that to you and it's against the laws of our acting industry

When she was talking she really displayed that look of a disgusted person . Why is she doing all this for me? I couldn't ask her just remained quite reading the contract terms ....I signed the papers she said she was the one going to hand over the papers to the investors.

Me : miss ...I mean sister do you stay alone?? ( she questioned)

Ling: yah as for now as Crystal is out of the country would you mind coming and staying with me??

I was shaken by that ....how can I stay with my idol I quickly shook my head in a disapproval manner

Me: no I can't ..( she said quickly)

Ling: ummm I feel lonely these days ...( she said sadly)

Me: if you want I can stay for tonight only ...

That's when I had a phone call from an unknown number absent mindedly I replied.

Me: yes ,,

Voice: come outside Ye Ling house in waiting for you outside... It's Jung

I felt as if my nerves were going to shot out any moment ...

Him?? My heart swayed to his name but somehow I felt scared to meet him . With my jinxed life I can only bring disaster for him and despite all that I hadn't mustered the courage of facing him yet .

Ling: who is it?? You look pale

Me: it's Feifei ....she wants me home... I'm sorry I have to go ( she lied taking her purse) I will call you

I said to Ling as I got out she just smiled at me. I'm going to etch her angelic smile in my head for forever .

There was a black car waiting outside the front of her house. I walked slowly the backdoor opened ...I hoped in didn't expect to see Jung seated in .

I swear my heart sold me out that I had something I had concealed in my for him by the way my heart was racing .

He was too charismatic that it was hard to act calm around him

I really wanted an inhaler right away,

Jung: I'm coming to stay at your place for some months... you the only person I know ..( he said calmly)

Me: what???

Jung: is that a no?? ( he asked with a cold look)

Me: what do you mean by the only person you know ??? I saw you staring at Miss Ye Ling

Jung: staring at her doesn't make people familiar with each other,

Me: oh ..and me?

We gazed at each other ...that night flashed in my eyes making me burn under his gaze . noo I can't stay with him it will draw attention ...and there is Lucas..

Jung: you sang very well I was thinking you could teach me how to be a singer like you ( he said finding another excuse knowing on his first request she was going to turn it down for him