
Emily's diary

16 December 2013,

The school is about to end next month I am sad as I will not get to see stephen regularly. I haven't told him about how I feel for him yet.cause I haven't felt anything like this before, I think I like him but it's more than liking now maybe love I don't know. I have decided to propose him before the school ends. And I quitted my job yesterday cause the cafe owner was such an asshole he always nagged at me and when I mistakenly broked his coffee machine he asked me to pay for the double amount of it and when I argued about it, he said that he will see me in court. I don't know how I will be able to pay my house rent now. Inspite of all of that I am still happier than ever because of stephen.he has asked me to meet him on the first day of snowfall. I am eagerly waiting to confess my love.


On the first day of snow fall, Stephen took Emily out . He took her in an old movie theatre. There was all dark there. Stephen holds Emily hands and took her to the stage then the light spotted both of them. Emily looked all around the stage was decorated with balloons and petals. Stephen kneeled and said "Emily forester , the moment I saw you i have known that you were the one I wanna spend my life with it may sound a little senti but the moment our eyes locked i fall for you. You are the most precious thing to me now and I wanted to make it official so the world knows that you are mine, will you date me for the rest of your life?".

Emily was in tears of happiness after hearing this she nodded and said"Yes". Then stephen make her wear a ring, he stood up and they hugged each other and kissed. Then when stephen was dropping emily home her phone ringed it was bruce he asked Emily to meet him at the park near their highschool. Emily told stephen to drop her there.when they reached Emily told stephen to wait for her in the car while she meet bruce. Stephen nodded. Bruce was standing in the middle of the park. He waved at Emily and said "Here".

Emily came towards him then bruce looked at her and said "you look gorgeous".

"I think I always do". Emily smiled and said.

"My bad, actually i wanted to tell you something " bruce said.

"Come on dude, say it why are you hesitating" Emily said.

Bruce sighed and said "look, I think I love you I know it may sound weird but I couldn't help everytime I see you my heart pounds".

He looked at her with his puppy eyes and emily flickered and said"bruce...I am sorry but I love someone else..I don't know how to tell you that I love you but not the kind of love you want and I think I will never be able to think of you more than a best friend".

Stephen was hiding behind a tree and was watching them secretly when he heard that bruce likes Emily he got jealous but the moment Emily said that she love someonelse he got relieved and got back in his car.

Bruce was expecting this his face looks heartbroken and he said

"I know, but I just wanted to tell you this and I may sound silly but I will wait for you".

"Bruce let's not talk about that we are good to be friends". Emily said and try to hug bruce but he step back and said "you should go now".Emily said "bruce" and then he left . Emily got sad seeing him like this than she got back in the car where stephen was waiting for her. Stephen asked her " what did he say?".

"Nothing he just wanted to meet me ".Emily said then stephen drives her home she get off the car then stephen also get off the car then he go towards her. Emily said "Go back home, safely".

"Anything else" stephen asked.

"Yeah good night, let's meet at school tomorrow " Emily said.

Stephen sighed and then said "oh my beautiful". Then he got close to her and kissed her. Emily was amused at first her heart skipped a beat when he got close to her but then she loved it. Stephen looked at her she was blushing and looked better. Then he got in his car and waved at her then he left. That kiss changed Emily's mood she stopped thinking about bruce and start feeling good again.

Then the time passed, bruce distanced himself from Emily as he know he will only get hurt at the last, emily missed him she tried to talk to him but betty start nagging her everytime she got closed to bruce. Stephen keeps her away from all these problems and loved her seeing them together kills bruce he try to ignore Emily but he looked at her secretly. His grades drop and he don't play basket ball anymore he wasn't like before. Every body knows that something happened between him and emily. Betty tried to talk to Emily but stephen don't let anyone closed to Emily cause he know they all will make her guilty for all that happen. The school comes to end and organizes a farewell party.

Rejection hurts will bruce will be able to endure this pain or not?

asfiyacreators' thoughts