
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasy
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43 Chs


On top of a really tall tree a boy with platinum-blond hair was sitting on tree branch approximately a half a mile away from the human camp.

He was observing them from a far and high place, while eating an apple made from his finger nails as he had the urge to eat something, it did make sense he hasn't eaten anything for a while.


"Mhm... I don't care what anyone says my fingernail are delicious."

The boy was no other than Mercury since he was probably the only one in the whole entire world who could considered his own flesh, bone and blood delicious and turn it into a personal food source just because he can.

He was watching, thinking, and wondering on what the hell he was currently watching, why you ask!? well, it simple his precious creation M2, his personal belongings, his first daughter, a literal twin sister, a loyal slave, true kin made from his flesh and blood.

Was now cooking an atomic bomb that would kill the environment for many generations even after the explosion was finish.

Or that what Mercury began to think, he wanted to stop her why you ask!? well for one he was worrying for her safety, secondly the mission where he has to demonstrate cruelty before Lilith and if M2 go full "psycho mode!" out of nowhere, right here and now he might fail the mission.

So, he hurries send a telepathic link to her to inform her to take it easy at least enough to not blow up the entire area and send everyone to thy kingdom come before their time to fall by his hands.

--M2 Pov--


"Agha yes... this is perfect I'm sure this will get the job done for sure."


The sound of a wine cork was heard flying in the air, and what followed after was M2 proceeding to pour the entire bottle of deadly poison which was a radioactive substance that could be fatal to the human body.

The reason M2 use a poison as deadly as this one was because she found interest and inspiration from a certain assassination story pertaining a certain former Russian spy, Alexander Litvinenko who was killed by a deadly dose of [Polnioum-210].

"Honestly master memory is amazing! just what I expected from my master, his knowledge is unfathomable, although I am mere clone not worthy of any praised still take pride in the very fact that I M2 was given the highest honor to be made in master image, just breathing the same air as him was a reward I was not worthy of in the slightest."

--Drip! Drip!--

"Agh... I see so it finally finishes pouring ha, hmmm... I wonder is it enough maybe I should double the dose just to be sure."

M2 then proceed to pour three more bottles of Polinum-210 instead of the original two just to be on the safe side you can never be too sure when poisoning someone.

But it didn't stop there as she began to create a monstrosity of a soup shortly after, as her mind went to a dark direction rather quickly as she began to justify her own action as simple reassurance.

"Yes, maybe I should add some form of bacteria as well."

[M2 adds Botulinum toxin]

"Why not something for the heart as well."

[M2 adds Black Mamba venom]

"An itch wouldn't be bad as well; it might even add to the dish flavor."

[M2 adds Nerium Oleander flower]

"Oh, I know let's add some texture."

[M2 adds Ethylene glycol]

"Hmm... it's coming along nicely, but some hot spice should keep the spirit going."

[M2 adds Hydrochloric acid]

"Is it enough."

[M2 adds Hydrochloric acid again]


As M2 did that a literal fucking fire start to burn at the soup surface, as it was blue in color with the outlines being pinkish.

Meanwhile some of the other knights were looking at the spectacular and awe spiring lightshow that was been displayed as majority of them began think the same thing in their heads which was.

"Most be one hell of a dish."

Meanwhile M2 had her hand on her chin with a serious look as she began to ponder to herself, almost as if this decision will decide everything.

"Hmmm... its either between a chunk of Thorium, or a chunk of Uranium, I do need to give this beautiful meal a finishing touch."

"Which to choose, which to choose."

M2 began to ponder to herself for a good two minutes as she came to a conclusion.

M2 then began to take one of the empty bottle stoppers and turn it into a magnificent gold coin with the front been Mercury face and the back been Lilith Draken symbol that was on Sirus's back.

"Heads for Thorium, and tails for Uranium."

But just before she was about to flip an all too familiar voice rang in her head.

[Notice. the Subject $%#@ has prefill a certain requirement for a unique passive skill]

[Congratulations you have gained the unique skill Deception]

"Isn't this the Era bitch that had the balls to trick master in owing her a favor --sigh-- yet another head to soon be harvest, master please give me patients."

Said M2 as she moves on to the next question she had for Era.

"So, what does this so call deception skill do?"

And just as M2 ask her question Era began to explain.

[Unique skill Deception: Only eight people in the world has this unique skill, which allows anyone who own it to be able to trick the five senses of others, so a poisonous food look like a normal dish to everyone else, no one can track you if you commit murder, much less even suspect you, and lastly your words become a potent poison to the mind as you sound really pleasing and reasonable to hear from someone point of view, no one can tell if you're lying as you can get away with any lie, combine with killing intent or blood lust one could get the feeling and impression of been impales by many swords, in short it makes you a really good liar and manipulator]-passive

"Aww what a beautiful skill, I shall devote it many uses to Lord Mercury cause."

From there M2 completely forgot about the skill existence since it was a passive one and it should come naturally, so she put her time and attention elsewhere as she began to stare at the coin in her hand and wasted no time as she flips it with her fingers.


The coin flips a good way up till it lands right back into M2 hand as she flips into her other hand covering it at the palm.

M2 then gave one last look before looking at the result of the flip, as she spoke.

"Please be something good."

M2 then open her hand to see what she got, but all of a sudden before she could even see what she flips the coin suddenly turn into dove and flew off into the air.

And what came after was a rather, all too familiar voice that brings her joy evetime she hears it.

[Oi, oi M2 chill the fuck out my girl just chill, chill, chill there's no need for over kill]

"Aww... my lord and reason why have you contact me."

[Well, isn't it obvious if you use any more radioactive substances, you might just cause another chain reaction, this time it might not be a strange ass fire but something far worse, so for the love of God please chill the fuck out it's enough]

And as Mercury said these words M2 began to frown as she kneels down on two knees and transform the spoon her hand into a katana as she prepares to commit seppuku on herself for such an unforgiving sin against her lord will

"I see this stupid slave most apologized with my life for committing such a sin on my lord will."

But just as she was about to do that her sword transform to literal air as Mercury voice rang in her head.

[Hey for the love of God woman your forgiven ok, just don't kill yourself as a matter of fact if you die, I can't name you nor can we be together if that happens, you know just forget the serious sin you committed or whatever it was and why the hell are you trying to poison everyone]

After Mercury said those words M2 got up as she smiles gleefully then her face went back into a serious one shortly after, as she fakes a cough and spoke.

--cough! cough!--

"M2 think the best course of action is immediate annihilation my lord."

[Why so if they are going to die in an hour or less]

"My lord think about it your bound to get in a fight with Lilith when she arrives and the human knight numbers are in the hundreds according to the information I receive after using echo location, so I just came up with the best alternative to disposed of the threat beforehand, I believe many of these knight s are capable warriors from what I have seen in your memories my lord and master."

[But the daily mission M2]

"Fear not my lord let this humble slave take care of that no need to worry yourself, I shall simply give out this delicious meal when my danger sense picks up the red whore, I mean Lilith presence within the premises, as I have a huge amount of area covered my lord."

When Mercury heard this, he couldn't help but think that M2 word were rather promising and indeed had a point.

So, he decides to let her off the hook and simply said.

[Well as long as you don't blow up the place then it's all good]

"Yes, my lord I shall take your advice, thank you for your wisdom my lord and reason, as expected from Mercury-Sama your knowledge knows no bounds."

[Haha... she rather serious]

Mercury said to himself in concern for the future, but he said shortly after.

[Well, M2 proceed as plan don't get kill out there remember that Tomyris chick mean business]

"Yes, my lord I live to serve."

After she said that M2 didn't hear her lord and master voice anymore, meaning he went back to do whatever he was doing.

Meanwhile M2 smell a certain someone around her, and when she looks at the front of her, she saw an awfully too familiar man going into a tent.

At that moment M2 could only say one word with greatest amount of disdain she could possible must up int the moment.



Inside a dark cave, a certain crystal began to hatch releasing streaks of pink light so bright you could literally see it from the outside.


And as the light began to get brighter and brighter, the temperature of the room gets colder and colder eventually the entire cave was engulf by a mysterious pink ice.


And the cocoon that held the individual was no more, instead a figure standing at 4'9, its was a young male he had beautiful snow-white skin which match his beautiful cream white hair that reach his neck.

He had two small pink horns sticking out of his head, if you were close to it, you would feel a slight drop in temperature.

But what stood out the most was his rather inhumane ocean blue eyes with shades of pink in them.

He was completely naked and the only thing around his chest was a mysterious necklace of unknown origins.

The boy had an emotionless glare in his eyes almost as if it had nothing to live for, his facial feature was also frozen in place as it showed nothing but an indifferent and cold expression.

And when the boy comes to his senses, he began to look at his hand in shocked although his face still remains cold and indifferent.

"I see so this is the power of father Mercury grace."

Said the boy who was no other than Nemesis.

And just when Nemesis was enjoying the feeling of the meaning of power and how it felt to now be in possession of said power.

He was suddenly knocked out of his trance when he began to hear the voice of weird female that speak with an indifferent tone in his head as she said.

[Congratulation evolution to a legendary Kishin is complete]

[The title "Descendant of the Oni God" has been bestowed upon the subject]

[Due to evolution to a higher sub-race of the Fallen race, all stats have been drastically increased]

[Congratulation you gain the unique skill "Avenger" due to acquiring the name Nemesis]

[Congratulation you gain the unique skill "Zero" due to evolving to a higher race]

[Congratulation the skill standpoint invisibility has evolved into the grand skill "The prince of light: Baldr" due to evolving to a higher race]

[Notice due to being the kin of a high one a new original unique skill shall be made by the world, please note that it can only be use by you as it is unique to you only]

[Congratulation the original skill "The son of Mercury" has been created and bestowed upon the subject after evolving to a higher race]