
Love in Hell

Akilah Moonlight is an Alpha wolf who ends up being mated to a self centred narcissist Alpha wolf of the Shadow's valley pack.He tries to save his miserable relationship but eventually gives up after he almost lost his life due to His mate's carelessness. He tricks his mate into rejecting him and runs away hoping to go back to his old pack, unfortunately due to unexpected events he ends up lost and winds up in the territory of the most dangerous rumoured wolf eating wolf. The Waltou pack. Will Akilah manage to find his way back home or will he find a new home and love in the house of Drago? Read on to find out! See you in chapter one!!!!

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Wonder Eyes

I had another dream last night. I had just met my mate and I was happy. I was grateful to the Goddess that she blessed me with such a gift that not many can receive. We were happy, we didn't have problems.We enjoyed most of our days laughing and talked about our future on the beach of beautiful ocean waters with a full orange sunset creating our moment into a scenic view.I had a dream about him .

It was a nightmare.

Today I have a day off. It has been a week now since Drago sent his men to go "investigate me" I still have not heard from him and honestly I don't mind staying here a little longer. I made new friends, of cause including the kitchen lady Mavis. We talk about anything and or everything our brains and tongues can allow us to. She has taught me a few favourite meals of a few pack members and she has literally become my bestie. Drago is always busy taking care of pack matters and I don't know if this is important information but the warrior pack has been training a lot harder lately, almost as if they are expecting a calamity to befall them anytime soon.I noticed a little change in their mood and although no one is saying anything to me, I can sense death in the air. Something major is about to happen.

"You are here" ..Rain says as he budges through my room. Again.-_-

"Well yes kid..I am here , where else can I be on my free day? I haven't heard of any princess that needs rescuing around here so I am just..chilling.." I reply cooly. Rain always gets annoyed when I call him kid, but it doesn't seem to bother him anymore, I will cut him a slack for not knowing how to mind other people's privacy because he is the only one who has been with me since I remember coming to this place.

"Do you want to hang out today and do kind of normal things? " He says while scratching the back of his neck and looking around the room as if he has never been here before. Is he getting shy around me?

" Are you blushing" I ask Rain while getting up to stay on the edge of my bed facing him.

" No, what the hell are you talking about?..plus who flirts with a dead heart ..that would just be weird, I was trying to be nice. You could use some friends who are not the kitchen lady and or the elders from the warrior team." He says with a serious tone his little shy act had vanished faster than an awaited sneeze. I have not been paying much attention to Rain ,well, I need to always watch my back in case Drago suddenly has an appetite. I don't want to end up on his plate although my action would have been considered a joke within my friend group. Talking about Drago .

"Where is Dr...your..your master?..what is he doing now?..is he free?" I ask Rain while withholding the name Drago, He seems to be a sucker for rules he might get mad I called his master with his first name so I just go for cover .I don't think I want to go out today so I just go back and lie in bed. This mansion or Castle has seven floors and yet no elevator, you have to take stairs to go anywhere . I earned my break, plus what if I meet another beast out there.You never know which other beast is lurking around these dark woods. I am safe inside. I just have to wait a bit more for them to clear my name.

"I guess you won't go out then?" Rain says while lightly shrugging his shoulders and moving closer to my bed.He stares down at me and tilts his head a little. (bitch don't judge me)

" Can I sit next to you?" I don't know what to think, but him and I should count as friends now. Right?. So I just nod my head and pat the space next to me. He goes around the bed and sits on the space that I have just let him.

"He is busy today. I heard they have a meeting about expanding the pack and or constructing new apartments for the new pack members. I think they will be busy for a while. Do you miss him?" Rain says as he locks eyes with me. What does he mean do I miss him?. My heart was frozen. Should I laugh.?

" Ha. Ha. Yes. I miss him soo much..soo much that I feel like I am going to die..oh goddess save me!" I respond dramatically with a little laugh while holding my chest and placing a hand over my forehead like a damsel in distress. Rain doesn't respond but instead leaves a ghost of a smile that quickly turns into a smirk . I have never seen him like this before, he looks really ..beautiful.With my window open and my curtain drawn, the little sun rays that break through the thin glass dances over his green eyes that seem to take me to a far away land filled with mystical creatures of awe and wonder. I wonder how he ended up in this side of the world, who his parents are..does he think about this things too?..I am sure he was a beautiful baby ..who would be so heartless as to leave a baby out in the woods alone?


I don't know what probs me but I reach out my hand and caress his cheek with the tip of my fingers , he doesn't move and so I continue to slowly caress his features , if you look closer it looks like he has a dust of freckles scattered right above his perfectly shaped nose.I continue to feel him until finally I lean in and kiss him.

Rain is a little taken aback by my action and pulls away a few inches away from me with our noses still touching, he looks at me for a bit and I don't want to lie but I felt as if my heart was about to drop but before that could happen he leans in and responds by kissing me back.

(Do I like him? Does he like me? I know I currently don't love him . I don't feel like I do.Wait..what am I feeling with no feelings)