
Love in Hell

Akilah Moonlight is an Alpha wolf who ends up being mated to a self centred narcissist Alpha wolf of the Shadow's valley pack.He tries to save his miserable relationship but eventually gives up after he almost lost his life due to His mate's carelessness. He tricks his mate into rejecting him and runs away hoping to go back to his old pack, unfortunately due to unexpected events he ends up lost and winds up in the territory of the most dangerous rumoured wolf eating wolf. The Waltou pack. Will Akilah manage to find his way back home or will he find a new home and love in the house of Drago? Read on to find out! See you in chapter one!!!!

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

New Rules

The house of Drago or as well known and called by many legends (gossip kings) as Drago's castle is a place where no one except for outlaws seem to want to visit, hence the name of the pack Waltuo which when read backwards spells outlaw. It is a haven for heathens and the very core of the devils burning heart, or at least that is what legend says. Since I came here though, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Yes, I did spend most of my time passed out but with the few people that I have met and the rooms I have been in, I don't really know what to think except there maybe is no evil here. Everyone appears to be cold, but all their actions differ from their appearances ..or are they just putting on an act just until I am gone?. If that is the case..they deserve the best actors awards.

Rain took me on the house tour today. It Is big. My room, or actually, the room I have currently been allowed to lodge in has nothing but a double sized bed in the middle of it with two head drawers on the side and one double sofa right in front of the bed with a little library filled with books in front of it and a little closet on the far side, away from the door. The window in my room, which is on the third floor can clearly see into the woods and the mini garden in the backyard.

The house itself is very modern, I have not seen inside all the other rooms but I was shown the kitchen and dinning rooms which both have the same colour matched. I have been clearly warned to avoid certain rooms, I am unfortunately not curious to find out what is hidden in them so I will be staying away, unless I want the next guest to find my corpse in one of those forbidden rooms. Everything here is either gold or a shade of blue, from the lightest shade to the very darkest one you can think of. According to Rain, the house belongs to the Chevaz family and has been passed on for generations. Everyone of his ancestors have decorated it how they want, but Sir Chevaz has decided to leave it with its original colours to honour his father, that does not sound like something a cold hearted killer can do so I am starting to think that maybe, just maybe ..

Legend might be wrong.

"Get up!..you are late you have to have already made breakfast by now" Rain says as he budges through the door.

oh..I almost forgot , yesterday after Rain and I talked we decided it was better that I work in the kitchen and help the chef with either cooking or cleaning up for the time when I will be staying here. I could have chosen anything else but I prefer to stay where there is food and where I can always freely try inventing portions. I still need to make one that makes me invisible...

"Oh come on, it is still dark outside , shouldn't it be like five now?" I ask through a yawn.

" You have got to be kidding me, the others go training from four in the morning and they should return soon and expect breakfast to be ready!" He says, his voice sounding through my ears like an echo. He needs to chill.

"So you mean to tell me..it is not even five o'clock yet?..no..I am going back to sleep." I say as I pull my blanket covering my face with it. Rain doesn't respond.

A few minutes later, I hear someone stomping in the room, I don't have time to react when a wet cold liquid is poured over my head.

" Rain!" I hiss at the perpetrator

"Get the fuck up brat!, you stay here and you have to earn it!..pack depends on each other and right now you are disturbing the chain of flow." He says while he pulls me from the bed with one arm. Kid is too strong irregardless of how very average I think he looks.

"Okay, okay, fine..let go of me! I got it, chill." I say to Rain who eventually relents.

After getting up and drastically drying myself by shaking my head like the wolf I am, making sure to spread it also on Rain I quickly hurry to the little bathroom situated in the bedroom to get changed.

" I fix the bed, you go now and fix their food." Rain says with a stone face as soon as I emerge from the bathroom. Is he always going to be like that? , come to think of it, he always looks like a statue.It seems everyone in this place has a problem with smiling, then again it is hell after all. I don't argue with Rain and decide to head out the door, leaving him to his task. I don't like cleaning my room anyway.

After walking through the long hallway that is the only one with a white colour , I finally reach the open planned cafeteria style kitchen. On my way to the holy place, I have been thinking really hard on what to cook for the warriors. I would like to believe they have a kind of hard time protecting a place that no one dares to trespass into.

"Hi, you must be Akilah" A voice says coming out of the direction where the industrial fridge is located almost giving me a heart attack. I thought I was alone.

" Hi yes..nice to meet you (I guess) .uhm..Mavis" I hesitantly say after reading the name on her tag that was clipped to the left side of her apron.

"You are a little late today, but that is fine, I already have all the meat that needs to be coked here, one of them is vegan so he only prefers eggs ..we will talk more later ..shall we?" She speed talks through while showing me a bunch of ingredients laying on the high wooden table that seemed to be a well made mahogany. We don't talk much afterwards and get busy making the breakfast.

As soon as we are done, we place the foods in different trays like in a buffet and wait for the others to arrive. I have not seen or met many people since I arrived so I am a little excited to see new faces today.

A few minutes later, the door to the huge dinning room opens revealing an army of well built men and women buzzing with discussions I had no idea what were about. I don't care what they are talking about , my focus is on Drago who now appears to have powered up since the last time I saw him.


He stands tall and mighty above the rest of the warriors and out of him flows an aura I seem to be familiar with. I think it is because he is Alpha , his aura around his people looks different. He looks very strong and powerful, just like that day . The first day I saw him, but something is bothering me...

Why does he appear so insignificant next to Rain?..

is the castle playing some tricks on me?