
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Start of something new

"Is it true? Is it because of me?". Magnus did not respond. There is a moment of silence. Selena speaks again, "Fine, don't answer if you...".

"Yes, it is true. I ended things with her because of you." Selena looks at Magnus, eyes wide open. She is speechless. She is just staring at Magnus and Magnus is staring at her.

Selena could not believe what she heard. She tries responding but could not find the right words to say. She just stares at Magnus, who is also staring at her. Then she looks away. "Do not kid, Magnus. I am not in the mood for jokes.".

Magnus tries to speak loudly to express his frustration about Selena not believing him. But he remembered that they are in the hospital and his grandmother is resting so he can only whisper. "Why would you not believe me? Can't you see?".

Selena starts to confront her husband, "See what, Magnus? That you married me as compensation from my parents? See that I do not have the right to feel what I felt when I knew? You did not even care to tell me. Maybe that is the case because you did not regard me as your wife. I was hurt. You kissed me, making me feel you have feelings for me. But I was wrong.". Before Magnus could respond, Selena stands up suddenly and leaves the room.

Magnus sighs, "No, you are not wrong. That kiss was real and so do my feelings for you.", he mutters to himself. He looks at his grandmother and holds her hand. "Nana, what should I do? Both of you got hurt because of me. And my wife would not believe me.". He realizes what he said, "My wife.". Magnus could not help but feel pain as he realized, "Maybe Selena is right. I did not regard her as my wife.". He caresses his grandmother's hand, "Do not worry, Nana. You did not raise me to be a quitter. I will win her over. I promise you that.".

Selena comes back to the private room and sees that Magnus has fallen asleep. She quietly approaches him and sits on the chair next to his. She stares at him and recalls what he confessed. "Do you really like me? Because I do. I like you, Magnus. I cannot believe you because I do not want to hope. After my parents did what they did to me, I felt that no one would love me. My parents did not love me enough to not sell me, how can I expect that you would see and love me?", she mutters to herself but in a whispering way. Selena moves his hand to put on Magnus' head but she changes her mind and did not proceed. She stands up and goes to the sofa. She closes her eyes and sleeps.

Magnus, however, slowly opens his eyes and looks at Selena with sadness. "I will make you see that you are someone worth loving, Selena. I will make it up to you. I will make you happy that you will forget all those bad memories.", he thought to himself. He then stands up and approaches her. He checks if Selena is really had fallen asleep. After ensuring, he places a blanket on her and caresses her hair with three fingers only so that he would not wake her.

The next morning, Magnus and Selena is awakened because someone is calling their names. When they open their eyes, they immediately stand up seeing that Miss Luna is already awake. Magnus rushes outside to call a doctor while Selena holds Miss Luna's hand. Her eyes are tearing up while apologizing, "I am so sorry, Nana. This should not have happened to you if it were not for me. I am so sorry. I should have protected you.".

Miss Luna lets go of Selena's hand and puts it on her cheeks. "There is nothing you should be apologizing for, my dear. It is not your fault. It is not, you understand?". Miss Luna's gentle voice makes Selena cry. "I understand. I am so glad you are okay, Nana. I was worried.". Miss Luna opens her arms wide, gesturing to Selena to hug her. Selena immediately comes closer to her and hugs her.

While hugging Selena, Miss Luna caresses her back, comforting her, "Sshh... I am okay now. No need to worry anymore.". They are still hugging when Magnus, a doctor, and two nurses enter the room. Selena lets go of the hug and steps back to let the doctor examine Miss Luna. While stepping back, she is wiping her eyes. Magnus then comes closer to her and offers her a handkerchief. But instead of accepting it, Selena shows her declination by taking a handkerchief out of her pocket.

Magnus nods lightly and puts his handkerchief back in his pocket. The doctor finishes examining Miss Luna and looks at them. They feel nervous but seeing the doctor smiling, they feel relieved. "Your grandmother is fine. Her vitals are all stable. She will just stay a day and you can take her home.".

"Thank you so much, doctor.", Selena said.

Magnus approached his grandmother, "You hear that, Nana?". His grandmother smiles, "Yes. You know your Nana is a fighter, and cannot stand staying here so...". He laughs, "Okay, I get it. You do not like it here, laying on the bed all day. Do not worry, you will out of here the day after tomorrow.". He then looks at Selena who is looking at his grandmother with a genuine smile.

He calls her attention, "Selena. You should head home, have some rest.". Selena looks at him, "No, I want to stay here with Nana.". Before he could argue, his grandmother holds her hand and says, "Magnus is right, dear. Have some rest at the mansion. You can go back here in the afternoon, okay?". Selena nods, "Okay, Nana. I'll be back.".

Magnus talks to Selena before she could leave the room, "I will walk you to the parking lot.". With a stern face, Selena looks at Magnus and replies, "There is no need. I can go by myself. Just stay here with Nana.". Then she goes out of the room. Magnus could only look at the closed door.

His grandmother suddenly speaks, "You promise me you will win her over so I will expect you to do that and give up.". Magnus looks at her grandmother with a shocked expression, "How did you...". Miss Luna laughs at her grandson's face, "I may be unconscious but I can still hear my surroundings.". Magnus recovers from being shocked and smiles genuinely, "You got it, Nana. I will court my wife.".

Upon arriving at the mansion, Selena goes straight to their bedroom, takes off her clothes, and lays herself in the bathtub. She feels relax. Minutes later, she stares at the wall and is thinking about Magnus. She cannot stop thinking about what he said. She even recalls his expression and asks herself, "Is he being sincere? I can see in his face that he is telling the truth but what if he is just acting?". Selena sighs. She realizes that she had found it difficult to trust mere words. She can no longer believe such sweet talks.

After 30 minutes, Selena rises out of the water, gets dressed, goes down the stairs, and proceeds to the kitchen. She calls all the maids and the cooks, "Help me prepare a meal for Nana. She is in the hospital right now and I am not comfortable letting her eat hospital food.". They nod and begin to work. Selena goes to Miss Luna's bedroom and packs her some clothes and some necessities she might need. She then goes back to the kitchen and gives a lending hand.

After an hour, everything is done and ready. Selena leaves the mansion and lets the driver drives her back to the hospital. When she arrives in the room, Magnus and Miss Luna were talking.

"I'm back.". She says while smiling. Miss Luna looks at her, "You are here early.". Selena sits on the side of the bed, "I could not wait in the mansion, Nana. I want to stay here with you and I do not want you to eat hospital food.". She shows the bag she is carrying and reveals what is inside. The smell of newly cooked food overpowers the room. Miss Luna smiles widely, "Hmm... That smells so delicious. Thank you, dear.". She replies with a sweet smile, "Anything for you, Nana.".

Magnus, on the other side of the bed, is just staring at Selena. Seeing her smile, Magnus' heart is racing. He realizes how beautiful his wife really is. He is staring at her for too long that he did not even notice that his grandmother is talking to him. "Magnus? Magnus.". Miss Luna waves her hand in front of her grandson's face.

Magnus comes to his senses and looks at his grandmother. "What is it, Nana? Did you say something?". Miss Luna responds, "I have been talking to you but you are not listening.".

"I am sorry, Nana. Can you repeat what you said?". Miss Luna sighs and Selena keeps her sight at Miss Luna. She did not even look at Magnus.

"I said, it is your turn to go home so you could change your clothes. But it seems like you need a lot of rest. You became stunned in there all of a sudden.". Magnus protests, "I am okay, Nana. I just thought of something.". His grandmother laughs, "Yeah, right.". He stands up, "Okay, I will go home. I will be back later.". Then he kisses his grandmother on the forehead. Before he goes out the door, he gazes at Selena. Seeing that she will not look at him, he finally leaves the room.

After hearing the door closes, that is when Selena looks. She sighs while looking at the door. She is unaware that Miss Luna is looking at her, examining her. Miss Luna then smiles and goes back on her food.

On his way to the mansion, Magnus cannot stop thinking about Selena. "I have to think of a way of winning her over.", he mutters to himself. He thought of something and takes his phone out of his pocket. Magnus has never tried the culture of courting, even while he was with Alvira. But for his wife to believe him, he would do anything. He wants her to feel how important she is to him. Magnus is busy browsing that he did not notice they have arrived at the mansion.

Magnus goes straight to the bedroom. He is getting his towel when he glances at the sofa where he is laying at night. Then glances to the bed where Selena is laying. He smirks. He has thought of something to get close to his wife. Magnus proceeds to the bathroom and takes a shower.

In the hospital, Selena successfully puts Miss Luna to sleep. At first, Miss Luna does not want to sleep yet but she manages to convince her on sleeping early or else, she will not be dismissed early. Selena is tucking the blanket on the sides of the table when the door opens. She sees that Magnus had arrived. She is asked by him instantly, "How is Nana?". Without looking, she replies, "She is okay. It is a relief that she agreed to sleep early.". Magnus just nods.

An hour later, Selena falls asleep while sitting and her head is position on the side of the bed. Magnus is hesitating because Selena could wake up and would get mad. But seeing his wife sleeping that way, he stands up and comes closer to her. He slowly grabs her arm, holds her waist to make her stand and lifts her up. Selena makes a sound, making Magnus nervous but Selena did not wake up. Magnus slowly puts her on the couch and places a blanket on her. He then kneels in front of her and stares at her face.

"I know you would not like it but I am determined to win your heart. I hope you would give me a chance eventually.". Magnus stands up is about to walk away when Selena grabs his hand. He looks at her and realizes that Selena's eyes are closed. He smiles, "She must have been dreaming.". He tries to make her hand let go but her grip is tight. Magnus has no choice but lets it be. He sits on the floor and leans his head on the couch.

The next morning, Magnus wakes up first. He sees that Selena is still holding his hand. He slowly pulls her hand until finally letting his hand free. He is about to go to the bed of his grandmother when Selena grabs his hand again, pulling Magnus. Magnus is almost landed on Selena but he manages to balance his weight. His face is an inch closer to hers. And by that time, Selena is starting to wake up and the first thing she is seeing is Magnus' face.

They gaze into each other's eyes. Selena could not move and is speechless. While Magnus is staring at her and into her lips.