
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

You can hide it from yourself but not from me

Evelyn's Pov:


Are you okay?

I quickly get to her before her head falls to the ground.

What shall I do now? I say, panicking.

I pick her up and put her on her bed.

I pace around the room for a few seconds, not knowing what to do.

I get my phone from my pocket and call our personal doctor.

"Good evening, miss Evelyn. Is everything alright?"

Dr Charles, could you please come here as soon as possible?! I say, tears coming out this time.

"First, calm down, Evelyn. Tell me what happened. I am on my way now," he says.

My sister....she... I say, crying.


Yes, Dr Charles.

"Take a deep breath first," says Charles.

I take a deep breath, and then he tells me to breathe out, and I follow his instructions till I feel calmer.

"Now try again and tell what happened," he says.

My sister and I came home.

I noticed on the way that she wasn't feeling well, and when I asked her, she just told me it was because of the flight.

I believed her, so I didn't ask further, but when we came home, she fainted. I say, crying again.

"Okay, don't worry. I will be there in ten," Charles says to me while cutting the call.

I sit next to Mia and take her hand in mine.

I gently move her hair out of her face.

She looks soo pale, and she has a fever.

After a few minutes which looked hours, Charles comes into the room.

When I see him, I start to cry again.

He runs to me.

"Everything will be alright. Don't cry," Charles says while wiping away my tears.

I nodded and moved out of the way so he could look at her.

He takes her hand and checks her pulse.

I notice something when Charles is doing that, and I think he did too when he pulls her dress up a little so we could get a better look.

Mia had wounds on her arm.

We look at each other in shock.

Charles checked her other arm, and there were wounds too.

"I think there are more wounds on her body," Charles says.

I take a deep breath hoping that it wasn't as Charles said.

Charles stands up, and I gently pick up her head, afraid of the reality that was going to hit me in the face.

I put her zipper down, tears slipping from my eyes.

I gasp. There were wounds all around Mia's back.

The injuries were spruced up, yet I could see blood on them.

What shall we do? I say to Charles shaking.

"It is okay. Don't cry. Mia wouldn't want to see you like this," he says.

I quickly wipe them away.

"Why don't you go and tell the cookers to make something hot for her while I re-dress her wounds and see if there are more," he says.

I nod and go out of the room.

I run downstairs and go into the kitchen.

Hey, Olivia.

Can you help me make a coconut curry soup?

"Is everything alright? Did you cry?" she asks me, worried.

Mia has a fever, and Charles told me to make something hot for her that she can eat.

"Why don't I make it, and you calm down a bit? Mia will be fine," she says while helping me to sit down because I was shaking.

Thank you, Olivia. I say to her while she gives me a cup of water.

After twenty minutes, Charles comes down.

I run to him.

And? How is she?

"She will be fine. She was exhausted because of the flight and the pain that she had to endure. Her wounds got infected because I am guessing they didn't get treated right away, but I gave her painkillers and dressed her wounds again, so she should be fine. There was an injury on her head, as well. She may feel nauseas and have regular headaches. Just make sure that her injuries won't get wet for the next few days, and you have to change her bandages. I also wrote a prescription for her which I will bring tomorrow."

I put him in a hug.

Thank you so much.

I was worried.

"Why would you thank me? It is my duty," he says.

No matter what, I was thankful.

"Evelyn, the soup is ready," she says, coughing.

That is when I noticed what I was doing.

I immediately let him go.

"Make sure to change her clothes. I shall get going now," Charles says.

Oh yeah.

Be safe.

"You don't have to send me out," he says while walking away.

"How long will you be looking at his back?" Olivia says, smiling.

Who said I was looking? I say.

"You can hide it from yourself but not from me," she says while getting the bowl with soup.

I get the bowl from her hands.

Now is not the time to talk about this. I say.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Go check on Mia," she says.

Can you get some pyjamas from my closet for Mia?

We need to change her clothes.

"Yeah, that is fine," she says while going to my room.

I gently open the door of Mia's room.

I place the bowl on the drawer and sit next to her.

Mia opens her eyes and looks at me.

"What happened?"

Don't you remember what happened?

You fainted and shocked me.

I called Charles immediately and told him to come.

"Who is Charles?" asks Mia.

Oh yeah. I forgot that you don't know Charles.

Charles is our personal doctor.

He was the only person I could think of when I saw you like that.

"Did you.... see everything?" she asks me.

Yeah, I did.

Charles dressed your injuries up, so don't worry about anything.

He prescribed you some medicine too, but he will bring that tomorrow.

He also told me to regularly re-dress your wounds and told you not to wet your injuries.

Sorry, I was really in shock and was panicking.

I couldn't do anything, so Charles was the one that did everything.

"You don't have to apologize. The same would have happened to me," Mia says while smiling.

Can you tell me how it happened?

How are you this hurt?

"I am sorry for the trouble. I promise I will tell you when the right time comes," Mia says.

It is okay. You can tell me when you are ready but promise me you will tell me when you are not feeling well. I can't take it if the same thing as today happens.

"I promise. Can you not tell the others either, please? Grandfather is already suspecting me," she says.

Okay, I promise if that makes you feel better.

At that moment, Olivia comes in with my pyjamas.

"Evelyn, I got the pyjamas for Mia," she says but then stops looking at Mia.

"Woah, you look soo pretty," she says while looking at her.

Mia smiles.

"Thank you. You know me?"

"Who doesn't know you? Everyone was informed about your coming," Olivia says while giving the pyjamas to me.

"Oh, really?" says Mia shyly.

I smile.

Here. I say while I give Mia the pyjamas.

Change into these. It will be much more comfortable.

Olivia, could you re-heat the soup?

"Of course," she says while walking away with the bowl.

I will just check up on them while you go and change.

There are taking too long. I say to Mia, and she nods.

I leave the room while I dial my father's number.

After a few rings, he picks up.

"Hello, darling. Did you guys arrive safely?"

Hii, dad.

Yes, we are home already.

I called to ask why you guys are soo late.

"Oh, your mom wanted to buy something things for Mia. You know how long it takes for her to choose one thing. I think she is getting a whole closet for Mia," he says.

I laugh.

I could already see dad rolling his eyes.


You guys take your time.

"How is she doing?" he asks me.

I remember what happened a while ago, but I promised not to tell anyone anything.

She is fine, dad.

"Does she like her room?"

Yeah, she does.

She said that it was gigantic for her. I say, smiling while remembering how amused she was.

"I am glad she likes it," he says.

Be careful, dad, please.

"Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and Mia," he says while cutting the call.

I see Olivia coming up the stairs.

"Did you finish talking to them?" she asks me.


They are late because mom wanted to buy something for Mia. I say to her.

Olivia smiles.

She knows mom just like we all do.

"Let's bring the soup to Mia before it gets cold again," she says while going into the room.

I walked after her, and Mia was under the blanket already.

She was still a little pale, which made me worried about her.

She saw me looking at her and smiles.

I am fine. You don't have to be worried about me," Mia says.

How did you know? I ask her.

She chuckles.

"You have the same expression as grandfather," she says.

Oh, I say, feeling caught.

I am sorry, but I am still afraid the same will happen, and I won't be able to do anything. I say to Mia.

Mia pats next to her, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Don't apologize. I am grateful you are worried about me," Mia says, smiling.

She had a captivating smile.

It was beautiful.

Olivia comes closer and gives the bowl to Mia.

"You should eat it before it gets cold," she says.

"You know me, but I don't know you yet," says Mia.

Creation is hard, please cheer me up!



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