
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

He sounds like an amazing person

At that moment, I didn't ponder about anything else but him.

It felt like a part of me had waited for this for a long time.

I could finally leave that other part of my life behind.

I could leave all my regrets behind and start anew.

No matter what the reason was that he left, he still came back for me.

At least he wanted me.

After it seemed like we had hugged for hours, he put me back on the ground.

I took a look at his face.

She was right. We did look alike.

I got my blue eyes from him and my black hair.

He smiles at me.

"I have waited for you," he says while putting me in another hug.

And then the woman comes and breaks the hug.

"WE were all waiting for her. Isn't that so, my love?" she says while looking at me.

"Oh yeah. I forget about all of you guys. Mia, as you noticed, I am your father, and this is your stepmother," he says while looking at her.

She gently pushes him out the way and puts me in a hug.

"You can just call me mom, but if that is hard for you, then just call me Madison," she says.

I didn't know what to say, so I nodded my head.

The two girls came forward, waiting for him to introduce them.

"This is Evelyn. She is your big sister," he says while she comes forwards and puts me in a hug as well.

"Welcome to the family, sis. We all have waited for you for soo long," she says.

I smile and hug her back.

She reminded me of Ava.

Soo sweet and warming.

"This is Emily, and she is your little sister," he says while gesturing for her to come to me.

I guess she was just shy like me.

I go to her.

Hii, I am...

"I know who you are. You are Mia," she says while fiddling with her fingers.

"Don't mind her. She is just shy," he says while the boy walks toward me.

"Hi, I am Noah," he says while having a smile on his face.

I didn't say anything.

It didn't feel right.

There was just something about him that I didn't like.

He comes forward and puts me in a hug as well.

I hesitated for a while but slowly hugged him back.

"We have waited for you for a long time. I think dad is the most surprised of us all. Right, dad?" he says while looking at him.

"You could say that," he says.

Surprised, I ask him, confused.

He was surprised about what?

"I know you have a lot of questions which we will answer all later, but now you must be tired," he says while giving Noah a weird look.

He then walks to grandpa and puts him in a hug.

"Papa, thank you for getting her. You must be tired," he says.

"Don't worry, my son. We were all looking forward to this just like you. You are not the only that is excited to see Mia here," says grandpa while patting him on the back.

My father then laughs and breaks the hug.

"Well then, what are we waiting for now? Let's go home!"

Evelyn grabs my hand and makes me run to the car with her.

"Father, Mia will go with me. We will see you at home," she says while opening the door for me.

"Okay, be safe and call me every 5 minutes," he screams after us, but I don't think Evelyn heard him at all because she was soo excited.

She tells me to put on my seatbelt and starts the car.

"You must be nervous," she says to me.

A little bit. I say.

"Sorry, we were all soo excited to welcome our new sister. We forgot how you felt," she says.

It is fine.

You don't have to apologize to me.

"Are you excited to go home? I am so excited to show you everything. We have a big house, so you don't have to worry about sharing a room with someone," she says, smiling.

That was the last thing I was worried about, honestly. I say.

"Huh?" she says.

Oh, nothing.

"You didn't answer my question yet."

Oh, I don't know how I am supposed to be feeling right now.

The word 'home' feels so unfamiliar.

"Don't worry about it. It must be the nerves," Evelyn says while smiling.

I hope so too.

How long will it take for us to be there? I ask her.

"Oh, not long. We will be there in 10 minutes," Evelyn says.

My body is starting to ache again, so I got to be there as fast as possible. I say to myself.

Hugging everyone must have triggered my wounds.

"Are you okay, though? You are starting to look pale," she says.

Yeah, I am just tired from the flight. I say while having an awkward smile on my face.

Sometime later, Evelyn parks.

"We are here!" she says excitedly.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and goes out of the car.

I slowly unbuckle mine too and get out of the car.

Woah, what was in front of me was not a house but a palace.

"How is it? Isn't it big?" she asks.

I chuckle in amazement.

Wow, It is significantly huge.

Isn't it too big for just five people?

"Six now," she says, smiling at me.

Oh yeah.

How do you guys even see each other?

It must be at least four floors.

"Everyone has their room, study room and bathroom. When it is time to eat, father likes us all to gather on the dining floor so that we can all eat together and bond while we eat," she says, smiling.

He sounds like an amazing person. I say to her.

"He is. My mom married him when she had Noah and me. Noah was already six by that time, but I was only three. Our father died when I was just born, but James took us in and treated us like he was our father.

Most people say that stepfathers or mothers are horrible, so I always think that god must have favoured us a lot because he gave us someone that would just love us like our real father," she says.

I look at her.

Her eyes were shining just like a star.

So Emily is younger than me? I ask her.

"Yeah, she is fourteen. She was born two years after we moved in," she says.

Oh, so you are three years older than me? Or two years and a half.

"Yeah. I will be your big sister," she says, smiling.

Then take good care of me, please. I say to Evelyn.

"Of course. I am really excited to get to know you better. Shall we go in now? I can show you around before everyone arrives," Evelyn says, excitement showing in her voice.

Yes, let's go in. I say.

"Oh, by the way, you look soo cute in that dress," she says while opening the door.

Thank you.

I was afraid you guys wouldn't like it. I say.

"Why would you think that way? And what does it matter if we don't like it? You should wear whatever you are comfortable with," she says.

I just wanted to make a good first impression.

I didn't want you guys to think that I was a nobody.

"No matter what you wear, you are always dear to us because you are our sister. Everyone would be happy to see you regardless of what you are wearing," she says while telling me to come in.

I take a deep breath while going into the house.

Woah, it was beautiful.

It was not a house but a mansion.

I don't have words for this.

How could a house be like this?

"And.. How is it? Do you like it?"

It's... It's beautiful.

I say with my mouth open.

"Do you want to take a rest? We can look around tomorrow," says Evelyn.

I smile at her.

I would love that. I say.

She takes my hand and makes me run with her.

We go on the stairs and stop by the first floor.

Oww, I say in pain.

This was the last strike for my wounds again.

"Oh, I am sorry. Did I hurt you?" Evelyn asks me, worry visible in her voice.

No, it's just.

"What happened? You are sweating, and you look like you are in pain," she asks me.

I am fine. Thank you.

I am just tired, and my body feels sore because of the flight.

"Oh, then this way is your room," she says while walking to the right.

She opens the door.

"You first," she says.

I slowly walked into the room that looked nothing like mine.

It was soo big that more than five people could sleep in it.

I take another step, but I stop because I felt so dizzy.

I grabbed my head, hoping it would stop, but it just got worse, and that is when I couldn't take it anymore.
