
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

Then... can I have a kiss?

Mia's Pov:

I noticed his expression changed the moment I said that to him.

Did I say something wrong? I ask him, worried.

"Huh, no. I am just surprised you still remember that," says Nathan.

How could I forget it?

I had nightmares about it for days. I say.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know that," says Nathan, guilt showing in his eyes.

It would be a shock for everyone.

It is not something that happens every day. I said, reassuring him that I was okay.

"You scared me. Don't do that to me ever again," he says, taking my hand in his again.

I smile at Nathan nodding my head.

Honestly, my whole body was hurting, and I felt like my head was split into two, but I didn't want to show him that.

He looked exhausted already.

I didn't want to worry him.

At that moment, the two boys come back with a nurse.

"Hello, Ms Mia. How are you feeling?" she asks me, looking into my eyes and checking other things.

Like I just woke up from my death. I say, smiling at her.

"Well, you did a good job of fighting for your life. Why don't you talk to your boyfriend while I call the doctor for you? You may need to take some tests just to ensure you are okay," she says, giving me a bright smile.

I nod my head at her.

She leaves, and I look at Nathan.

"What?" he says, smiling.

Did you tell her that? I ask him.

"Tell her what?" he says, teasing me.

So he wants me to say it? I say in my head.

That you are my boyfriend. I say to him, satisfying him with my answer.

"Of course. Who else is your boyfriend other than me?" he says.

I know, but you told people without my permission. I say, pouting like a baby.

He quickly comes closer and kisses me.

I look at him with wide eyes.

"I was dying to do that the moment you woke up," he says.

I blush and look away from him.

"Uhum, did you guys forget that we were here?" says Lucas.

"You do it again, man. What is wrong with you?" says Ian in annoyance.

I smile at their behaviour.

Honestly, I didn't mind that they were here at all.

So you are Lucas? I ask, turning my head towards him a little.

"Yeah, it is me. You probably remember me because I was the best shooter," he says proudly.

"Don't listen to him, Mia. How are you feeling now?" asks Ian lovely.

Don't worry.

I have dealt with much worse. I say, smiling.

Will you guys do me a favour and take this guy to have a bath? I tell them, laughing.

"For you anything, my lady," says Lucas walking to Nathan.

I roll my eyes at his silly behaviour.

"I won't leave till your family comes," says Nathan.

I will be fine.

Go home, take a shower, have a change of clothes and take a rest. Then you can stay here as long as you want. I say, hoping he will listen to me.

"Then... can I have a kiss?" he says.

Really Nathan? I ask him.

"I will go if you kiss me," he says, coming closer.

I put my hand on the back of his head, bringing his face closer to mine and kiss him for a second.

I push him away gently.

"That is not fair. You can't call that a kiss," he says, whining.

If that wasn't enough, then just don't come back here anymore. I say, acting like I was mad.

"Okay, okay. That was more than enough," he says while standing up.

"You guys make me feel soo single," says Lucas.

I laugh while Nathan rolls his eyes.

"Do you want me to bring anything?" asks Nathan.

Just yourself is enough. I say, smiling.

"Wow, I didn't know you knew how to flirt," he says, kissing me on the forehead.

There are a lot of things you don't know. I say.

"You guys just disgust me now," says Lucas acting like he is gonna vomit.

"Shut up, man. You are just jealous that I have a girlfriend before you," says Nathan.

"Oh, by the way, I told Violet what happened, so she might come into here any second from now. I hope you don't mind," says Ian.

Of course not.

Don't worry. I say, smiling at him.

The doctor came in the moment they were about to leave.

"Hello, Mia. I heard what happened. How are you doing?" asks Dr Charles.

Dr Charles?

What are you doing here? I ask him, surprised.

I saw the boys leaving from the corner of my eyes.

"The doctor in charge of you couldn't come, so I came here," he says, smiling.

Well, that is good.

It won't be as awkward. I say, smiling back at him.

"So, how are you feeling now?" he asks, lighting a light in my eye.

I feel like my head is split into two. I say, smiling.

"Yeah, it is because you hit your head when you fell," he says in a sad voice.

Oh. I say, remembering everything.

"You are lucky you were saved on time," he says.

I know.

At that moment, I wanted to leave so bad, but I was hoping that Nathan wouldn't go either. I say, tears prickling in my eyes.

"Is that your boyfriend?" he asks me.

How did you know? I ask him, surprised.

"All the nurses are talking about how handsome he is and that they are all jealous that he already has a girlfriend," says Dr Charles, smiling softly.

I chuckle.

No wonder the nurse knew. I say.

"Do you want to talk about it? You know it is not good to bottle up all your feelings," says Dr Charles.

I am okay.

Don't worry.

I will surely tell you if I need help. I say.

He takes a deep breath.

"Okay. Your family will come here anytime so you can spend some time with them, but you aren't supposed to spend too much time with them as you still need rest," he says, smiling.

Oh, how is my father? And Evelyn and Olivia? I ask him, worried.

"Don't worry, they are fine. They are worried, but when they see you, they will be fine," he says.

Oh, okay. I say, letting out a big breath.

"Oh my gosh! You are awake!" says someone putting me in a hug.

Oh, Evelyn. I say in relief.

"I thought we had lost you," she says, and I could feel a tear on my cheek.

I slowly put my hand on her back.

Dr Charles was smiling at me.

"I will come back a bit later," he says after he greets my dad.

After a while, she let go of me.

I take a look at dad.

"Welcome back, my daughter," he says while coming over and also putting me in a hug.

I smile while I try to put him in a hug.

I could see Olivia and Emily standing there.

Father lets me go, and I open my arms for Emily.

She slowly walks to me and puts me in a hug.

She quickly let go of me, but I could see that she wiped a tear away.

I smile.

"Just so you know, I didn't cry like Evelyn," she says.

But you did cry? I say, teasing her.

"No, I didn't at all," she says, but I knew she was lying.

I smile, looking at Olivia.

"You shocked us," she says while giving me a hug.

I laugh a little.

Yeah, I am sorry about that.

"Just so you know, if you thought that it was funny, well, it wasn't," she says.

Are you gonna lecture me even in this situation? I ask.

"Well, you need it. Who knows what you will do next," Olivia says, slightly slapping my arm.

Oww, that hurt. I say, faking it a bit.

"Oh, I am sorry. I thought I slapped lightly," she says with shock.

I am just joking. I say, laughing.

"You even know how to make jokes in this condition," she says, acting like an angry grandma.

I looked around, but I couldn't see my stepmother.

Where is she? I ask.

"Oh darling, your stepmother wasn't feeling that well, but she sends you her regards," says father smiling sweetly.

Oh. I say in disappointment.

"Where is he?" asks Evelyn smiling mischievously.

Who? I ask her.

"Where is Nathan?" she asks.

"Yeah, didn't he come? He said that he would come," says father now.

Um, he did come, but I told him to go home because he looked tired. I say.

"Wow, someone is already caring for her man," says Olivia.

She and Evelyn laugh together.

Where is uncle Robin? I ask to change the topic.

"He is downstairs," says Emily.

He didn't want to come up? I ask.

"No, he just thought that it was only right if we went to you first," says Evelyn.


That is nonsense. I say.

"Dad, I will go back to mom. I don't think it's okay for her to stay alone," says Emily.

"You want me to go with you?" asks dad.

"It's okay. I will be fine on my own," says Emily while leaving.

"Okay, I will talk to Dr Charles about when you can be discharged and what has to be done now," says father.

I smile at him, and he leaves.

Evelyn and Olivia quickly come to sit next to me.

"Soooo, what did you guys do?" they ask me at the same time.

I blush, knowing what they meant.

What are you guys talking about? I say.

"Oh, look at her blushing," says Evelyn.

Could you guys stop this? I ask them.

They look at each other.

"No! Not in a million times!" they say.

Oh, you really wanna do this? I ask them, smirking now.

They questionably look at me.

You wanna talk about Dr Charles? I say, looking at Evelyn.

She immediately begins to blush.

Oh, did something happen when I was gone? I ask her, excited.

"Something did definitely happen but not when you were gone," says Olivia teasing Evelyn.

Oh girl, don't think I am done with you. I say to Olivia.

"Huh?" she says.

I made you your favourite. I say, trying to mimic Olivia's voice.

I burst into laughter, and so does Evelyn.

It was her turn now.

I slowly try to sit up, and the girls help me when they see me struggling.

Olivia takes the remote and adjusts the bed to my liking.

"Oh, I made food for you. I searched for what food was good after brain surgery, so I made broiled chicken with brown rice and vegetables so that you can get all the energy you need for the day," says Olivia.

Evelyn gets me a little table while Olivia puts the food in front of me.

Honestly, I don't feel like eating because I feel a little nauseous, but I wanted to try a bit to make them less worried about me.

I take the spoon and try it.

Wow, you never fail to amaze me with your food skills.

You gotta teach me sometime. I say, smiling at her.

"So that you can make it for Nathan?" asks Evelyn teasing me.

You don't wanna start this again. I say, looking at Evelyn.

They both smile at me.

Aren't you guys going to ask me why I did it? I say softly.

Another chapter for you guys.

Hope you enjoy!



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