
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

I haven't felt like that for someone else

Evelyn's Pov:

"Did you cry?" he said to me when we left Mia's room.

Oh, you noticed it? I say.

"Yeah, the moment I came in. It was because of Mia, right? I noticed Mia and Olivia cried as well," he says.

I sigh.

It was the first time she had told us something. I say.

"It seems like you are already close to her, although you guys only met two days ago," says Dr Charles to me.

Am I?

Why does it feel like I still have a dark road in front of me?

"That is probably because she went through a lot, and you feel guilty. But you should know that you won't help her by feeling that way. You must show her that you are always ready to support and listen to her. By the wounds I saw yesterday, it looks like she was getting harmed," he says.

I was fearful of that, but from what she told me today, it seems like she was getting abused.

"I know. Are you not going to tell anyone?" he asks.

I can't.

I promised her.

I can't break it. I say, frustrated to him.

"Don't think about that right now. Mia needs help. She is undergoing trauma. It may get better if we get her help now," he says.

I thought for a second, almost giving in.

The thought of Mia that night came into my head.

When she was asking me not to tell anyone. She was begging me with her eyes.

I shake my head.

I know you mean it good, but if I brake my promise to her, I will get on her wrong side. What if she loses trust in us or worse? What if she thinks that we are just the same as that family?

Wouldn't that make things worse for her? I asked him genuinely because I was confused.

Dr Charles sighs.

"I gave her the prescription. I wrote everything on a piece of paper to explain when she would take it," he says.

I give him a faint smile.

Thank you. I say.

"Don't worry. Mia will get better by you by her side," says Dr Charles.

Father came upstairs that moment.

"Dr Charles, how is my daughter?" he says, worried.

Dr Charles smiles by seeing my father.

"Everything is fine, sir. She was traumatized and shocked by the occurrence. She was very exhausted and needed rest now. I wrote a prescription for her headache and nausea. She will be fine," he says.

"Thank you, Dr Charles," says father while shaking hands with him.

"You don't have to thank me, Mr James. This is what I get paid for," he says, smiling soo big.

Dr Charles admires my father a lot.

He said that one day, he just wanted to be as successful as my dad.

But in my eyes, he is already successful, just like my dad.

He achieved soo many things at such a young age. I say, a smile arising on my face.

"Let me escort you out," says my father to him.

"No, please, no need. You should go check on Mia," says Dr Charles.

My father smiles at him, and Dr Charles leaves, giving me a last look.

I look at my father after Dr Charles leaves.

He gives me a side hug while caressing my arm.

He opens the door of Mia's room.

She was lying on her bed.

Father walks to Mia and sits next to her.

"She must have been tired," he says while putting her hair behind her air.

Yeah, she was.

Olivia comes in with a tray and stops when she sees dad.

Father smiles at the way she behaved.

"Come in. You don't have to be soo shocked," he says.

Olivia awkwardly looks at him and walks toward us.

"I brought some food for you guys," she says and places it on the table.

She looked at Mia and noticed that she was sleeping.

"Oh, she fell asleep?" she says, embarrassed.

I laugh at her behaviour.

Even after two years, she feels shy around my father.

What shall we do?

Shall I wake Mia up so that she can eat something? I ask dad.

"Yeah, let's do that. She can't sleep on an empty stomach." says father.

I nod my head.

That is for the better. I say.

"I think it is better if I leave you guys to it. She is more comfortable with you guys," says father while standing up.

Don't worry, dad.

Mia will be better. I say to father.

"Of course, she will. Mia is part of our family, and what are we? We are strong," he says while patting my shoulder.

"You are right, sir. I have seen nothing but strongness and courage," says Olivia to dad.

My father smiles at her.

"Daughter, no need to feel shy around me. What did I tell you when you came into this house?" he says to her.

"That this is my home too," says Olivia.

"Exactly! I want you to remember that. If you have any difficulties, don't forget to tell me. You are just like a daughter to me," says father to Olivia.

Olivia smiles at my father, and he walks away.


Two years have passed, and you still act like this towards him?

"You know how thankful I am to him," says Olivia while sitting on the chair.

I know, but still...

"Just wake Mia up before the food gets cold," she says.

"I am already awake," says Mia while slowly sitting up.

Olivia and I looked surprised at each other and then at Mia.

We thought you were asleep. I say.

"I was, but I woke when father went out," she says while smiling.

That is good.

I was hesitating about the fact that I had to wake you up. I say to Mia.

"How can I sleep when I smell Olivia's food?" says Mia.

"So the honour is to me?" says Olivia.

"Of course," says Mia, winking.

Stop exaggerating, guys.

Let's go eat. I say to Mia while standing.

She slowly emerged from her blanket and almost fell, but I held her hand.

She looks at me.

"I am sorry. I feel very dizzy," she says.

You don't have to apologize.

It's okay.

Let's eat. I say while helping her to the table.

She sits down and looks at the food.

"What are we eating today?" she says to Olivia.

"I made something straightforward. It took me only thirty minutes.."

Just tell us what you made. I say to Olivia.

Olivia rolls her eyes.

And I stick my tongue out at her.

"I made fried rice with a lot of vegetables. It is to recover your energy. I made some omelette as well, cut them and put it on top," says Olivia.

"Well, it looks incredible. Thank you," says Mia smiling.

Let's dig in.

I suppose you are hungry. Then you have to take your pills. I say to Mia.

Mia starts eating the moment I tell her to.

Calm down. I say to Mia while getting her hair out of her face.

The food won't run away.

She looks at me with a mouth full.

"Well, you guys eat too," she says.

Olivia and I got our spoons and began to eat as well.

We were all eating in one big bowl.

I guess this was one of the reasons the food was soo nice.

"Oh, I forgot the drinks. Don't wait for me. I will come back," says Olivia while running.

Be careful! I scream after her.

Is it good? I ask, looking at Mia.

She nods her head.

"It is excellent. I didn't know food could taste like this," says Mia.

I smile.

Everything that Olivia makes will never disappoint you.

You will lick your fingers.

Olivia comes in the moment I say that.

"Thank you for the compliment," says Olivia while giving us the drinks.

"Is this cola?" asks Mia.

Why do you look so surprised? I ask her.

"You never drank this?" asks Olivia.

"I only drank it once," says Mia.

What!? Say Olivia and me at the same.

"Are you sure?" asks Olivia.

"Why is it so surprising?" she asks.

We drink it every day.

There is soo many drinks.

How did you only drink cola once? I say to Mia.

"Dani gave it to me," she says while eating.

Who is Dani? We say again at the same time.

"Was he your boyfriend?" asks Olivia.

Or was he your crush? I ask her.

"He was someone I didn't deserve," she says.

Olivia and I look at each other, understanding that it must be a topic that hurts her.

Olivia picks up the cola and opens it for Mia.

"Well, now you can drink it all you want and when you want," says Olivia.

Yeah, Olivia is right. Every day we can gather like this and test different drinks out. I say.

"At this rate, I will finish everything," says Mia.

We all laugh and dig in again.

*Nathan's Pov*

"What were you doing out there? We almost got caught," says Lucas.

"Man, what was that? I never saw you care about a girl like that," says Ian.

I had no choice but to save her.

Remember our promise. I say to them.

"Stop lying to us. Don't act like we just met. Did you guys meet before? I heard her ask you if you remembered her," says Lucas.

"Really? Did she ask him that?" says Ian stunned.

I sigh at their behaviour and continue washing the dishes.

"Are you not going to tell us anything?" asks Lucas while putting his arm around me.

Let go of me, man. I say to him while pushing him away.

"You should tell us. Why were you hiding such a beautiful girl from us?" says Lucas.

"Yeah, I wanna hear about her too," says Ian.

Will you leave me alone if I tell you to? I ask them.

We will consider it! They say both.

I met her first in a restaurant before I caught the flight.

"Does that mean you met her on the flight, too?" says Lucas.

"Just let him finish," says Ian slapping Lucas at the back of his head.

I chuckle at their behaviour.

She bumped into me, and we fell to the ground. I say, remembering what happened.

"Let me guess what you did after that. You screamed at her," says Ian, interrupting.

Well, half...

"Let me guess now. You wanted to scream, but you stopped when you saw how gorgeous she was," says Lucas interrupting me as well.

"Really? Did you like her the moment you saw her?" asks Ian.

If you guys are going to keep on guessing, then I can also listen to you. I say.

"Okay, okay. We will be silent. Tell us everything. Don't leave one thing out," says Ian excited.

I do admit there was something about her when we met.

Was it like a spark?

Anyway, I haven't felt like that for someone else.

"I never thought I would hear this from Nathan myself. I guess I did good in being patient by letting you grow," says Ian, proud of himself.

I roll my eyes at him.

"So what happened after that, and why did you act like you didn't know her?" asks Lucas.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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