
The ring that I lost

G put the toast in his mouth and slowly chewed. His father cleared his throat and put his fork down.

"We decided that you need to marry someone who can take care of you properly."

G looked at his father, toast still in his mouth, not understanding what he was saying.

"You will like that girl." Mrs Robert added.

"I don't want to marry." He got up.

"Just look at her picture one time." Mrs Robert slide a picture in front of him.

"I don't want to marry."

"Just look one time. If you didn't like her, we will not force you." Mrs Robert smiled.

G left without looking at the picture.

"You think, it will work?" Mr Robert was curious.

"Of course, I am his mother."

"You shouldn't force them to marry their daughter to G. I didn't like it. It's not like our son doesn't have any proposals. He is the son of me, Robert ............"

Mr Robert stopped as G came running from stairs.

He had a picture in his hand.

"Is it true. It's her.... It's really her."