
The ring that I lost: Finale

After clearing everything, everyone was sitting in a vip room in a restaurant to enjoy their lunch. The love birds were enjoying each other's company while ignoring the two women sitting side to side.

G said something in Selena's ear and she hit his arm with her fist. This was going on from past 15 minutes and Mrs Robert was really worried about his son's arm.

"Both of you, stop it." Cora glared at them and they looked at her with wide eyes.

"No, no. Carry on. They both suffered a lot." Mrs Robert gave them a teasing smile.


"You may kiss the bride." G was waiting for this so he didn't waste anytime to claim Selena's lips.

Selena took a step back to balance herself while G wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.

Cora smiled at them and looked around for Jeremy. He was standing near a young girl who was smiling at him.

Cora was feeling jealous and walked towards him.