
Love bud

Love bud is a story of a small village named ivy hill where individuals become eligible for pairing with their life partner at the age of 21,of which the partners are basically chosen by the elders. They would then be tested after 3 years of living together with their partner,anyone who fails would have to stay single forever. Seraphine a young maiden who has a secret crush on her best friend Clark for years hope they would end up getting paired together but that didn’t happen. Unfortunately she was paired up with Damien,her high school bully. They both loathe each other,he hates her for her innocence and weakness. She hates him for being a bully and making her stay in community high hell.. Things get hot in the house after Seraphine got to know that being paired up with Damien was all a plan to prolong her suffering. Due to the conspiracy,her partner which was actually Clark was changed to Damien,but then Damien had started having feelings for her. It’s goes on as a rollercoaster of emotions as Damien tries to win Seraphine’s heart and at the same time correct his past mistakes.

opeyemi_oyeladun · Urban
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83 Chs

Calming the storm

Chapter 18


I opened my eyes just to see Damien standing in front of me smiling painfully and Melody lying on the ground groaning in pain.

Still wondering what happened while my eyes were shut I suddenly saw Damien's white shirt turn red at his abdominal region.

"oh my god why did you take the bullet?" I said covering my mouth with my hand as I tried touching the hurt place with trembling hands. The police came out from their hideout, one of them called for an ambulance to take both Damien and Melody to the hospital.

I never knew when tears started running down my cheeks from my eyes,I was scared of someone dying because of me. Apparently Damien stood in front of me as Melody pulled the trigger and she was gunned down almost immediately by the police but how come the police are here?

The ambulance came and carried Damien to the hospital. He told me not to call mother or anyone because he doesn't want them worrying unnecessarily and of course because his dad would blame me for what happened.

Melody was taken to the hospital as well,her hands handcuffed to the bed. All the way to the hospital Melody's words kept ringing in my head. I felt guilty for not telling Clark to move on with his life with Melody.

Instead I wanted another wife's husband for myself. It wasn't her fault that I didn't get paired with Clark. I can't believe I thought of eloping with Clark without considering her feelings.

As soon as we got to the hospital Damien was taken in by the doctors to get the bullet removed, luckily he hasn't lost a lot of blood. He got wheeled out about an hour later and was transferred to an hospital bed. I sat by this bed side as he slept wondering why he took the bullet for me.

'Does he have feelings for me?. It can't be' I said to myself.


Damien didn't wake up till the next morning. Mother must have been worried sick at home, I couldn't contact her because he instructed me not to and told me to switch the phone off.

I woke up with pains on my body. My neck hurts from sleeping on the chair accompanied with the pain from the stabbed area as well.

"Good morning " I said to him as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning Seraphine" he said smiling.

I looked at him and asked" Why did you do that? Why did you stay in front of me just to get shot?. Did you do that to gain my sympathy or did you do that so I can feel guilty and forgive you? and how did the policemen get there in time?

Damien looked at me calmly and said "Seraphine.....I'm hungry pls can you get me something?". I can't believe he just ignored my questions but then he's right.

I told one of the nurses to his food. After eating he said " I want you to know that I'm sorry for whatever I did in the past and I'd love if you don't continue to doubt my intentions. I didn't do this to make you feel guilty,I acted out of impulse. I couldn't bear to imagine Melody hurting you again". It is my responsibility to protect you" he finally said.

I stared at him dumbfounded,not knowing whether to believe him or not.

He said he secretly sent our location to the police while Melody was busy talking. I was grateful to him even though I didn't say it,I thought I was going to die. I can't imagine not seeing my loved ones anymore.

I switched our cellphones on and mother's call came in on Damien's phone almost immediately. He answered the call and told her he went to the office to get some work done and that I decided to rest in my parents house for a while.


Damien has been discharged from the hospital and Melody put behind bars. Mother and everyone got to know how she tried to kill me and also about Damien's heroic work. The judge sentenced her to 10 years imprisonment for attempted murder . I returned back to the Daniels accepting my fate.

I hadn't seen Clark for days but felt at ease because I'm trying to sort out my feelings for him. Seeing him would make it harder.

Damien had been nice towards me ever since I got back although I insist he sleeps on the bed while I sleep on the couch.

"Take your shirt off" I said to Damien one afternoon offering to help him dress his wound. Mother has always been the one cleaning both his and mine but she went to see a distant relative and wouldn't be back until the next day.

I brought the first aid kit and placed it on the bed. He looked surprised by my reaction then he replied "Okay...if you say so". He was about taking them off when I remembered that I have to first wash my hands. I quickly went to the bathroom to get that done.

I got back from the bathroom to see Damien sitting on his bed without his shirt. It was my first time seeing him without his shirts on,I would either go out or try not to look at him whenever he changes his clothes.

Without his shirts on,he looked like the models on magazines or those that advertise colognes on tv. I walked towards him admiring his six packs I didn't know when I stumbled on my toes and fell on him pinning him down to the bed.

"Seraph....,oh did I miss something?" I heard someone say from behind as she chuckles. I can't believe i got carried away by his looks without hearing the door open. I got off him immediately and turned back to see Diane. " It's not what....." She didn't let me finish before closing the door behind her. I went after her just to clear thing but aside that I desperately wanted to avoid Damien's gaze.
