
Love Between Fairy And Devil (Completed)

After hatching endless plots and suffering innumerable hardships, the demons of the Demonic Realm finally managed to resurrect the Ancient Demon King. The demons of the Demonic Realm had hoped that the Ancient Demon King would not only lead them in waging a war against the Heavenly Realm and enable them to lord their superiority over the Immortals, he would also ultimately gain control over the entire realm. Gradually, however, they discovered that their thoughts were very, very wrong. Whilst it is true that this Ancient Demon King still retains his aura of superiority and possesses unlimited powers, he... He seems to be a mental case... It's alright even if he changes orders and does things in an incomprehensible way. But what's with his habit of muttering under his breath, nagging and conversing with himself the entire day! Small Orchid: He's not ill, he's just despicable ...can't stand to see people live a good life. Dong Fang: I am only unable to endure seeing you live a good life. Small Orchid: ... *T/N: The Chinese pronunciation for the word "despicable" is the same as the word "see" - thus, the author is trying to show that Small Orchid, while trying to scold Dong Fang, is also careful not to incur his wrath, which is why she tried to imbue another meaning into her sentence after scolding him. [Note: I Am not the Author or translator. I am just sharing this work of art because I like this work and want it to reach more readers. That's all.] Real Author is (Jiu Lu Fei Xiang) Real Translator: (Don't know) Translator's link: bananachocolatecosmos.wordpress.com.

Infernal_Infinite · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Chapter 58

[Image Reference]

When Little Orchid fell into the predicament of not knowing who to trust with no solution, the demon realm has welcome a traditional festival. It was the day of holy, the day where demon king was born in the legends.

On this day, the people of the demon tribe would honor the ancestor and worship the statue of the demon king and narrated the troubles that one has caused over the year for the heavenly realm which created many blessings for the people of the demon tribe. It was like the day where the new year has begun in the mortal realm.

Annually, this day was used to honor/offer sacrifice to the demon king, but currently, due to the existence of Dong Fang Qing Cang, everything has to be restrained.

Dong Fang Qing Cang has built his own palace on the debris of the old sacrificial hall. On the outside the palace still exuded black, biting cold hostile energy with no change whatsoever even for a festival. Only needed just the black plaque in front of the palace that still hung Kong Que to cause the people of demon realm to follow the customs and kowtowed in fear then leave.

Even though the vestige of Dong Fang Qing Cang and beauty Kong battle on the path in front of the palace from before has been restored, but the people on the two sides of the main stress was naturally still afraid.

Did not see any celebratory energy welcoming the festivity in front of the houses. After all, the people that can live on the two sides of the street were a few that has a relation with the demon realm imperial court. Dong Fang Qing Cang has settled both prime minister and military counselor. Someone was being hung on the stone plaque in front of the palace while someone else has never went outside from start to finish.

Whereas Dong Fang Qing Cang merely cared about his own matters and does not bother about the mundane matters of the demon realm. The entire main hall sank into paralysis. No one in the demon capital city has the mood to congratulate the day "demon king was born" anymore.

Little Orchid peered at the painted pitch-black sky of the demon capital city. Her heart felt that the people of demon realm in present probably wished that they could stuff Dong Fang Qing Cang back into the stomach of [his] mother.

But it's a pity that Dong Fang Qing Cang was born by the sky-earth and raised by the sky-earth. Even his mother was someone that no one knew, perhaps even he [doesn't know]….

It's not easy for him to die first time, but was saved by the people of the demon realm…

Inside the palace, it was extremely silent. Or rather [one] has to say that it was always deathly silent like usual. At night, Little Orchid wore bathing robes after she finished washing up. At this time, the hair was wet and it was not easy to sleep. She felt that recently she has become really repressed with her emotions. The head did not have any single moment where she didn't think about her own fate. Temporarily, [she] has the urge to go outside the palace.

On the steps up to the door, Da Yu was curling besides the door and sleeping. He saw Little Orchid pushed the door out and lifted its head. He looked at her with confusion and appeared as if asking her what she wants she is doing.

Little Orchid told Da Yu to place its head on the ground and then she stepped on its face to climb onto its head, "Da Yu, can you fly me up high to catch the breeze?"

Even though Da Yu felt that this sentence was very strange, but it did not refuse Little Orchid and its snake body flew upward, carrying Little Orchid above the palace.

Standing up high, Little Orchid brought her gaze afar. During that, she saw in several small surrounding towns there were still people who were celebrating the festival. From afar, one by one the fireworks bloomed. Even though her place was far to the point that [one] cannot hear sounds, but can still see the glittering rays of light there.

The breeze blew each strand of her wet hair. Little Orchid crawled onto Da Yu's back and used the two hands to support the head up while muttering, "Really beautiful."

"Such a mediocre game like this is pleasing to the eyes?"

Hearing such voice, Little Orchid became dazed and turned around to look. She saw Dong Fang Qing Cang standing unexpectedly on the tail of Da Yu since who knows when.

Little Orchid hurriedly sat upward and pulled on her clothes as she was lying down in a crawling position and so it was a bit rumpled. After that she smoothed out her wet hair as meeting Dong Fang Qing Cang in the atmosphere with such wet hair has caused her to feel a little shy…

She shot a glance at him and then peered afar while muttering, "If such game is not pleasing to the eyes then how come [one] is standing high up here for what?"

"Ben zuo wants to know what type of game you are playing."

Little Orchid was dazed and then pouted, "Under your gaze, what game can I play. You are daren demon king, you're difficult to deal with, it is you who are playing a game for me to see ah."

Although these words are ridiculing, but Dong Fang Qing Cang heard such and was not angry. On the contrary, his lips curved, "Then play for you to see then."

Finished speaking, within his hands flared up a flame that charged straight toward the horizon. It exploded in the atmosphere like the fireworks from afar, except it was different than the fireworks fading within a moment as the flame dispel the clouds across the sky. After that, gathered the various lights in the sky to transform into a figure of two dragons!

The two huge, fiery dragons were vibrant, lifelike like real ones and chase one another in the atmosphere while roaring out flames. The sounds were like the roars from the legends of the past.

Little Orchid peered at the night sky attentively and mouth gaped while forgetting to close. She peered to the point of one's soul leaving the body.*

* Figure of speech; her soul isn't really leaving the body. Rather she's so surprised and it appeared like her soul was leaving the body.

Dong Fang Qing Cang peered at her. Her face was painted by the light of the flames. He suddenly thought of the moment when he has woken up inside the void of darkness. He thought that he would have wandered in such scenery for an endless time, but at that time, he saw this little flower demon. The face was steadfast and she hugged him while still waiting besides him as she said, "I will be here with you."

The pupils of Dong Fang Qing Cang's eyes slightly moved.

He snapped his fingers and the two dragons merged unexpectedly together. Within the blink of an eye, has transformed into a phoenix and made one long cry sound. The phoenix flew up high and took a pearl of flame in the atmosphere while turning around. Within the blink of an eye, it flew in front of Little Orchid, but its figure turned smaller. When it landed in front of her, it has already become smaller like an ordinary pigeon. It placed the fiery pearl in the palms of her hands. After that, it transformed into flames that disappeared in the wind. While the fiery pearl in the palms of Little Orchid also quickly transformed into a budding orchid. From a flowering bud into a blooming flower, it also turned into dust at the end, whoosh whoosh as it dissipated in the sky.

The night sky returned to its quietness as if nothing has occurred before.

Within the quiet atmosphere, it was not for long when Little Orchid heard the cries of astonishment below. The people of the demon capital city also saw the "game" of Dong Fang Qing Cang.

Little Orchid withdrew her hands. The palms of the hands still have a bit of the warmth from the blooming orchid.

"Big devil." She said, "If you're willing to, perhaps you can also be a perfect lover in this entire world that my master has said before."

Dong Fang Qing Cang raised his brows, "Lover?" He shot a glance Little Orchid, "You're mocking ben zuo?"

Little Orchid did not respond to him. She lowered her head and sat for a long time. The breeze blew gently by and each strand of hair slowly turned into several fluttering strands. It seemed she was determined and lifted head up to peer at Dong Fang Qing Cang while standing up perfectly straight, "Big devil, you tell me the truth. Are you trying to deceive me about something?"

The gray clouds in the sky were dissipated by the flames of Dong Fang Qing Cang. She and he were standing on the back of Da Yu, bathing in the silver moonlight.

The hair of Dong Fang Qing Cang fluttered and the pair of red blood pupils did not have anger in any part, "Hasn't."

The words were still stable like the usual tone of his. Little Orchid looked up and within the pair of black eyes, reflected the glowing silver hair, "If you said there is none, then I will believe you."

At this time, Little Orchid was sitting upright and Dong Fang Qing Cang was peering into her eyes. He suddenly thought that in this world there was no pair of female eyes that can create a deep impression to him like this little flower demon's eyes.

Whenever he looked at her, there seem to be a light of water in the eyes. She was miserable and provoked others to feel tenderness. In the beginning, he loathed that because she was using his face to make such expression. After that, it turned into something that [he] was used to and up to now, there were times where he really felt that she was pitiful. But she was not pitiful all the time. Occasionally this little flower demon would be strong and there were times when [she] caused him to not be able to suppress…

Being moved.

Just like this moment.

When she said she believes him.

"I know that a big devil like you is not a good person."

Dong Fang Qing Cang, "…"

Little Orchid lowered her head, "Speaking truthfully to you, you should not mock me." She said, "I felt that after going with you for a while, despite falling out between us several times during the journey, but up to now, in the bottom of my heart I felt that you will truly not harm me. Thus, right now I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will not deceive me even though you have done many misdeeds from before… Yet this time, big devil, you said you will not deceive and I will believe that you won't deceive me."

Dong Fang Qing Cang silently peered at Little Orchid.

Little Orchid gathered the hair, "The hair has dried, I want to return to sleep." She tapped on Da Yu's head and signaled for it to go down.

When the demonic snake landed on the ground with a thump, Little Orchid jumped down. Dong Fang Qing Cang jumped down as well from its body, "Little flower demon." He suddenly called, "In the demon realm you don't need to wear the bone orchid."

Hearing this sudden statement caused Little Orchid to feel a bit distracted. She turned head and wanted to ask him why, but after she turned around, Dong Fang Qing Cang has already disappeared.

Little Orchid tilted her head to think for a while, but still cannot think of the reason. But when she lied on the bed, she hesitated a bit and still followed Dong Fang Qing Cang's words as she took off the bone orchid. There was no place to put it on the bed and so Little Orchid conveniently placed the bone orchid under the pillow.

She closed her eyes and pondered that she has to speak with Chi De woman.

Not for long, Little Orchid has fell into dream scenery. The dream was still dark like usual, yet at this time she felt that her sense of direction was quite clear. She walked toward the darkness and called in a gentle voice, "Chi De woman?"

Suddenly, she felt neck was in pain like there was something piercing and she immediately enclosed her neck. She knew that she was pierced by some object, but cannot wake up from the dream. Inside the dream there was a voice that traveled straight to her ears.

"Don't believe him."

It was the voice of Chi De woman.

Little Orchid turned head around to search everywhere, but in the end, she saw a wave of energy slowly congregating into a figure toward the front. Yet, it was merely a figure with no face appearing in the darkness.

"Little Orchid, don't believe him."

Today the voice of Chi De woman was the most clear and in the voice carried faint anxiousness and worry more so compared usual by a lot, "He is deceiving you."

Little Orchid shook her head, "Dong Fang Qing Cang said he won't deceive me. I am willing to believe him this time."

The white silhouette slightly swayed, "He is merely using you." Chi De woman said, "It's because you can make this body become lively."

Little Orchid froze and then remembered when the bone orchid pierced into her wrist she bled. There was also her face slowly becoming like her previous appearance. Little Orchid nodded, "I can figure so." She said, "But big devil has said, he wants me to stay in this body for a little long, perhaps…he wants to give me this body…" Speaking up to this, even Little Orchid herself is not so sure because there was no one besides her who clearly knew how pressing the desire to recreate the battle with Chi De woman of Dong Fang Qing Cang was.

"You staying inside this body in the end will turn into a thread of energy fragment inside this body."

Such words of Chi De woman have caused Little Orchid to become stupefied. After a while [she] did not understand the meaning in it, and in the end, it was Chi De woman who exposed it herself, "Little Orchid, sorry, but Dong Fang Qing Cang really wants to kill you."

Little Orchid's heart suddenly grew cold like the Shuo Feng sword transforming into a needle that pierce through, leaving behind thousands of holes on her body while the cold rustling breeze blew strongly into the clothes.

She was stunned for quite a while and then asked bewilderedly, "But just now he has said he did not deceive me. I believe him…"

"When molding the xi rang body, he has already deceived you once."

Little Orchid tightened her fists. If inside the dream [one's] facial expression can pale, Little Orchid felt that her facial expression at this time was extremely unsightly to look.

In truth, Chi De woman did not know that this wasn't the first time that Dong Fang Qing Cang has deceived her prior to creating the xi rang body. It was before when he said he will find a body for her to used was deception as he deceived her. He did not plan a body for her and merely wanted to take the soul of Chi De woman. After that, conveniently inserted her into a body and allowed her to perish on her own.

Little Orchid shook her head, "I have not met you before, I also cannot believe you."

Chi De woman was silent for a while. "We have met before." She said, "A long time ago, I have met you and you have met me. Right now there is no time to tell you in details. If Dong Fang Qing Cang really did not deceived you, you can ask him the real identity of yours."

Little Orchid was stared foolishly. She saw the white silhouette in front slowly began to become blurry and slowly disappeared with merely the voice of Chi De woman still weakly resonated in the darkness, "Dong Fang Qing Cang has placed me inside the bone orchid…"

Finished speaking, the white silhouette completed disappeared with only the darkness remaining. Little Orchid opened her eyes.

In the front were the bed curtains and she was lying slanted.

The neck carried the feeling of throbbing pain. Little Orchid furrowed her brows and rubbed on the place that aches. The fingers unexpectedly felt wetness. Taking the hands out to see, there was a bit of blood on the tip of a finger.

Little Orchid immediately lifted the pillow up.

The bone orchid on the pillow was still peacefully there; yet, on the bone orchid there was one strand of rattan vine like needle where it also has wisps of blood.

Chi De woman wasn't tricking her.

Dong Fang Qing Cang has really placed the soul of Chi De woman inside the bone orchid…

Perhaps this was not a large discovery, but the strangest thing, Little Orchid felt the back exuded a layer of sweat.

After leaving Qian Yin Mountain, Dong Fang Qing Cang gifted the bone orchid to her. Is this due to learning from Qian Yin langjun that placing a soul in the bone orchid will conserve it or what…After she wore the bone orchid, she then began to slowly dream. At that time, Dong Fang Qing Cang gave her the bone orchid not because of her protection. Rather, it was due to him wanting to hide Chi De woman's soul in there and let the soul of Chi De Woman and her body to be like a shadow that follows the body…*

*Refers to the soul and body becoming like one

Dong Fang Qing Cang…

Little Orchid gritted her teeth, and felt that one could not refrain from having the coldness exuded from the back. In her head, she repeated the words of Chi De woman sleeplessly.

"He really wants to kill you."