
Love Between Fairy And Devil (Completed)

After hatching endless plots and suffering innumerable hardships, the demons of the Demonic Realm finally managed to resurrect the Ancient Demon King. The demons of the Demonic Realm had hoped that the Ancient Demon King would not only lead them in waging a war against the Heavenly Realm and enable them to lord their superiority over the Immortals, he would also ultimately gain control over the entire realm. Gradually, however, they discovered that their thoughts were very, very wrong. Whilst it is true that this Ancient Demon King still retains his aura of superiority and possesses unlimited powers, he... He seems to be a mental case... It's alright even if he changes orders and does things in an incomprehensible way. But what's with his habit of muttering under his breath, nagging and conversing with himself the entire day! Small Orchid: He's not ill, he's just despicable ...can't stand to see people live a good life. Dong Fang: I am only unable to endure seeing you live a good life. Small Orchid: ... *T/N: The Chinese pronunciation for the word "despicable" is the same as the word "see" - thus, the author is trying to show that Small Orchid, while trying to scold Dong Fang, is also careful not to incur his wrath, which is why she tried to imbue another meaning into her sentence after scolding him. [Note: I Am not the Author or translator. I am just sharing this work of art because I like this work and want it to reach more readers. That's all.] Real Author is (Jiu Lu Fei Xiang) Real Translator: (Don't know) Translator's link: bananachocolatecosmos.wordpress.com.

Infernal_Infinite · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Chapter 57

Check out the reference pictures in this comment before reading[To get the feeling]. From now on there will always be picture at the start of the chapter.

"Big devil…" Little Orchid peered attentively at Dong Fang Qing Cang for a long while and then became dazed as she asked, "You are…having an illness?"

The gaze of Dong Fang Qing Cang slightly moved and he immediately squeezed her face with no politeness as it was dragged to the side, "Ben zuo said such words with you and then you said ben zuo has an illness? Stupid to the point of not understanding. En?"

Little Orchid did not struggle and was not bother about him pulling onto [her face] for a bit. She said while foolishly staring, "It's not because of no understanding, I merely… did not understand the words coming from your mouth."

He let go of Little Orchid's face and facial expression was cold, "Stay by ben zuo's side."

The six* words, with no hint of emotion, Dong Fang Qing Cang was using a commanding tone and did not allow any path for discussion.

*It was six words in original text, but translating it to English resulted in five words.

Little Orchid widened her eyes and inside the black pupils was the entire silhouette of Dong Fang Qing Cang.

"Has understood after hearing that?"


"But…"Little Orchid attempted to keep herself clear-headed, but the face already began to unable in controlling lethargy, "How come?"

There's no reason why." He said, "You only need to know, ben zuo wants you to stay."

Little Orchid peered into the eyes of Dong Fang Qing Cang and became dazed for a while. After that, she said in a low voice, "You're saying this way really is crafty and vile." She grabbed the blanket and covered her mouth. Being able to wrap into the blanket naturally can cause her to have a bit sense of security. Because of that and being covered by the blanket, her voice turned vague and even has a bit of helplessness, "You're being like this…will caused me to think that you likeme."

Dong Fang Qing Cang paused, "Ben zuo did not say that you could not think like that."

Little Orchid heard this and widened eyes as her expression was in disbelief, "Big…big devil…you…"

Is it like? He said such was really admitting that he likes her?

Dong Fang Qing Cang, this ancient demon king likes…her?

"Don't sleep forever on the bed. Ben zuo has returned to the demon realm. You can be at ease and be brave in going outside. Take Da Yu and go anywhere." Finished speaking this, Dong Fang Qing Cang then stood up and went to the door. He paused there, "If the bone orchid often pierced you then you can take it off."

Yet, at this time, Little Orchid was not concerned with the matter of the bone orchid anymore. She bewilderedly peered after until he has left the room and has not returned [sobered/awakened up].

Dong Fang Qing Cang likes her? Dong Fang Qing Cang…. wants her to be by his side…

Little Orchid hugged her chest and was embarrassed as she whispered, "Don't jump [beat] anymore…" She said, "Jumping anymore will be heard…"

Two days after that, completely inside Little Orchid was the face and tone of Dong Fang Qing Cang when speaking to her. This matter takes up too much brainpower and so during nighttime when Little Orchid slept, she did not see that female again in the dream.

Following Dong Fang Qing Cang's words, she took Da Yu outside of the palace and onto the streets of the demon realm. The path toward the palace has been repaired, but Little Orchid only went about for halfway and then went toward a different path—this was the demon realm's place of goods exchange.

This place is not bustling like the demon market and was even not as gentle as the mortal market. Everyone wore a mysterious black coat and rarely greet anyone. Everyone went alone. With no exception, the people who saw Little Orchid there, there wasn't anyone who did not avoided her. **

** To clarify, the text indicate that everyone avoided her

Perhaps it's not because they're scared of her, but rather they were scared of Da Yu.

Thus, Little Orchid let Da Yu be apart from her a bit so that she can stroll around more comfortably and happily.

She went into a stall with carved wooden items. She peered at the various goods carved by hand and it appeared that the owner was about to carve a flower.

Little Orchid poked her head in and asked, "Shopkeeper, you are about to carve an orchid?"

He raised his head, merely glanced at Little Orchid, and said, "Correct, you want to see?" Finished speaking, he spread out his fingers and brought forth the object that was being carved in front of her face. Little Orchid poked head to look and suddenly the object shone a bright dark light. She became dazed and suddenly felt there was some sort of force pulling in directly from that object.

Little Orchid wanted to avoid, but the hair has already been sucked in. Da Yu, who followed from behind saw such, and grew angry, but did not wait for it to make its way as the energy of the atmosphere has stirred. A fiery sword from the atmosphere fell down. Only need to hear one "shua" sound and the sword pierced through the head of the person selling wooden carvings. The flames grew and immediately burnt the person into ashes.

Such occurrence was within a flash of light and the surrounding people did not get to react.

Little Orchid was still grabbing onto the hair while being bewildered. The voice of Dong Fang Qing Cang suddenly vibrated across the atmosphere, "Who dares to be unbridled again?"

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not appeared, but the voice of his has caused everyone to become fearful. It caused them to know that the powers of the demon king was extended everywhere in the demon realm. Yet, Dong Fang Qing Cang was using such strength from every place to protect a female who has no power.

Everyone kept a distance from Little Orchid a little bit more.

Little Orchid peered left and then right. She immediately did not have the mood to go anywhere.

She sat on the head of Da Yu for it to bring her back to the palace.

Perhaps due to that, Dong Fang Qing Cang has told her that he has already returned to the demon realm and she can go any place. It's due to him protecting her complete during the whole journey? If one only looked at from this angle, for her own good, Dong Fang Qing Cang has done many things that one cannot imagine. It seemed that he really likes her.

Little Orchid pondered calmly and each thought felt that this matter…has some sort of oddness…

Several days have passed and during this time, Dong Fang Qing Cang has stayed in his room entirely. One does not know what he is researching. Little Orchid was scared of leaving the palace to stroll outside where some disturbance might happen. Thus, she also stayed inside the palace to stroll.

But the palace only has that much and after strolling for a while, Little Orchids shifted her thoughts to the place Chi Lin has been trapped in the palace main hall. Just in time—she has matters that she wanted to trick him into saying.

Actually, towards the previous matter with Chi Lin pressing her chest from the previous body in Hao Tian tower, Little Orchid still minded.

But wanting to demand something from someone, one has to bribe. Thus, Little Orchid brought along a chicken leg as she went to him.

Standing in front of the cage that trapped Chi Lin, she felt that feng shui can really alter situation. From before in Hao Tian tower, she was the person who was trapped inside a cage.

Chi Lin saw Little Orchid coming toward and he side-eyed her once. Then he closed his eyes and was silent.

Little Orchid brought the chicken leg inside the cage, "Not eating?"

Chi Lin sneered, "I need such thing?

Little Orchid pouted. Since he's not eating, she gnawed on the chicken leg in front of him. Lips smacking, the gnawing is quite good. Chi Lin furrowed his brows and opened eyes to scold Little Orchid, "Previously, you were clearly a celestial immortal. How come has become associated with this devil, how come has to learn demonic powers and currently, caused one to lose all one's powers. Perhaps it's due to one's own doing that one has to bear. Serve you right."

Such words of his have no damaging effect on Little Orchid. She tossed the bone down and said, "Then, you're clearly an armor of a war god, how come has turned into a fallen immortal?"

Chi Lin snorted several times, "I had no choice but to step on this path." Little Orchid responded, "I also have no choice but to step on this path, but I am walking better than you. I am outside the cage."


Little Orchid scooted closer to Chi Lin a bit and then said to him, "You obviously do not want to stay inside this cage, I can save you." Little Orchid's facial expression did not change colors as she lied, "As long as you answer three questions for me."

Chi Lin peered at her and then lips curved mockingly, "That's right, from when inside Hao Tian tower, that devil has already enchanted you and jumped in glee like a monkey when [he] saw you being manipulated by me a bit." Little Orchid scolded, "You're like a monkey!" Chi Lin smiled coldly, "Doesn't like hearing others scold hah? If you're on good terms with Dong Fang Qing Cang, wouldn't need to know information from my mouth to exchange conditions with me?"

Little Orchid cleared throat, "You disregard the reason. I only need to ask three things. The first thing, how does Chi De woman appear? Number two, in the battle between Chi De woman and Dong Fang Qing Cang in the past, who was the person that hit from behind Dong Fang Qing Cang? The third thing, what is Chi De woman is like [as a person]? Only three questions, you respond to me, perhaps…uhm uh, I can free you."

Chi Lin heard such and bewilderedly peered at Little Orchid, "How can you know ancient times…" He has bit his lips before finishing and did not speak anymore.

After that, despite how much Little Orchid try to coerce, Chi Lin did not bother saying another word.

She became discouraged and was going to return to her room. When coming toward the door of the room, suddenly the door of Dong Fang Qing Cang's room across opened. He shot her a cold glance, "How come [you] suddenly have an interest with Chi De woman?"

Up until now, Little Orchid did not dare peer straight into his eyes. She shifted her eyes toward the left and then the right. After that she twisted her hands, "Only wanted to know the charm of a female war god. Later on will tell master about it." Finished speaking, she pushed the door to go into [her] room.

Little Orchid knew that the door could not halt the gaze of Dong Fang Qing Cang, but not needing to face him has caused her to feel better.

That night, Little Orchid dreamt a dream that she hasn't seen in a while.

In the beginning, the dream did not have any sound of human speaking, but Little Orchid knew she was dreaming. Thus, she began to inquire, "Are you Chi De woman?"

The sounds reverberated in the darkness for a long time, but did not hear a response and so, Little Orchid was about to give up. Yet, a response suddenly rang in the darkness, "Yes."

Little Orchid immediately continued to ask, "In the end, what do you wanted to do?"

"Dong Fang Qing Cang is tricking you." Chi De woman said, "Little Orchid, leave this body. He is tricking to you."

The heart of Little Orchid grew cold, but in the end even if she asked something, Chi De woman in the dream merely said only one statement that he is tricking her."

That morning she has woken up and the entire body of Little Orchid transpired. The hair on the temples were soaking wet.

She was dazed as she peered at the bed headboard.

Dong Fang Qing Cang wanted to resurrect Chi De woman, but he wants her to stay. Chi De woman does not want to resurrect, but in the dream she told her to leave this body.

This matter…seemed to have turned a little bit impossible to unravel.

But regardless of what, between Dong Fang Qing Cang and Chi De woman, there has to be someone who is lying to her.