

Enjoy your day guys!!

“Good afternoon Sir” the secretary greeted Alex’s father. She got up on her foot, and standing inside her cubicle. Alex’s father stopped at the front of her, rested his hands on the cabinet and looking at the secretary.

“How are you doing? How is everything?” Alex’s father asked in cool voice.

“I’m doing great Sir, thank you Sir” the lady said with respects.

“Take care and well done” Alex’s father said, and leaving. He just stopped to greet the secretary not that he had anything to ask for. Alex’s father was a nice person, and it was everyone he free with.

He was going straight to his left hand side, and to the workstation where Alex and his co were rebuilding the websites.

He dressed officially, and looking smartly. As the chairman of the company, he had his office too and some works that he was doing. It was just that he didn’t use come, except if there was a meeting with shareholders, and that used to take place annually.