

Enjoy your day guys!!

Maya was going to the company today as she used to do once in a while. She had dressed in a lovely office wear and looking smart. She was standing at the front of the dressing mirror and applying makeup. She applied lipstick on her lips, checked herself well and left the mirror.

She carried a blank handbag on the bed, and walking smartly out from the room.

She climbed the staircases down to the living room and leaving the house. Her maid was in the living room waiting for her. She quickly carried the lunchbox and going after her.

The maid put the lunchbox inside the car at the front with the driver as they got down to the compound. Maya was sitting at the back seat, put the handbag beside her and busy pressing her phone.

The driver drove the car out from the compound and keeps driving. The company was not really far from their house. It was just less than one hour.