

Hot steam fogged over the crystal glass dividers of a heated bathroom in the 34th floor of one of Seoul's most desired apartments to live in. The sounds of a shower running hovered over the steamy room along with soft sighs. The warm water released from the shower head collided against the grey shower floor tiles and slowly disappeared through the metallic drain stop. A soft mellow voice belonging to a male, panted slowly and low. A male of age twenty-four stood completely naked under the shower head massaging his scalp with his fingers. His fingers could be considered smaller than average, but they were very agile at doing their work.

The male's fingers were buried against his pitch-black hair that had a few strands of starfish-orange colored highlights hidden between the sides. His skin was smooth and there wasn't any hint of sunlight which resulted in his skin being a bit paler than normal. He leaned his head back for the water to wash away the conditioner he had mixed a few minutes prior and once again parted his pair of wet red plump lips to release another set of low moans when the heated water collided with his skin; a few pink spots formed in his flexed arms -especially on his toned biceps- and shoulders -a few on his shoulder blades and down to his plump round ass cheeks- along with his fingers reddening; all caused by the very hot water.

The male's name is Park Jimin. He works as a successful writer with over thirteen published books of which ten were awarded with Best Selling Awards amongst other awards. Aside from being one of the most youngest and successful writers of South Korea, he was considered 5th of Korea's Top 10 Most Eligible Bachelors in their 20's-30's.

Handsome, that's what the male was, but no matter how many times his family, his friends, or his fans assured him, he considered himself below average. Many young women had hidden thoughts about how Jimin was a waste of man because the truth was that his sexuality wasn't straight; and not only towards the writer but to other bachelors as well. No woman excited him sexually, the male's sexuality was homosexual, in other words, he liked men. But, nonetheless women and men still strived to become like him, someone successful and beautiful -as they described him.

When Jimin finished washing off the conditioner from his hair, he turned around to face the metallic shower handle and he turned it to the left making it point upward; the shower head stopped releasing hot water as it was now turned off. The writer messily brushed his right hand's fingers against his damp hair as he opened the shower glass dividers with his left hand. Drops of water slid down his warm body while he grabbed the white towel hanging down to his left and then he stepped out of the shower. Jimin stood on top of the non-slip white bath mat placed down while he began to lean down to dry his body.

As Jimin finished drying his chest, he wrapped the long white towel around his waist leaving it to loosely hang around his defined v-line. He worked out when he could and it resulted in the striking toned set of abdominal muscles.

Jimin suddenly flinched and was scared the shit out of him -jumping and heart skipping a few beats- when he heard the loud ringtone of his black coverless iPhone XS followed by the loud vibrations it made on the marble bathroom sink just a few feet away from him. "Daddy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo~ Daddy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo~ Daddy shark~" The ringtone sang and the male walked over to the sink to pick up the phone. He wrapped another mint-green towel that was there neatly folded around his head and neck -leaving a few of his black wet locks to cover his forehead- and his eyes almost oozed out of his skull when he saw the caller ID.

"Fuck!" He groaned with widened eyes at the screen and rushed out of the bathroom through the white door. He was metally cursing at himself for relaxing and enjoying that shower; the phone kept vibrating loudly on his hand along with the same verse repeating itself again. "Daddy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo~ Daddy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo~ Daddy shark~" Quickly, he threw his phone against his white grey bed covers so he could dress up in the outfit displayed beside his phone.

The writer dressed up in the pair of black Calvin Klein boxers followed by a pair of black jeans that had holes which tightly decored his thigh muscles, with a black t-shirt with small holes between the shoulders and upper chest, and a brown leathered belt secured the black jeans around his waist. Jimin tried to dry his damp hair with the mint-green towel when he finally answered the call. As soon as he picked up the apparently FaceTime call, he was attacked by a glare.

"Where the fuck are you? Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung, somene else and I are waiting for you! You even call yourself my best friend. Best friends don't forget each other's birthdays." A man with rouge-pink hair -a few of the pink tips formed cute horns- began asking and scoffed at the end of his sentences, he had a voice as deep as the Pacific Ocean. The voice of the male at the other end of the FaceTime call hinted anger and disappointment; Jimin felt a shiver run down his spine at the words said with the deep voice. "Taehyung, I was taking a shower! I'm on my way! I'll be there in fifteen. Sorry, I got caught up in the warm water, I won't take long." The writer answered trying not to anger the male at the other end of the line as he apologized.

The man called Taehyung rolled his eyes and nodded a small smile trying not to fill his lips as he glanced back at the screen; he couldn't stay mad at his best friend for long. Taehyung has been close friends with Jimin (they call each themselves other's best friends) ever since the writer had accidentally spilled a glass of red wine on him at a restaurant a few years prior. He was also very known in South Korea, especially to all the women who "dated" their TVs, he was one of the most popular actors and models at the moment with won awards and nominations. It all started from his first Drama as a secondary character named Suk Han Sung; ever since then, women (teenage girls included) and even men have fallen in love with him. It's no wonder the actor was also considered part of Korea's Top 10 Most Eligible Bachelors in their 20's-30's, but instead of being considered 5th like Jimin, the male was ranked two places higher, he was considered 3rd.

The male with rouge-pink hair was celebrating his twenty-fourth birthday at his apartment with just a few close friends and he awaited the presence of his closest friend (aka best friend Park Jimin), so he had decided to call him -more like spam his phone with calls and texts. "Okay. Just get your ass here as soo- Yeontan! Don't eat that!!" Taehyung panicked through the screen as he hanged up the FaceTime call to stop his two year old Pomeranian dog named Yeontan from eating a spoon of chocolate ice cream that has fallen on the wooden floor of his apartment.

Jimin rolled his eyes and hid his phone at the right back pocket of his black jeans; he felt his bottom at the action and felt how tight the black jeans were on him but he made no move to reduce it. The writer left the mint-green towel on top of his head and neck to hang in the bathroom and walked back to open one of his white drawers to fish out the black socks he'd wear. After he wore the black socks, he grabbed a pair of black Louis Vuitton Hockenheim Moccasin along with a leather trench coat for the cold outside; the coat had a small wrapped gift in one of the inside pockets. Choosing a pair of silver earrings from his drawers, he hooked them on both his ears and made sure to have his wallet, car keys and everything else before he exited his bedroom to make his way towards the front door of his apartment. Before opening the front door, Jimin slid the pair of black Louis Vuitton on both bare feet and he opened the door.

Locking his apartment, he wasted no second in walking to the elevator at the end of the hall and press the black button of the arrow pointing down; he waited for the elevator to come up while he hoped Taehyung wouldn't "murder" him when he arrived. What best friends do to each other when they "forget" their birthdays.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Upon arriving after exactly fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds late (which Taehyung was counting) at his best friend's apartment Jimin pressed his knuckles against the ebony wooden door and at his second knock, the door swung open revealing none other than the tall Kim Taehyung with a blue happy birthday hat connected by a thin string; the hat was held in place by the string attached to the male's chin. "I fucking hate you! Come here. How could you forget my birthday?!" The younger male engulfed the writer in a hug wrapping his arms around the older followed by hitting his shoulder playfully.

"I'm sorry! I told you I was taking a shower and I lost track of time." Jimin faked a hiss at the slap Taehyung did to his shoulder. "I didn't even hit you that hard." The younger rolled his eyes and loosened the hug on his best friend so both of them could enter the apartment. "Where's my birthday gift?" Taehyung grinned and clapped his hands excitedly as soon as he locked the front door of his apartment. "Here~" Jimin searched for the left inner pocket of his coat with his right hand and grabbed the small golden wrapped gift and gave it to his best friend. "It's not much but, I thought you'd like it." The writer scratched the back of his neck with a small smile.

"Like it? I love it! I'm going to buy you one and then they will be our friendship charm bracelets!" Taehyung's eyes wrinkled and his lips formed a perfect box smile as he looked at the Metallic Interlocking Sterling Silver Bracelet from the brand Gucci, the bracelet was a wonderful gift.

"Oh, Tae you don't have to." Jimin raised his hand to cover his lips as he laughed but Taehyung shook his head. "Babe, let me pamper my best friend, you. It's not everyday The Kim Taehyung offers to buy someone a gift." The rouge-pink haired male cockily grinned which resulted in a roll of eyes from the writer. "It was suppoded to be polite; I never disagreed." Jimin laughed back as he took off his Louis Vuitton and wore a pair of creamy brown house slippers. "Yeah. Yeah, I bet. I would've bought it for you whether you wanted it or not. Come on! There's someone I want you to meet." Both males resumed walking towards the loud voices of males coming from the living room.

"Jimin! Finally!!" Another familiar voice filled the ears of the writer as he returned the smile that was directed at him. "Jin hyung." Jimin received a hug from his friend Kim Seokjin. The man had faded silver hair with a mixture of pink-purple-and-fuchsia highlights along with pecan-colored eyes, a sharp nose and very plump red lips -similar to Jimin's. Seokjin worked as an acting coach/professor in the private college SKFSA, also known as South Korea's Finest School of Arts. The college was well known, not every student is able to be accepted, and only 1/3 of the students that enrolled graduated; a very competitive and strict college.

"Taehyung here hasn't shut up about how you forgot his birthday, he kept on whining like a baby even though he's twenty-four." The older male exposed the actor with a smug grin. He was getting revenge for a comment the actor had said about his sugar glider looking like a street rat. "Oof. Exposed~" Jimin returned a smile and retreated from the hug, but not without admiring the handsome face of the professor.

"I know, my face is worldwide handsome. I'm not ranked fourth handsomest face from Korea's Top Ten Most Eligible Bachelors for nothing." A proud grin had once again taken over the older and it earned a groan from the birthday boy, well, man. "I'm still ranked third! That's one over you! Suck on that Jin hyung!" Taehyung had stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes while deciding to head his way to the kitchen in search for someone.

"So, how are the college students?" Jimin sat on one of the black leather chairs across from the older and crossed his left leg over his right. He made himself comfortable on the seat and paid close attention to Seokjin. "Oh you know, half of them are failing, there's always the ones who participate, do their work and the ones who don't give a shit about their grades." The professor sighed and rubbed his temples from the minor stress of dealing with college students. "Oh no. What did they do this time?" Jimin knew the sigh had another meaning behind it, the older had it all written in his face. "There's this group of girls that keep flirting with me before class begins and I swear, I'm going to go nuts. I understand that they think I'm handsome but damn, I'm not getting myself involved with them again after that incident and they can't seem to take no for an answer. Maybe I should fake date someone to get them off my back." Seokjin sarcastically scoffed and Jimin laughed at the irony. "Yeah, maybe you should."

Returning from the kitchen, Taehyung came back grinning with an arm wrapped around the waist of another friend of them. "Oh Jimin, you arrived. How's everything?" The male's charming smile brightened the atmosphere and the writer nodded as he raised himself from the chair to greet the other. "Everything's been well, Hoseok hyung." Jimin replied and before he could sit back on the leather chair, Taehyung grabbed his hand. "Hoseok hyung, I'll be right back. Can you get the candles and lighter in the mean time?" Hoseok nodded and retreated to the kitchen while Taehyung dragged Jimin to the other end of the apartment near the bathroom.

"Hoseok told me that he's in the bathroom. I wanted to surprise him since he was really looking forward to meeting you." Taehyung's face expressed excitement; his whole personality was bright minus when he was angered -that's when the demons were released. Jimin was clueless as to who Taehyung was talking about; he didn't really care about meeting someone new but the way his best friend was behaving made him question a little if he should be excited.

Jimin knew this feeling well, the feeling of his stomach tightening and bashfulness making an appereance. Like eating a strawberry where his lips reddened, his cheeks flushed with a faint rose color as soon as the door of the bathroom sprung open. A tall male with raven-hair appeared through the opened door.

Gravity suddenly seemed heavier on Jimin's feet as well as the other male. Their bodies seemed to weight over a thousand kilos when both males met eyes, Jimin's dark brown eyes met the raven-haired male's big doe eyes; the eyes looked bigger as the pupils dilated and the double-eyelid added a touch of handsomeness. Hearts beating fast from both males, no said word made everything fill with anxiety yet with both hearts beating fast, there was a pull, like a grand force of attraction for both; it seemed like an eternity but in fact only seconds had passed. They were so lost in each other's gazes and Jimin couldn't help but gulp on the saliva already formed in his mouth as he stared into the pair doe eyes.

Taehyung stayed silent as he watched the interaction, in his mind he was in awe at the sight but he couldn't keep with the silence anymore so he broke his trance by speaking rather loudly. "Jungkook! Took you long enough." The rogue-pink haired male stepped aside so the raven-haired male could pass, but the writer's feet were glued to the floor of the apartment.

With a sudden pull on his shoulder, Jimin's body was moved back by Taehyung so the raven-haired male could exit the bathroom and so he did while his eyes were focused on the writer. Jimin's breath hitched, his reactions were not normal, it was like his body was frozen and all his eyes could see were the pair of doe eyes, until his right hand was harshly pinched by his best friend to break his trance.

"Ouch! What the hell Tae?" Jimin flinched and began to rub his hand with his fingers while he mentally pinched and harshly pulled on Taehyung's left ear. He could still feel the pulsating sensation on the surface of his skin. A sudden clear of the rogue-pink haired male's throat made the writer stop his movements and gulp as he raised his gaze. "Jimin, Meet-" Taehyung's words were overtaken by the tall male's voice.

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." When the male pronounced the last syllables of his name, his lips puckered a little. They were dry and so he parted his rosy lips to moisten them with the tip of his tongue; unconsciously, he never focused on anything else other than Jimin's face; especially the pair of plump red lips that seemed to be inviting his. He was taken aback when he opened the door of the bathroom, he hadn't expected Taehyung to bring Jimin towards him while he was in the bathroom and the writer was taken aback as well. A sudden heat seemed to take over both male's bodies, may they be sexual desires or just very deep attractions, but neither gave it attention for the moment.

"Park Jimin. A-A pleasure to meet you." The writer extended his right hand, he could feel the nerves in his body crawling their way to the surface of his skin and he did not like the fact how his body was reacting yet he was too mesmerized by the male in front of him. Jungkook wore a black turtle neck with long sleeves, a pair of tight black jeans that hugged his toned legs like there was no tomorrow and a pair of grey house slippers with black socks. He analyzed Jimin's choice of clothing and he found himself mentally smirking at the thought that he was matching with the writer.

There was something about both males that caught them off guard when they first met. Jungkook had never felt this feeling before, the feeling of wanting something so bad. He felt a magnetic force attracting him towards the writer. Those feelings were still not labeled in both minds, yet they felt them, deeply. Throughout the small party, the raven-haired male couldn't pry his eyes away from Jimin. He kept glancing at how the writer talked, expressed himself, his posture, his laughs, his giggles, the way when his adam's apple moved when he gulped and especially how he kept glancing at Jungkook every few seconds of every minute. There was a deep attraction alright, not just from Jungkook's point of view, but as well as Jimin's.

The writer every now and then glanced at Jungkook when he could. He knew the raven-haired male was looking at him, and he enjoyed the attention on him because he as well as paying close attention to Jungkook. His heart couldn't help but skip a beat every time his eyes met the raven-haired male's doe eyes. Like a pair of magnets, Jimin's eyes and Jungkook's couldn't separate their focus on each other, even when they sang 'Happy Birthday' to Taehyung, they kept glancing at each other. The one who gave the most obvious glances was Jungkook, Seokjin and Taehyung noticed it the second both males sat on the couch after meeting, and they knew something was sure to happen in the future if not now at the present. Hoseok was oblivious to the exchanged gazes since his focus was on the rogue-pink haired male that celebrated his birthday, and maybe some of his thoughts were not-so-innocent like his appearance.

At the moment, Jimin was intrigued by the young man he just met. He wondered more about the male, he was blinded by the pair of dark doe eyes and the occasional smile that revealed a wonderful pair of white teeth with a close resemblance to a bunny's. And so, the writer chose the perfect moment to ask his questions while they all sat in the living room eating the Triple Chocolate Devil's Cake -courtesy of Kim Seokjin's wonderful cooking skills.

"So Jungkook-ssi, what's your profession?" Jimin opened his mouth wide so he could enter the silver spoon filled with the piece of creamy spongy chocolate cake. As soon as his lips closed with the spoon half-way in, he licked it down until the spoon exited his mouth; he was teasing the male across from him and boy, was he enjoying it. "You don't know him? I thought you did!" Seokjin interrupted with his loud voice. Jimin shifted his eyes back at the professor with confusion. "What's he talking about?" Jimin mentally asked himself that question but soon he received an answer he was certaintly not expecting.

"Haven't you seen the dramas 'One Summer In Busan', 'Love Is Not Over', 'One Kill, Two Lovers'? Seriously Jimin?" Seokjin rose a brow at Jimin but the latter shook his head slowly. "Wow Jimin, what are you doing with your life?" Hoseok added as he laughed while covering his mouth with his right hand so no one could see how he was still chewing the piece chocolate cake. Jimin took his time and slowly looked into Jungkook's doe eyes, now he felt shy. He lost all the confidence he had gathered, he knew he messed up when he saw the smirk on Jungkook's face, so he gulped.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, Korea's Favorite Most Eligible Bachelor. I'm an actor starring in those dramas Jin hyung mentioned and many more, I've earned the title of Korea's Prince ever since my first roll in a Joseon Era movie called 'Lovers At Midnight'. And I also sing for the soundtracks of dramas and movies, not necessarily the ones I act in. Not to brag but," Jungkook paused and leaned down his elbows on his knees and rested the front of his palms below his chin as he continued smirking, all while his eyes never left the writer's. "Jimin-ssi, how come Korea's Fifth Most Eligible Bachelor did not recognize me?" On purpose, the raven-haired actor pronounced Jimin's name with his voice lowering an octave and the rest of the sentence was pronounced slow, wanting to return the teasing action the writer had done with the spoon. And at that moment, Jimin swore he felt the tip of his member twitch inside his black Calvin Klein boxers and black jeans followed by clenching the rim of his anus over nothing.

It all started from that sentence, that one sentence which conveyed different mixed emotions triggered a whole new set of thoughts in Jimin's and Jungkook's mind, the main one was their attraction towards each other. Because the moment Jungkook opened his lips to question the writer, Jimin was caught in the lion's den completely self-defenseless without weapons and with an awakened lion. They lost them selves completely after meeting for the first time. Taehyung's small party ended after a few hours and after Jimin left, Jungkook followed him to the elevator just after saying good bye to Taehyung and Hoseok.

Once inside the elevator, Jimin gulped as he leaned his back against the walls of the elevator. He was feeling nervous, he heard Jungkook's soft exhales beside him and when he glanced up to meet eyes with the raven-haired actor, Jungkook had done the same. "Jimin," Jungkook couldn't help but stretch out his hand and cup the writer's cheeks. "I can't take my eyes off of you." The actor whispered in a way that sent a wave of shivers in the writer's body starting from his cheeks to his chest and then to his toes. "I don't know why but..." Jungkook continued and Jimin felt himself getting lost in the doe eyes before him that his body unconsciously leaned forward.

"Even if we just met," Jungkook's warm breath hit Jimin's upper rosy lip as the actor tilt his head a little to the side so their noses wouldn't bump against each other. "I can't help but wanting to feel my lips on yours." Now Jimin could smell Jungkook's breath and it was the same smell as the chocolate cake they had eaten earlier. The writer's next words were said bodly out of him, half of his body was against it, more like his brain refused while he spoke thinking with the heat formed in his lower body. "Then feel them." Jimin felt the hand that cupped his cheek pull him forward and the actor's thumb lowered his plump red lip by gently tugging down the skin of his chin.

Their lips met, soft, Jungkook's lips were soft against Jimin's. The writer's upper lip was caught between the actor's where he could feel the softness and their cool temperature. Jungkook's lips weren't the same warmth Jimin expected, in fact, the slight coolness of the actor's lips had the writer enjoying their lips moving in sync. Jungkook's lips searched and searched for more, it was a sweet addicting kiss.

The actor tasted the chocolate on the writer's lips, sweet and addicting, he couldn't help but bite them as he moved forward until Jimin's back collided against the elevator's wall. Jimin started panting trying to catch his breath, all his senses heightened, he felt everything ten times higher. And the same sweet addiction both of them felt, took over their bodies. They completely lost them selves in that kiss where, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook first acknowledged how much their bodies craved for each other as soon as lust took over; both of them never expected that from a simple first meet, they'd end up where they are; only that their meeting, wasn't just a simple meet.

In future thoughts, that first meeting would be called Love at First Sight, or so one of them would think.

Next chapter