
Love At First Sight My Ass | Jikook Smut

"I fucked you good then, didn't I?" Love is a funny word with so many interpretations of its definition. Famous professional writer Park Jimin believed love to be a warm feeling felt within his heart if he was in the arms of someone he truly cared about. After an encounter with one of South Korea's favorite male actors, Jeon Jungkook, his beliefs upon it would be tested. The phrase love at first sight held so much power over him which made him perplexed about the reasons behind his new relationship with the actor. Jungkook felt completely different. Just one kiss with the writer had him dwelling upon a mysterious not explored territory. His own definition of love clashed with Jimin's. Lust fully overpowered his emotions and actions. A dark past was hidden behind his expressions. But aside from this, he was enthralled by the one man who could make him feel forbidden emotions. Hopefully throughout the journey of their relationship, Jimin's definition of love could change Jungkook's. The challenge would prove to be very difficult for the writer when life didn't seem to be on their side. Was love and fucking the same? Was love at first sight just an excuse to hide lustful intentions? Would their relationship last after Jimin found out about Jungkook's dark past and the reasons behind his actions? Or would Jungkook change for the better after finding out of another of life's obstacles? Contents: -Smut -Angst -Romance -Mature Content -Triggering Content for sensitive readers -Mpreg -MORE Started: JUL/2019 Completed: AUG/15/20

jikook_sunray · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Chapter 47: Birthday Boy

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"Come on my big baby, wrap your legs around my waist. I'll take you to your room." Jungkook easily held the writer's waist close to his when he stood up from the couch and began to walk in direction to the latter's bedroom. "Don't you mean our bedroom?" Jimin's crescent eye smile was one of his most beautiful breath taking features, and the actor wanted to smile at the remark.

Everything was falling into place.

"I haven't moved in yet Baby. I can take the couch until you're more comfortable with letting me sleep beside you." Jungkook managed to open the door of the writer's bedroom and gently lowered him on top of the bed.

Jimin felt his back gently lean against the covers of the mattress but his arms were wrapped around the actor's neck. With his thigh muscles around the latter's waist, he pulled the actor towards himself with a strong force. "Hyung!" Jungkook gasped before accidentally losing his footing and falling on top of him. "You're sleeping with me. Comfort me and prove to me that sex is not the only thing in a relationship." With such words that meant so much to both of them, he gracely began to pass his fingers through the very short hair on the younger's scalp.

"I will cuddle you all night long." Jungkook cracked a laugh and leaned his head towards the soft fingers tracing his short hair. "I will let my hair grow until I need to use a man bun, don't worry." He added while ascending the touch of his right hand and cupping the writer's left cheek. "Thank you." He gently traced his thumb against the soft and smooth skin of the cheek while wholeheartedly meaning his words. He thanked him for everything.

"You've earned it so far." Jimin replied while raising his head a little to brush his nose against the actor's, a gesture he did to Si-Woo. "I'm going to shower. I trust you can wait for me and attend to Si-Woo if he comes in." He leaned back and unwrapped his legs around the actor's waist, waiting for a reply. "I will wait here, until it's my turn to shower." Jungkook began to leave his weight from on top of his by rolling to the other side of the bed.

"Okay, I won't lock the door." Jimin tested him for any sign of temptation but he found none. "I respect your privacy hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes and grabbed a pillow to hug it tight against his chest. "Hurry up so you can replace this pillow." He muttered trying to be cute and made an amazing job at it because the writer laughed with reddening cheeks. He obviously missed it when the actor would act cutely, and this time he knew it was completely real, everything.

"I'm going!" This meant their new beginning.

The next morning Jimin had never wanted to murder the actor more than then. "SHIT!" After he harshly threw a pillow at the actor, the younger had loudly cursed because of the impact. "I'm sorry!" Jungkook earned a glare and a slap at his back. He had completely forgotten his alarm was a baby crying un autotune and the writer had not appreciated being scared the fuck out of his heart in the very early morning because of it. But the younger made up for it by cuddling his boyfriend for one or two hours more before Si Woo barged in. He already loved his new life.

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Time flies fast when it is spent with someone you love. No matter how much you enjoy each moment, it passes by in the blink of an eye for another day to greet. Jungkook learnt of it, his two years of military enlistment were completely worth it now that he could call Jimin his every day, and he could see, hold, be there for, and love Si-Woo every single day for the rest of his life.

Reading Jimin's book 'Love At First Sight My Ass' was another factor that reminded him of how much he'd not only hurt the writer and their son but also himself. Aside from how his life as an actor was taking a bad curve because of his tattoos, the projects for his work were only as the antagonist or a secondary character, never the main lead; but his manager always managed to keep giving him roles. But his friend and hyung, Director Min Yoongi promised to call him for a main lead role once he set everything to start his new project. Although the money was still hard to earn because of it, he managed to gain a little more by completely selling his small apartment, Jimin's apartment was no longer his, but theirs.

November 13, 2022.

Jungkook woke up to this day with so much joy inside of himself. It was his first celebration with Si Woo's 3rd birthday, and Jimin was ecstatic.





j.jk97 내 천사. 내 세상. 내 사랑. 내 애기. 생일 축하해요 전시우.

- 아빠❤️😘

(T: My angel. My world. My love. My baby. Happy Birthday Jeon Si Woo. -Appa)

"Saeng-il chukha-hamnida~ saeng-il chukha-hamni da~" Jimin brushed his natural brown fangs back with his left hand careful of not letting the blue Happy Birthday hat fall from his head. The laughs and smiles resonating around him were unforgettable, especially Si-Woo's giggles and clapping hands when Jungkook zoomed in on them through the lens of his Canon EOS-1D X Mark II to capture everything on video. He was glad he had bought the camera before money went tight; well, before he could just buy every random thing he wanted for his luxurious life.

"jigueseo wujueseo jeil saranghamnida~" The laughs and claps were unforgettable. Hoseok and Taehyung were so into the song they began to sing their hearts out, the golden ring on his left ring finger was not missed by anyone; they were so happy. Seokjin and Namjoon clapped according to the rhythm looking so happy with the blue birthday hats attached to their heads by a thin string.

"kkot boda deo gob ge~ byeol boda deo balge~" Si Woo happily sang along while his wonderful hyungie Beomgyu blew a red-white party horn in rhythm to his singing from Yoongi's lap. The young 7 year old boy had two blue pointy birthday hats making it look like two horns, adding to his cuteness. The director's gummy smile never faded when he clapped and he felt completely welcomed and not out of place along everyone, especially Hoseok; the past was the past, he'd chosen to move on. And it went completely well for him, he started going on a few dates with a record producer.

"saja boda yhong gam ha ge~ happy birthday to you~" Si Woo's furrowed eyebrows were captured on camera the moment he tried to pronounce the english words and he ended up imitating the sound of his parents' voice but it all sounded like cute nonsense.

"saeng-il chukha-hamnida saeng-il chukha-hamnida~" Jimin looked at the camera for a moment and winked at the actor whose lips automatically curled in a shy smile. He'd been behaving shy around the writer for the last two months after being constantly teased and embarrassed the times Jimin brought up a few of his journal log entries from the time he was acting like a bunny on heat, ready to hump anything, anywhere.

"kkotdaun nae a-dul-ah~ gulgogibge sarayo~" In the last verse, the two parents of the birthday boy empathized on 'nae a-dul-ah'. The awaited moment finally came for little Si Woo.

"Tae." Jungkook carefully handed the camera to Taehyung who gladly accepted it and continued filming the moment while the twenty-five year old actor swiftly made his way to stand at the other side of Si Woo.

"Hana" Jimin started and intertwined his left hand's fingers with Jungkook while both of them squated down to have their heads on the same length as Si Woo.

"Dul" Si Woo licked his cute pink lips and cutely moved his small legs under the table while his eyes focused on the long candles over the white-blue-yellow-iced birthday cake.

"Set! Make a wish Si Woo!" The two parents cheered on their birthday boy with nothing less than love. Finally, Si Woo gathered a big biiiiiiig breath and blew out the candles. The small fire was gone and his wish was taken over for consideration in the high above, the universe.

"Congratulations baby." Jimin leaned down to peck Si Woo's head with his hand still intertwined with Jungkook's. "That's our boy." The actor proudly couldn't get the smile off his face. Parenting the little boy every day alongside the writer has been the most liveliest days of his entire life. Although he was still proving himself for the final word of acceptance, his family was his everything.

The memory of the small party would stay engraved in the little boy's mind as his favorite birthday yet. He had it all; the love of his two parents together, the love of his special uncles and the love of his hyungie. And that night, even after he had his aids taken off just like every other night, the happiness inside him never faded because in his heart he could still hear the echo of his family singing for him.

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"THERE'S A RIBBON IN THE SKY~ That I LoooOoOve!~" Namjoon pretended his phone was a microphone. The second line he sang forced his voice to go a higher pitch and Seokjin's laughter couldn't be stopped even if he was driving.

The couple were on their way back to their own apartment, Namjoon moved in with Seokjin after his graduation from the university and his career as an actor flourished. He'd been officially working as an actor for two years and he already had debuted as one lead in a drama, four minor characters in one or two episodes of different dramas and currently he was the second male lead in a drama alongside fellow actor (a close friend of Taehyung) Park Hyung-Sik. And damn, did Seokjin get jealous when the older handsome actor hung his arm around his boyfriend during standby.

"My manager called me yesterday and I accepted a role." The professor informed his boyfriend as soon as a red light made him press the brakes. "Babe, that's great news. For a movie or drama?" Namjoon asked with admiration oozing out of his eyes and tone. He loved his boyfriend and his acting was one of the many qualities he loved of him.

"Movie. They're making a sequel for Train to Busan and I'm auditioning for the main lead." Namjoon felt his eyes sparkle and his lips automatically revealed a chuckle. Seokjin felt his heart race when he heard it. The man clearly had an everlasting effect on him. "Go rock it and shoot some zombies. Damn, I wish I could audition too but my schedule is full with Play My Game." The younger pouted yet he encouraged his boyfriend for the role that could also make another break in his career as an actor.

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