
Love at First Scandal

Disclaimer : This story is not because I want to sexualize idols or anything like that. It is something which is purely fictional. It is going to be a little mature themed, so if you don't like it then please don't read it. If you do read I hope no one leaves any shady comments about it. Don't waste your energy, effort and time to try to say I did something wrong. Please don't. The door is always open (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ This is just FICTION, so there are a lot of changes made. Please do understand them all. Cr. to the rightful owner for the photo used, I only edited the photo for a poster. Please read the author note for sure. Haruto top Junkyu bottom " Be my lover ". Junkyu stared at Haruto in disbelief. " Do you hear yourself ? " He asked maintaining his strong gaze. Haruto looked up from his file. " I don't remember having any abnormalities. So we both heard it right ". Junkyu scoffed. " Then you should go get it checked. You definitely have a problem in your brain ". Haruto put his file aside and now gave his complete attention to Junkyu. " Putting aside the topic of whether I am a mad man or not. What do you say about the offer ? " " What is even that offer ? Don't you find it ridiculous ? " Haruto shook his head. Junkyu sat back in the chair and stared at Haruto with a burning gaze. Haruto was not at all fazed by it and looked calm waiting for an answer. An unexpected encounter led to a scandal. And Junkyu got stuck right in between them with the CEO Watanabe Haruto. But the problem was no one knew it was Haruto. And Haruto who knew the truth was only pestering him to be his fake lover by using the scandal against him. The only option left for Junkyu was to agree to it. And from then on things took a turn in a way he didn't expect.

MScPhysics · Music & Bands
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80 Chs

Chapter 30 : Happy life.

A/N : A small task for you guys. 😂 Apparently there was a phrase ( a few words of a sentence ) in this chapter which is normal but my BR highlighted it and sent it to me. And the meaning is not ( ahem ahem ) normal or straight anymore. 😂 Let me know in the comments if you find it. 😂

Third person point of view

The next morning, by the time Haruto went down Junkyu was already at the table. " Good morning ". Junkyu looked up with a small smile. " Morning ". " What is this ? Why are you early today ? " Haruto asked looking at Junkyu. " I am going to start my shoot today ". " First day ? " Junkyu nodded. Haruto raised an eyebrow. " So ? "

" I just tend to feel a little nervous because it is the start. I can't stay still ". Junkyu said looking nervous. " Why are you anxious ? It is not like it is your first drama or first time acting ". " I know but I can't help it ". Junkyu pouted. Haruto chuckled. They ate their breakfast and finished at the same time. Junkyu got up to go to his room and Haruto to work.

" Junkyu-ah ". Haruto called out. Junkyu stopped in his steps and turned to Haruto. Haruto gestured for Junkyu to come closer. Junkyu went and Haruto smiled at him. He patted Junkyu's head. " Don't think too much. You are very good at what you do. So you will do well. Got it ? " Junkyu nodded. Haruto smiled wider.

He shook Junkyu's head a little. " Bye. Be careful. And all the best ". " Thank you ". Haruto walked out. Junkyu smiled, blushing a little. He went to his room to get ready for his day. Once he was done, he took the things he wanted and went out. He saw Jihoon waiting for him. He smiled and sat in the car. " What is it ? " Jihoon asked Junkyu.

" What ? " Junkyu asked back. " It is rare to see you all smiley on the first day. But today you look especially energetic ". Junkyu scratched his head. " Do I ? " Jihoon nodded his head. " Aye~~ What is it ? " " Yah ! Pervert. Nothing. Just drive. I don't want to be late ". Jihoon laughed it off and drove to the shooting sight.

Junkyu was the only one with scenes today. The other main characters were not there. He felt at peace knowing he need not come across Jeongwoo on the first day. He got his makeup done and changed into his outfit for the scene. He was one of the best actors after all. He finished his scenes in not more than 2 or 3 takes.

He then had to change into a different outfit. They finished shooting successfully and even on time. Junkyu thanked the whole staff before leaving. They got into the car and Jihoon drove him home. " You did really well today ". Jihoon said looking at Junkyu through the mirror. " Really ? " Jihoon nodded. " Good work ". Junkyu smiled. " Thank you ".

They reached the house. Junkyu got out of the car. " Drive back safe ". Jihoon waved and drove away. Junkyu walked into the house and Ji Ho came to him immediately. " How did your day go ? " Junkyu smiled. " It went fine ". " That's good. You want anything to eat ? " Junkyu shook his head. " I am not that hungry ".

" What do you mean not hungry ? You wouldn't even have had anything after lunch. You go fresh up. I will bring you some snacks ". " Okay ". Junkyu smiled and went to his room. Every time he went back home from work, there was never anyone who greeted him or asked if he was hungry. He did have Hyunsuk and Jihoon but they had their own lives.

Junkyu never felt lonely before but he did think that it would be nice to have his house feel more like a home. And since he lived alone; he ate whenever he wanted and it didn't even matter what he had. He just filled his stomach sometimes. But now, even though it was by mistake and not actually real, he got it all.

He was thankful to Haruto for this even though it was fake and only for a while. He was getting a little too used to all of this. He felt a little bad and it was starting to turn into a sensitive topic. He shook his head and went into the wardrobe. He finished changing and went down. Ji Ho had already put the food for him on the table.

He sat down and ate the snacks. Once he was done, he sat on the couch and started watching a show. He didn't really get to watch his own show since it started airing. So he put it and started watching it. Ji ho also sat down and watched it along with Junkyu. " Woah your expressions are so good ". She said turning to Junkyu.

" Really ? " His eyes were shining. This was definitely a new experience. He was always alone when he watched them or seldom with Jihoon. And even if he did watch, he was pretty mechanical and practical about it. He only looked for mistakes or places he had to improve. But now watching it with Ji Ho, it was different.

He was able to watch it more like a drama and felt like an audience. Ji Ho nodded. " You are always good. Even though I didn't show that side to you, I am also your fan. I watched all of your dramas and movies. There are few that I even keep re-watching ". Junkyu's eyes went wide. " Really ? " She nodded smiling.

" Should I give you my autograph ? " " Will you ? " Junkyu nodded. " I can even give you a photo ". " Aww. So sweet of you. You really are a nice guy like people say. A lot of times we don't know what actors are like. But seeing you like this, I can say that you really are genuine even on the outside ".

Junkyu rubbed his neck in embarrassment. " Thank you ". " Aigoo so cute ". Junkyu chuckled. " You will stay here anyway, I will take the autograph and photo later ". Junkyu's smile faded a little but he covered it. " Sure ". They continued to watch the drama. " She is good too, especially this scene ".

Ji Ho commented as they watched. Junkyu enjoyed watching it along with Ji Ho. Haruto walked in to see both of them immersed into something they were watching. " What is it ? " Both of them looked up. " Junkyu's drama ". Ji Ho answered. Haruto also sat down and watched it along with the other two. Junkyu was a little nervous.

He was sitting back in the couch and Haruto was sitting forward and he could see his expressions. So his eyes did keep going to Haruto from time to time. Haruto watched with a neutral expression. The drama was done and all of them let out a silent breath. " It is really good ". Ji Ho said and walked from there to look after the dinner.

Haruto turned to Junkyu. " You did really well ". " You think so ? " Junkyu asked with sparkling eyes. " Yes ". Haruto nodded and smiled. Junkyu grinned. " Thank you ". Haruto patted Junkyu's head and walked to his room. Junkyu fell back on the couch taking a deep breath. He put a hand to his heart.

Haruto came down after changing and they watched the next show as well. " Dinner is ready ". Ji Ho called them and they both went to have dinner. After dinner Junkyu went back to his room and continued the shows for a while. He fell asleep after that.


They are acting a little too much like a couple. Not complaining though. This chapter did have a little bit of Junkyu's thoughts too. I like that about this chapter.

There was something I forgot to mention last week. My sister apparently loves this book just as much. And even if she did read the original, she is reading the published ones again. So she was reading them and she cringed so hard. I've NEVER seen her do that. I was so shook that I just stared at her, frozen in place. lol She read that line from when they go to the party which says ' walk beside me, not behind'. She literally rolled on the bed and cringed. Hahaha. She said I leveled it up a little compared to the original. I was like ' it's nice though (?) ' She said 'yeah but..' and cringed again. She still loves this book. There is no argument over that.

Spoiler alert ! Be prepared for the next chapter.

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