
Love at Beacon Hill academy

"Liam is a wealthy, arrogant playboy who thinks love is a game. He only uses women for his own pleasure, never letting himself get attached. Olivia is a hardworking, down-to-earth girl from a lower class. When Liam meets Olivia at beacon hill academy , he sees her as another potential conquest. what do you think will happen next?read along to catch up. Element:Romance and competition Theme:Beauty standards and bullying Trope:Enemies to lovers Setting:Newyork city CHARACTERS Liam Williams (popular Guy) complexion:Fair Age:18 Height:6ft &5inches tall Facial appearance & stature :well bodily built,curly black hair,blue eyes,pointed nose, sport:basketball post:sport prefect Behaviour:Arrogant,bold and confident hobby:swimming Bestfriend:Zachary James Olivia jadeson Complexion:Fair Stature:skinny with nice boobs and ass Facial looks:white hair ,oval face blue eyeballs ,pointed nose,small pink lip and a bold eyes Age:16 Height:5ft and 5inches Hobby:singing and dancing Sport:swimming Attitude:bold,confident and friendly Bestfriend:Sophia Ava Willford(hot ,most popular girl in school) she is pretty and likes Liam ,her group of friends are :Isabella,Mira and Daniella .They also make fun of other student ,bully and student are afraid of them. Zachary James(Liam best friend)also popular,plays basketball and a bully Sophia melinda(Olivia best friend) also sings ,she is chubby ,scared and loved singing Lesbian Couple EMA and Michelle Gay couple Michael and Dave

adaobi_maryann3768 · Movies
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Olivia returns to school

I said to myself while looking in a mirror in front of me, while I am still in the bathroom, "hope I fit in well enough in this new school, I think I need to change the way I pack my hair".

I was trying different hairstyles to see which fit me more.

"Come to think of it while am I even bothered about my look, am confident that I look good, and I don't really care what others will say about me, I am beautiful, blessed, unique and perfect the way I am,

I'm body confident and intelligent all I need now is to walk in my room and prepare for school".

I went into my room and wore a plain jean trouser and a thick sweater, it was cold today.

I sat down and brushed my hair, while I was lost in thought,

I was just thinking how my new school would be, where the students kind or rude because of their family background,

I also hope that nothing like bully exists there as I always watch on the movie, until my mom walked in.

" Olivia"

she called my name, well, I couldn't hear her because I was deep in thought until she touched my shoulders,

"baby enough, you have brushed your hair for so long now in the same position and what are you thinking of?"

I jerked up, "oh mom, have you been calling my name for so long now? I asked"

"Yes, but it was obvious you were deep in thought, so what are you thinking about?

My mom is such an observant person and I knew pretty well that she would not stop asking me what I was thinking of, so I heard to think of something to tell her or tell her the truth.

"Eh, mom it is nothing I was just thinking about my new school, if I could fit in properly, the kind of activities going on there that all mom.

"My baby, everything will just be fine the moment u get there, you will adjust to the school system and why not, am pretty sure you will fit in well."

"Mom it time, let start going before I miss today again, I gave my mom a hug, I will truly miss you, your face, smile, voice, this house and my room most, especially"

"It well, you have to go, your education matters the more to me"

I carried my bag, locked my room and gave my mom the keys, my mom and I entered a cab to my school.

When we arrived into the school it was just so magnificent, big, neat environment and well organized all the students were in class at that moment.

"Mom, I think I am loving this" she chuckled

"Yes baby girl, you are going to love this"

We entered and asked some workers for the road to the principal office, they did show us, we finally arrived at the principal office.

It was so funny how I and my mom greeted at the same time good morning miss Rita, you must be wondering how come we knew her name was Rita, well, it was boldly written on her table (miss Rita).

She smiled at us both ", yes you can have a sit, how are you she asked"

We find ,once again we both replied together.

My mom took over from there.

"Miss Rita here is my daughter Olivia jade son, the girl who got a scholarship to this school"

"Oh welcome Olivia we have been waiting for your arrival dear, you were supposed to be here yesterday, so why weren't u here?

Olivia's mom wanted to cover up for her, but Olivia gave her an eye signal that she will do the talking,

"Ma, I was sick during the holiday and I have been on medication, so I wanted to round up my medication which ended yesterday before coming here today"

"Oh really sorry, Olivia hope you much better now?"

"Yes I am"

"Ok, can I have your details please so I could sort out your things and your room number"

I handed over to her my details which contains my information, she went ahead to explain to me how the school operates and their policies?

So Olivia, you are welcome to beacon hill academy, you are really lucky to be at beacon hill academy. Many people desire to be here, and you got the opportunity with your brains, this school is for the first class citizens, high class and also for the genius, it not for any kind of person. People from different countries travel down here to enroll the teens here.

I was so upset in my mind, like why would she be pointing it vividly clear that I came here with my brains as in a scholarship kid, I felt bad because I felt that she said that intentionally?

She continues," We don't condone, bully, harassment or any sort of nuisance in this school, if you are caught up in any situation you only have to make your way here to report; we would handle it here, do you understand?"

"Yes I do I replied"

" Good she said, now your room number is F11 as she handed the key over to me, in each room there are only two students, so you have a roommate there, don't get surprised when you see someone there, try to create a good communication skills with your roommate to avoid unnecessary issues"

"Ok ma, I have heard your words properly I promise to be at my best behavior"

"Ok that good to hear and yes, before I forget, we have uniforms from Monday to Friday, never put on the wrong outfit, I guess your roommate will explain that better to you"

"Ok Ma " I replied with a faded voice I was getting sick and tired already.

My mom thanked her as we made our way out of her office.

"Olivia you heard what she said already, I trust you will be at your best behavior, continually try to read your books don't let any bad friend influence you, or any guy here, there is time for everything, the only thing you need to achieve now is success nothing more"

"Yes mom, I know all that but did you see how she was rubbing the fact that am a scholarship student in our face, she was trying to say that if not for my brains that am not qualified to be here mom"

"No don't say that baby, you're reducing yourself to nothing, you are fit into this school because you deserve it, don't let this bother you because it will make you easily intimidated, you meant to be here Olivia"

" I just love you mom, you are my biggest motivation, I hugged my mom before she decided to start going, I shouted from afar I will truly miss you mom make sure you take good care of yourself mom" as I waved goodbye,

Immediately my mom left it all seemed like it was that very day my life started I have never stayed without my mom all my life, like I said she was my mom and dad to me"

I kept staring at the building it was so big, I strolled around to get to know the place properly, you know what I think the building engineers did a good work, someone suddenly touch me from the back while I was busy starting at the swimming pool.

"Hey young lady, class is holding, no strolling around get to class"

I nodded my head like I knew my direction to my room. I was lost, and I didn't know how to tell her am lost, so I just walked by the left way straight.

"Hey young lady, it is the right you are supposed to be heading, not left, it seems you are a new student?"

I quickly replied "yes ma, I am looking for the F11"

"You should have told me since, come let me show you" She took me to the room and told me you welcome young lady, hope you enjoy your stay here, and I must compliment you gorgeous"

I didn't blush because am use to the compliment, I smiled and said "Thanks, you look wonderful to"

She smiles, really thanks and walks away. I opened the room and entered, wow so beautiful and spacious. At least we could at our space without interference, I arranged my things and I felt weak already, I put a call to my mom

"Hi, mom"

"Hi baby"

"Mom I hope you arrived home safely ?"

"Yes, I thank God I did, hope you are adjusting to your new environment?

"Hopefully, I will, mom this room is as spacious as our parlor I like it"

"Oh really, that good to know"

"Yes mom, I just pray I will find a perfect friend who I can read together, gist with, someone that I will take as a sister nothing more"

"Obviously you will, it is a matter of time I know you will"

"Ok mom, I am feeling tired I need to rest now

"Ok, we would speak later have a good rest darling"

"Thanks more, bye"

I lay down on my bed thinking, until I fell deep asleep.

my lovely readers my novel will be updated every Thursday and Saturday thanks

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