
Love and Sex and Secrets

When Persephone Athena James first met Bodhi Patrick O'Neill, a bond formed between them. As time passed and they grew, a love formed between them. When the future became the present, their secrets divided them. What secrets are they hiding and can the truth lead them back together?

Angela_Gaines1224 · Urban
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28 Chs

The Puka Shell Necklace

She was on her bed with a book and notebook in front of her, a highlighter in hand, and a pen in her mouth. She had her earbuds in and was moving her feet to the rhythm of the song blasting in her ears.He knocked softly on her door and heard her singing. She sounded like an angel. Bodhi recognized the song. It was Jolene, the Dolly Parton version. He listened for a while until he knocked again. He slowly opened the door and saw her lying on her stomach on the king-size four-post bed. She was swinging her feet to the beat.Four-post bed. I knew it. She looks so cute.He was wrong about the comforter. It was actually navy blue. He was right about the stuffed animals and the ungodly amount of pillows."Periwinkle?"She didn't respond. He wondered if he should just leave or try something else to get her attention. The song had changed, and she was now singing a song that Bodhi would have never thought would be something she would listen to. He listened to the lyrics.'It's just your typical hardcore casual sex. Single but were lovers. Crazy for each other...' She sang the My Darkest Days song. She was head-banging and using her hands to the beat.She smiled wildly; wow, PerriI never knew.He watched her. He couldn't get over how cute she looked. And how great her ass looked. It was taking everything she had not to reach out and feel it. Or bite it. He felt himself start to grow. She had her hair down, swaying with her head movements. She looks so fucking cute!"PERIWINKLE!"She bounced up, flipped over, and landed in a seated position. She looked at him like he was a stranger.She took her earbuds out. "Bodhi?"He laughed. "Last time I checked, I was.""What are you doing in my room?" It came out a little rude. She didn't mean for it to be. And without your shirt on."Oh. I'm sorry. I could go. I didn't mean to disturb the concert."She smiled. "Sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out like it did. Umm, can I do something for you? Did Holden send you? Are we out of toilet paper?" Out of toilet paper? This is how I die; of embarrassment.He started walking around her room. He stopped at a corkboard full of pictures she had on the wall. He saw several pictures that had him in them. One of them had Annie in it at one point, but you could only see her arm now since Perri had cut her out. It made him smile.She noticed him looking at the board. She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her when her face started to burn. "Can I do something for you, or did you just come in to snoop around my room? I can leave if you would like. Give you a little more privacy. Would you like to know where I hide my porn?"God, she is so funny. I love her sense of humor. "No. You can stay while I snoop. I don't mind." He turned his head and smiled.His smile made a warm sensation between her legs. She quickly looked away and stared at a picture of her grandparents.He picked up a Puka shell necklace she had hanging on a push pin on the board. "You still have this?" He ran his fingers over the rough shells a flood of memories washed over him.*********************************************************************⚡"But Mom, why can't I spend my money on it? It's my money!""It's just a cheap trinket, and you don't need it." Mrs. James turned, leaving her daughter alone in the gift shop.Her shoulders slumped, and she put 'the trinket' back on the necklace stand. He watched her shoulders slump. She followed her mother out of the store.When Perri was fourteen and just after Bodhi had turned sixteen, the James family took their annual summer vacation. This summer, it was a cruise. Each kid was allowed to bring a friend. Holden had brought Bodhi, of course. Annie had brought Angela, go figure, and Perri didn't bring anyone, big shock. She wanted to bring Ashley, but as always, she was in France visiting her grandparents. Bodhi felt bad that she spent the bulk of the vacation by herself. There were many times he saw her alone somewhere on the ship. She usually had her nose in a book. It was during this vacation that he finally confessed to Holden that he had a crush on her. They were running on the track that circled the top of the ship."Are you having a good time?" Holden asked."Yeah. This is amazing. You know, if it weren't for you and your family, I wouldn't have experienced so many awesome things.""No problem, man. Just don't forget the little people when you get drafted and are a big baller." Holden laughed."Why didn't your sister bring a friend with her?""I guess Ashley couldn't get out of her summer plans, and she doesn't have many friends. Annie tried to get her to bring Tiffany.""Really? I didn't know she was friends with Tiff," Bodhi said, slowing to a stop."She's not. Annie just wanted to have another friend, and even though she pleaded her case as to why she should be able to bring someone else since Perri wasn't using her pick, my parents shut that shit down real fast.""I would have come as her friend. Then you could have invited Lewis or Jake. That would have royally pissed Annie off," he said, wiping sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. His hair was stuck to his face."Want me to see if you could borrow one of Annie's headbands? Why are you growing it so long? Please tell me you are not going to do the whole man bun thing.""No. I want to grow it long and shave the sides leaving it long on the top so I can pull it back. I saw one of the players on the Texas Drillers that had it. I thought it looked really cool.""Of course." Holden slowed, and they both came to a stop. "Maybe we should ask Perri if she wants to do something with us. I mean, I wouldn't mind if she tagged along. We are going on that excursion tomorrow. I'm sure the charter has room for one more." Bodhi raked his hair back with his fingers."She's not getting off the ship. She already told my parents she didn't want to do any of the excursions. I am sure she doesn't even be on the ship in the first place.""Well, that's not right." I want her here. "Who in their right mind wouldn't want to swim with dolphins!""Persephone Hera James. That's who. You, of all people, know she is a tough nut to crack. She's set in her ways. And the way is she would rather study for the SAT than swim with a fish.""Mammal.""What?" Holden was looking at a knockout in a polka-dot bikini."A dolphin is a mammal. It breathes air, gives birth to live young, and is warm-blooded. Therefore, it is a mammal." Holden wasn't paying attention. "Yeah, okay, whatever. Wait, what? How do you know that?""I know things." Because Perri tells me things, I love it when she tells me things.The bikini-clad waitress came up to the two of them, holding a tray of drinks. "Hi there, gentleman. Would you like a rum and guava cocktail? It's our five o'clock somewhere drink of the day."Both of the boys were well under twenty-one, but you would never know by looking at them. Bodhi was already well over six feet tall and weighed about two hundred pounds. Holden was six feet tall and had arms bigger than the woman's thighs. Both had two days worth of stubble on their faces."Sure. Keep 'em' coming," Holden said with a wide grin."I'll do that," she said, winking at them.They each took one and thanked her and watched her ass sway as she walked away."You know, I bet I could get her to come to my cabin.""To what? Change your sheets." Bodhi said."Oh, the sheets would definitely need changing after I get done with her."Bodhi patted him on the back. "Sure. I'll hold my breath. And don't be such a hound dog.""What about you? Does any girl catch your eye? Some fine-looking ladies are walking around."Bodhi sat down on a bench directly across from where Perri was sitting on a lounge chair. She had on a white two-piece bathing suit that looked fantastic with her blonde hair and browning skin. He felt movement. All he had to do was just look at her, and he would get hard. That's how he knew he had started puberty. "No. Not really. I'm sort of hung up on someone. She won't even give me the time of day." He stared at her as he downed the rest of his drink. It was strong and made him wince a little. The waitress walked by, and he got two more from her.Holden noticed exactly who he was focused on. He smiled. "Have you even asked her the time?"Bodhi took down both drinks within a minute. "I'm thinking that her brother might not want me looking at her watch."Holden swallowed his cocktail and waved the waitress back over. They each took two more. The waitress gave Bodhi a napkin this time. She winked at him and walked off.Bodhi opened the napkin."What does it say?" Holden asked."Umm. She asked me if I needed my sheets changed." He smiled."WHAT! Give me that!" Holden grabbed the napkin and read it. "I'm off in an hour. Cabin number 127. 👄Darla. How the fuck do you do it?""Keep it. I'm not interested." Bodhi said, keeping his eyes on Perri.They sat in silence till Bodhi had drained both of his drinks. He was now five drinks deep, which was about ten shots total.*****************************She watched them behind her large round sunglasses. They were running on the track, and Perri was trying to refrain from drooling over Bodhi. On the last five laps, he had taken off his tank top and stuck it in the back of his shorts. It was a beautiful sight to behold. And boy, did she want to hold him. She marveled over his body. How could a sixteen-year-old be so perfect? His six-pack of abs looked like they were eight crunches away from an eight-pack. The Apollo's belt (the two shallow groves of the abdomen running from the hip down to the pubis) looked like an arrow pointing to what she could only think was his huge...Stop before you have to jump in an ice bath! YFocus! You have read the same question six times, Persephone. Come on. Get it together. You are going to get a 1400 if you keep this up. She sighed. Oh, God. He looks absolutely delicious. Okay, hold up. Let's call a meeting of the commonsense committee. First of all, he is older than you. Second, he thinks of you like a little sister, so put your tongue back into your mouth. Third, read a different question already.She watched as a beautiful woman in a piece of cloth with a polka dot on it approached them, holding a tray of drinks.Oh, they better hope Mom and Dad don't see them. She watched for a while as Bodhi kept downing drinks. The last time she came by, she saw her hand Bodhi what looked like a piece of paper. She watched both of them look at him. She knew what it was. By the look on Holden's face, she knew exactly what it was. She had to look away. She didn't need to see a gorgeous woman hitting on him.********************************"Holden. I'm just going to come out and say it." He could feel the rum breaking down his walls. A little liquid courage. "I want to ask your sister what time it is.""Umm. Okay. Which sister would that be? I have two." He knew which one. He just wanted to hear him say it."You know which one. Periwinkle. I know it's not right. She's your sister. It's going against the clause of the bro code that clearly states no friend shall date another friend's sister. And I really don't want you to kick me in the balls." It was the perfect opportunity to reach down and adjust himself. I promise that if she ever gave me a chance, I would never ever hurt her. You know that, right?" Bodhi looked at his friend, trying to gauge his reaction.Holden looked at his little sister. "You know, I realize that there is only like a year and a half difference, but you're still sixteen, and she's only fourteen.""Fourteen and a half." Bodhi corrected."You're going to be a Junior, and she's only going to be a freshman. Don't you think that is weird? Do you want people to know that the Captain of the basketball team is dating a nerdy freshman instead of Molly Duncan, the head cheerleader?""Molly is as shallow as a puddle. And she would be able to hold a conversation if she had a bucket."Holden laughed. He acted like he was giving it a hard thought. "I guess I would rather have someone who I know is a good guy with her. But if you ever hurt her or did something that I wouldn't approve of, I will rip your balls off and make you eat them.""Damn, Holden.""I just want you to know I'm serious. Now. Go ask her what time it is." He slapped Bodhi on the back. "Go ahead, O'Neill. Go ask my sister what time it is."Bodhi got up and started towards her then he hung a right and walked off the deck.He shook his head. "Pussy." Holden said, finishing his drink.********************************Bodhi made his way to the little shop he had seen Perri in earlier. She had wanted to buy a Puka Shell necklace, but her mom said she couldn't waste her money on it."Hello, son. What can I help you with?" the older salesman asked."I want one of those, please." Bodhi dug into his pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill.The salesman put it in a little plastic bag."Thank you."The salesman smiled. "Are you, by chance buying this for a pretty girl with long blonde hair?"Bodhi smiled and nodded. "How did you know?""I know she wanted it, and her mom said no. Then you come in and go straight to them. You were on a mission.""That is very thoughtful. I bet you'll get a little kiss!"Bodhi blushed. "I could only be so lucky, Sir. Thanks again." Bodhi headed back up to the pool deck. She had moved from the chair and was now sitting on the side of the pool, her feet in the water, swirling it around. He took a deep breath and sat down beside her."Hey, Periwinkle. Can I sit with you?""Sure. It's not my pool," she said without looking up at him."So... do you know what time it is?" he asked with a smile."Umm. Nope. I have no idea.""If you did, would you tell me?"She let out a little giggle. "Of course, I would. Weird question. Have you been drinking?" She sniffed his breath. "Oh wow. What is that? Rum?""Yeah. Don't tell your parents. Please.""I won't. But you may want to go to the gift shop and pick up some Tic-Tacs."He smiled. "Actually, I already stopped by the gift shop." He held out the small plastic bag. "Here. I got this for you."She looked at him with a little bit of confusion on her face. She opened and looked inside the bag."Oh my God, Bodhizafa." She pulled the necklace out. "I don't know what to say. You didn't have to get me anything. I appreciate it so much. I wanted one, but Mom wouldn't let me."He took it from her. "Let me help you put it on.""I hope it fits. I have a fat neck.""You have a beautiful neck to go with your beautiful face." He watched as her face looked bright red, like a bad sunburn. He smiled.She held her hair up as he leaned in to clasp the necklace. Their faces were inches from each other. He was so close. All he would have to do is move two small inches, and he could put his lips to her. She looked into his eyes. Her stomach was full of butterflies. He smelled of coconut rum, Axe body spray, and sweat. It was starting to make her switch between her legs.Was he going to kiss me? I think he's going to kiss me. Please kiss me.Come on, Bodhi, do it. This is that chick flick moment where you lean in slowly and kiss her.Keeping his eyes locked on her, he clasped the necklace but left his hands on the back of her neck. He was moving his thumb slowly. The goosebumps she had were so solid they almost hurt as they pulled her skin."Thank you," she whispered, putting her hand on the necklace."You're welcome, Periwinkle," he whispered back, leaning closer to her.Just as they both closed their eyes, they heard someone shriek his name."BODHI! COME WITH US TO THE WATERSLIDE!" It was Annie.They both put their heads down and slowly pulled apart. He removed his hands from her neck.Andromeda just fucking cock-blocked me."It's okay, Bodhi. You don't have to stay with me."He saw the disappointment in her face. He didn't want to leave; he wanted to stay there and finish their kiss. "Yeah, but---"She stood up. He looked up at her. "Thanks for the necklace. It's the best thing anyone has ever given me. I love it." She bent over and kissed him on the cheek. Not exactly the thank you kiss he had in mind. He watched her walk away. He liked the view ten times better than when the waitress did.⚡📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝🎧ALL MY LIFE- K-CI & JO-JO🎧