
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The road to freedom

The still air inside the cabin was heavy with unspoken fears. Scarlett lay on a small, creaky bed, her thoughts a whirlpool of anxiety and determination. The events of the past few days replayed relentlessly, each memory sharper and more painful than the last.

Despite her exhaustion, sleep dodged her. She rose silently, wrapping a thin blanket around her shoulders, and moved towards the window. The forest outside was a dark, whispering mass, cloaked in the mysteries of the night. The moon cast a silvery glow, illuminating the harsh geography that now stood as their refuge.

Ethan was seated at the kitchen table, his eyes scanning a map spread out before him. His concentration was intense, a stark contrast to the tiredness carved on his face. Scarlett watched him, wondering about the secrets he harbored, the life he had led before crossing paths with her.

Amber stirred from her makeshift bed on the couch. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and noticed Scarlett by the window. 

"Can't sleep, huh?" she asked softly, her voice punctuated by a stifled yawn.

Scarlett shook her head. 

"Too much on my mind," she replied, her voice tinged with fatigue and sorrow. 

"I keep thinking about what happens next."

Amber joined Scarlett by the window, her presence a comforting anchor.

 "We'll figure it out. Together," she said firmly, her hand finding Scarlett's and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

"Do you trust Ethan?"

Scarlett glanced over at Ethan, who was still engaged in his planning.

 "I want to," she admitted.

 "He seems to know what he's doing. And he's risked a lot to help us."

Amber nodded thoughtfully.

 "I agree. He's our best shot at getting out of this. I just hope it's enough."

Ethan looked up from the map, sensing the girls' eyes on him. He offered a small smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. 

"Hey, you two okay?" he asked, his voice warm and caring.

Amber shrugged. 

"Just trying to process everything. You know, the whole 'running from a Mafia boss' thing kind of puts things in shape."

Ethan chuckled softly. 

"Yeah, I get that. It's a lot to take in." He folded the map and set it aside, his expression turning serious. 

"We need to talk about our next steps."

Scarlett and Amber took seats at the table, their attention fixed on Ethan. The moment felt weighty, the gravity of their situation sinking deep into their bones.

"We can't stay here for long," Ethan began. 

"Carlo's men are thorough, and it's only a matter of time before they find this place. We need to keep moving."

Scarlett's heart sank at the possibility of endless running.

 "Where will we go?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ethan leaned forward, his gaze fierce. 

"There's a contact of mine, someone who can help us get out of the state and possibly even out of the country. We'll head west, to a small town where we can meet him. But it's a risky journey. We'll have to be observant."

Amber crossed her arms, her eyes tightening with determination. 

"We've come this far. We're not backing down now."

Scarlett nodded, finding strength in her friends' resolve. 

"What do we need to do?"

Ethan outlined their plan, each step meticulously detailed. As Scarlett listened, she felt a tinge of hope. They had a plan. They had each other. It would be enough.

Later that night, as Scarlett prepared to resume their journey, she received a text from an unknown number. Her phone buzzed ominously in the silence of the cabin. She hesitated before opening the message, her fingers trembling.

"Trust Ethan. He's more than he seems."

The cryptic message left her more anxious and yet strangely hopeful. She shared the message with Amber and Ethan, the former raising an eyebrow in suspicion, the latter frowning as he processed the information.

"Do you recognize the number?" Ethan asked, his voice level but lined with concern.

Scarlett shook her head. 

"No, but... it feels like someone is looking out for us."

Amber sighed. 

"Well, if they're telling us to trust Ethan, then I guess we don't have a choice but to go along with it."

The atmosphere grew tense as they packed their bags, each motion intentional and purposeful. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily on Scarlett, but she willed herself to remain calm and focused.

The night air was cold as they left the cabin, the moon hanging low in the sky like a vigilant guardian. Ethan's car awaited them, a silent guardian ready to carry them into the unknown.

Ethan took the driver's seat, his eyes scanning the environment for any signs of danger. Amber and Scarlett slipped into the backseat, the weight of their journey shared in comforting silence.

As the car rolled onto the darkened road, Scarlett's thoughts drifted to her family. She wondered how they were holding up, whether Carlo had unleashed his wrath upon them upon discovering her disappearance.

"Do you think my parents will be safe?" she asked, her voice breaking the silence and revealing a chasm of worry within her.

Ethan glanced at her in the rearview mirror, his expression somber. 

"Carlo will be furious, no doubt. But your disappearance buys them some time. He needs you, Scarlett. That gives them a bit of leverage."

Scarlett clung to Ethan's words, hoping against hope that her family would remain unharmed. The car sped through empty roads, the world around them asleep, unaware of their desperate flight for freedom.

Hours passed in a blur of dark landscapes and tense conversation. Scarlett fought to keep her exhaustion at bay, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and safety. Amber dozed off beside her, her head resting on the window, the endless trial taking its toll.

Ethan drove with unwavering focus, the weight of responsibility visible in the tense lines of his face. Scarlett marveled at his strength, her interest in his past intensifying.

When dawn began to break, elaborating the sky with shades of orange and pink, Ethan pulled into a remote gas station. 

"We need to refuel and grab some food. Stretch our legs," he said, breaking the silence.

Amber stirred awake, blinking at the light of dawn. 

"Where are we?"

"Not far from the next town," Ethan replied. "It's a quiet place. Should be safe enough for a quick stop."

Scarlett stepped out of the car, enjoying the crisp morning air. She felt a strange sense of renewal, a brief moment of peace amid the chaos. Ethan handed her some money.

 "Get what you need. I'll fuel up."

Inside the gas station, the familiar mundanity of normal life was almost disorienting. Scarlett and Amber picked up snacks and drinks, their actions grounded in a brief pretense of normalcy.

As they returned to the car, the stillness was broken by the roar of an approaching vehicle. Scarlett's heart swayed as a black SUV creaked to a halt nearby. Her pulse raced, panic swelling in her veins.

Ethan reacted instantly, shouting,

 "Get in the car!"

Amber and Scarlett sprinted into the backseat as Carlo's men came out from the SUV, their eyes locked on their target. Ethan slammed the gas pedal, the tires screeching as he sped away.

The chase was on.

The SUV pursued them relentlessly, its headlights glaring dangerously in the rearview mirror. Ethan navigated the wrench roads with skill and accuracy, but the tension was unbearable.

Scarlett gripped Amber's hand, her knuckles white. 

"We can't outrun them forever," she said, her voice quivering.

Ethan's jaw tightened. "Just hold on. I have a plan."

The car hurtled through winding passages and narrow lanes, the distance between them and their pursuers closing ominously. Sweat dotted Ethan's brow, his focus unwavering yet desperate. Scarlett's mind raced with a mix of fear and hope.

Suddenly, Ethan swerved off the main road, taking an abrupt turn onto a dirt path shrouded in dense foliage. The change in terrain jolted the car, but Ethan pressed on, the terrain's ruggedness working to their advantage.

The SUV struggled with the unsteady path, its speed faltering. Ethan seized the opportunity, pushing forward until they reached a concealed clearing, hidden from view.

He killed the engine, motioning for silence. The three of them held their breath as the SUV roared past, unable to locate them in the dense underbrush. The danger decreased slowly as the sound of the engine faded into the distance.

They sat in stunned silence, the gravity of their narrow escape sinking in. Scarlett's heart pounded, adrenaline surging through her veins.

Ethan exhaled slowly, his composure fraying at the edges.

 "We can't stay here. They'll double back eventually."

Amber nodded, her face pale but determined. 

"Where do we go now?"

Ethan eyed the map again, his mind racing. 

"We head west, stick to back roads. It's dangerous, but it's our only shot."

Scarlett's determination hardened, her fear swallowed by a burning need for freedom. 

"Let's do it," she said, her voice steady with newfound courage.

As they resumed their journey, the sun climbed higher, casting light on the winding road ahead. Their path was fraught with uncertainty and peril, but together, they forged on, driven by hope and the promise of a new beginning.

And so, they continued, bound by their shared struggle, their spirits unyielding. For in the face of unrelenting darkness, it was the light of their determination that kept them moving forward, towards freedom, and towards a future that was theirs to claim.