
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

A confrontation with danger.

Scarlett's hands trembled as she shoved her textbooks into a cardboard box. The autumn sun had fallen behind the horizon, casting long shadows through the windows of their modest home. Each creak of the floorboards, each distant car engine, sent shivers down her spine. Her heart raced against the backdrop of the coming doom.

In the adjoining room, her parents' hushed conversation reached her ears. Although the words were inaudible, the tone of fear was indisputable. 

Scarlett's parents had always shielded her from the harsh realities of life, but this situation was beyond their control. They had underestimated the far-reaching consequences of Mark's dealings with the Mafia.

Suddenly, the front door creaked open. Scarlett's pulse hastened, her breath seizing in her throat. She crept to the hallway, peeking around the corner. 

There he stood, Carlo Luciano. His presence monopolized the small entryway, exuding an aura of persistent authority and noticeable danger.

Mark approached Carlo, his shoulders scrunched and his eyes cast downward. 

"Carlo, I…I didn't expect you tonight," he stammered.

Carlo's cold eyes seemed to penetrate through Mark, rendering him a fluttering shadow of his former self.

 "Surprise visits confirm sincerity, Mark," Carlo said with a chilling calm. 

"Why don't we step inside and talk?"

Scarlett retreated, her fingers gripping the door frame for support. She couldn't let Carlo see her fear, she needed to stay strong for her family's sake. She tiptoed back into her room and glimpsed at the clock. Amber will be here soon. They had to leave tonight, and they had to leave quietly.

Minutes later, Amber arrived, her expression reflecting Scarlett's uncertainty. 

"I came as fast as I could," Amber whispered, catching her breath.

"I'm glad you're here," Scarlett answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

 "Carlo's here too. I don't know how much time we have."

Amber's eyes widened in shock and determination.

 "We'll get through this, Scarlett. Just stick to the plan."

In the living room, tension stirred like a hurricane as Mark and Carlo exchanged words. Scarlett strained to hear them without getting too close.

"I've ensured a substantial portion of the money, Carlo. I just need a little more time," Mark pleaded, his voice cracking under the weight of desperation.

Carlo scoffed, his face a mask of an intimidating disregard.

 "Time is a luxury you no longer have, Mark. The wedding is in two days. Your debt is settled with your daughter's hand in marriage. Do not fail me."

Scarlett's stomach swirled at the casual mention of her fate. It wasn't fair. She was being treated like a mere pawn in this dangerous game. She stepped back into the hallway just as her mother, Amelia, entered from the kitchen.

"You've done enough damage, Mark. I can't bear to see Scarlett suffer for your mistakes," Amelia said, her voice choked with tears.

"Amelia, I…" Mark began, but his words trailed off, caught in the evil grip of guilt.

Carlo's gaze shifted to Amelia, his eyes glowing with a predator's lust for control.

 "Do not misinterpret my actions, Amelia. This arrangement is for the family's survival. Question me further, and I might reconsider the mercy I've shown."

The ominous silence that followed was a suffocating blanket. Amelia's shoulders sank as she joined Mark in their shared torment, united in despair.

Scarlett squeezed her eyes shut, willing her mind to focus, to find strength amid the chaos. She turned back to her room and resumed packing, each item a small piece of her former life slipping away.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoing down the hallway brought her back to the present. She held her breath, half-expecting Carlo to burst through her door. Instead, it was Amber's reassuring presence that entered.

"Ethan's outside," Amber whispered urgently. 

"We need to go now before Carlo suspects anything."

"Where's he parked?" Scarlett asked, her voice steadier than she felt.

"Just around the block. Follow me."

The two friends moved swiftly, their footsteps almost silent on the hardwood floor. They paused at the back door, listening for any signs of discovery. Carlo's voice still rumbled from the living room, a dark melody of threats and dominance.

Amber gave Scarlett's hand a comforting squeeze. 

"We can do this," she mouthed before opening the door.

The crisp night air kissed Scarlett's face as the two women slipped out into the darkness. They hurried along the narrow path hedged by overgrown bushes, the only witnesses to their escape. Ethan's car came into view, its engine idling softly, a beacon of hope in their risky journey.

Ethan opened the door for them, his eyes sharp and vigilant.

 "Get in, both of you. Quickly," he urged, glancing around to ensure they weren't being followed.

Scarlett settled into the backseat, her heart pounding as Ethan pulled away from the curb. They drove in tense silence, the scope of their actions settling over them like a dark cloud. The city's lights blurred past, their luminescence casting doubt and fear in equal measure.

As they reached the highway, Scarlett turned to Ethan.

 "Do you think we'll make it?"

Ethan's jaw tightened, his focus unwavering. 

"I'm not going to let Carlo win. We've got a plan, and we'll stick to it. No matter what."

The conviction in his voice gave Scarlett a sliver of hope, fragile yet precious. She glanced back at the city, now covered in the distance, a part of her fearing that leaving might not stop Carlo's reach.

"Where are we headed?" Amber asked from the passenger seat, her voice a mix of curiosity and anxiety.

"North," Ethan replied.

 "There's a safe house I know in the mountains. We'll be off the grid, at least for a while."

Scarlett leaned back, her mind replaying Carlo's dreadful words over and over. 

"No one escapes me."

 She knew their escape was only a temporary redemption, a brief break before the storm resumed. But for now, it was enough. It had to be.

Ethan continued along the winding roads, his hands steady on the wheel.

 "We'll need supplies. There's a small town up ahead where we can stock up. It'll be risky, but it's a necessity."

Scarlett nodded, her will hardening. She had to adapt, to be resourceful and resilient. The stakes were too high to succumb to fear.

They reached the town just past midnight, its streets quiet and deserted. Ethan parked in the shadows, near a convenience store that still had its lights on. 

"I'll go in. Stay here and keep low," he instructed.

As Ethan disappeared into the store, Scarlett and Amber kept their eyes peeled, scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble. Eternally long minutes passed before Ethan returned, bags of supplies in hand.

 "All clear," he said, settling back into the driver's seat.

The drive resumed, the road becoming more isolated as they ventured deeper into the countryside. The landscape transformed into rough terrain, an opening to the safety Ethan promised. Scarlett fought to stay awake, her mind a battleground of fear and determination.

After what felt like hours, they finally arrived at an old, rustic cabin nestled within a dense forest. The structure was sturdy yet hidden, blending seamlessly with its natural surroundings.

"We'll be safe here for a bit," Ethan said, guiding them inside.

 "Get some rest. We'll need our strength."

Scarlett looked around the small cabin, its interior a stark contrast to the chaotic world they had left behind. She found a spot near the window, the night's cold air chilling but revitalizing. As she drifted into an uneasy sleep, Carlo's parting words echoed ominously in her mind.

"Don't forget, Scarlett. No one escapes me."

Beyond the cabin's walls, the forest whispered secrets to the wind, an ancient testament to survival. It was a fitting sanctuary for those running from the snares of the world. And so, as one day ended and a new one dawned, Scarlett found herself staggering on the ridge of an uncertain future, her spirit both challenged and strengthened by the hardship she faced.