
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Cryptic whisper from the past

Carlo's breath hitched in his throat like someone had punched the air out of him. His feet stopped moving, and his eyes locked onto Vincenzo in disbelief. His dad had been dead for a year, ever since their huge fight.

"How... How can that be?" Carlo stammered, his voice barely a whisper laced with shock.

 "We saw him die, Vincenzo!"

Carlo stepped out of the room, his face a mask, hiding any emotions behind a thick wall. He shut the door with a heavy thud.

"Let's talk in my study," he said curtly, his voice tight with a mixture of confusion and maybe even fear. He started walking, expecting Vincenzo to follow, the weight of the impossible news settling heavily on his shoulders.