
Love and disgust

This book is a sequel to my first book name 'Love and misunderstanding' which is now available on a good novel app but you guys can read this book as a stand-alone book as well because I planned to add all the main points of the first book in this one so you won't have to read the previous part all you guys have to do is to wait patiently until I reveal them one by one as per the plot requirements. Thanks. ~~~~ "Tell me what can I do to make it up for you?" He asks, taking a seat on the table near the bed, sounding guilty. Tho, I don't trust his words or feelings it can always change. I faced him, grinning violently as I asked, "Can you let me go?" He smiled. "Except that." I knew he will say something like that. "I don't wanna do this marriage. " He cocks his brow up in amusement before he chuckled, "I thought I made it clear when we met that you don't have any choice to make while you are here with me. " I sighed, with an annoy, he continued. "Though, if that's how I can make up then let's make a deal. " "What deal?" °^°^°^°^°^ Elina's life turns upside down when she got kidnapped by the man who appears in her nightmares who is none other than the son of ruthless Mafia, Andrew, and he, himself a rumored to be the most dangerous mafia in reality. Elina soon starts to hear and see the things she has no idea of and tries her best to know the reason behind it but she wasn't ready to find and process something more horrifying about Andrew and her's unknown past that was kept hidden by her.

Ashh_m_23 · Action
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6 Chs

2. Kidnapping


I was looking outside of my room's window just seeing the wonderful art by nature always makes me happy somehow the big blue sky, the blue ocean, the green mountains, beautiful birds always help me to calm my anger but this time it was not helping me, my anger was just growing inside of me day by day.

I never felt so helpless I have everything but still, I can't have her, why? I ask myself that question many times I can't focus on any other thing except her.

"Don't blame yourself, man, " I heard my brother's voice from inside the room, "you did whatever was in your hand so don't push the subject so far she moved on so why don't you? I know it's har-".

"No-" I cut him off, "I want to know why she did this to me, I loved her more than my life, and she... She can't leave me like this she has to come back or else I will do anything to get her back doesn't matter what price I have to pay for her!"

I sat on the couch near my bed and my brother Sam was sitting opposite side of me, I am thinking about what to do to win her back.

"Yes come in, " I hear Sam's voice, I was so busy thinking about her that I don't realize that my two men are standing in front of me waiting for me to say something.

"So what guys are here for? Did you find anything about her?" Sam asked on behalf of me, I look at them, their look is enough to tell that they failed again to find her but still, I want to hear from their mouth.

"Is cat got your tongue? Say something, don't waste my time" I spoke rudely, Sam and I was looking in their direction.

"We failed to f-find her, sir," One of them said in a cracking voice, just like I thought they failed again.

"How?!" I growl in anger, I removed my gun and pointed in my man's direction, I was about to push the trigger but my stupid brother interferes and took the gun from my hand. 

But he was late my anger already controlled me. I take the beer bottle from the table and throwing it on the wall. 

It was not enough so I break the whole glass table with my hands that were bleeding hard. "You are fucking crazy man stop punishing yourself!! Someone call the doctor right now!!" Sam yelled and both men went outside to call the doctor. 

Later that day doctor arrives and started doing my bandage, Sam was not happy with my behavior so he walks outside to take fresh air and told everyone who works for me to not disturb me for a while. 

I wish I didn't meet her either... There's no point to think about it now everything happened already I can't change that. 

Sam entered a room without knocking doesn't matter how many times I told him that I fine but no he is just stubborn just like me, the doctor was done bandaging me so sam told him to go, leaving us alone.

"We found her not physically but yes our man Informed us that she is planning to celebrate her friend's pre-birthday bash party and we are keeping an eye on every club and resort that she can go to, " that was all I need to hear from Sam now you can't run again from me my sweet Elie.

"So what are you thinking Andrew"? Sam asks me and raises an eyebrow he was confused to see my devilish grin cause I got a plan. " No club or resort, find the birthday girl and ask her to take elie to our upcoming local music festival that she doesn't know about and if she refuses to do then threat her I don't care," I said.


After shaving, I use hair wax on my hair to look better and also beard wax on my beard for a little bit of shine, I brush my teeth and did mouth gargling a couple of times with mouth wash.

Well, usually I never cut my body hair but today I am making sure except for hair, eyebrows, beard, there will be no hair on my body, not even a single hair, even I used a face mask for an extra charm that I need today, after all, I am going to meet her after a long time. 

Sam entered my room again without knocking, his eyes were on his phone at his hand that he didn't even notice me that I am watching him, probably texting his girlfriends he is such a womanizer guy I thought yeah I know, I know I shouldn't have to say something like this to him but still, that rascal deserves. "Well, Sir if you're done with your phone can I know why are you here". 

"Hahaha, Thanks for calling me sir, I am here f-- he stopped speaking when he looked at me like he froze himself. "whoaa whoaa, man I must say you're looking so handsome bro, I didn't know that you're going to enjoy the festival I thought you're just going to kidnap her but that's a good thing now that we both can enjoy together after a while, I am so so so happy I will thanks Elie for this later, she is great". He said all this in a single breath, I always knew that he is talkative and stupid but that's too much.

"Control your butterflies man and don't be so happy, we're going there to kidnap her only but I needed to look like I'm going to enjoy the festive day because I don't want people to doubt us, plus our father is the sponsor of this show except for security we can't handle anything without his permission and he will not like that his sons ruin the festival by taking out guns just to kidnap a girl and we can enjoy the festival some other time so we're just taking chloroform and napkin and a half skull mask, Understood?" He simply nodded. "And I hope you did exactly as I told you to do yesterday?"

"Yes I found Elie's friend and threat her that if she wants to see her family alive she has to take Elie to the festival and she agrees to do it," he replied but I feel like he is hiding something from me.

" Okay great go down and wait for me in the car and make sure to take all the things I told you to I will be there in few minutes ". I spoke and he left the room. 

Before leaving the house I again check myself in the mirror, adjusting my shirt and my all-time favorite gold chain. 

" We're almost there, sir," my driver said I take out chloroform and napkin from the backseat and put them in my pocket I get out of my car and smiled to look stress-free. 

Everything was going according to my plan I just hope that she shows herself in the music festival that is held every year celebrating the talent and contribution of local musicians. My father loves music that's why he loves to enjoy festivals like this and every year he gives a huge amount of money to sponsor this festival where thousands of people show up, and where she can't recognize me in the crowd. I am excited and a little bit nervous. 

I entered the festival that was already started ten mints ago the music was so loud that I barely heard anyone talking, I step inside the crowd where people dancing like crazy, just to find her, according to her friend they will be in front of the music stage where musicians are performing. But the crowd is much more than I expected. I messaged Elie's friend and informed her that I am in a white sleeveless shirt and shorts with half a skull mask.

Finally, I found her, she was dancing with her friend in front of the stage, she was wearing a beautiful red dress and matching earrings, I put my half skull mask on the face, she was so busy dancing that she didn't realize that I am so close to her and started dancing behind her but her friend did, she moves a step an away from me and slowly makes her way towards the exit, leaving us alone. 

I can use chloroform on her because the timing is perfect but seeing her dancing so freely makes my heart skip a beat, she turns around and bumps on my chest that makes her fall on the ground but before that, I caught her wrist and pull her in my arms her hands were on my chest and mine were near her waist, we both stared each other for few seconds that makes me wanted to kiss her and then I hear her sweet voice "s-sorry and the-thanks for saving me". She removed her hands from my chest and mine from her waist and was about to leave when I again caught her wrist and stopped her taking a step away from me but this time she hesitated and started to remove her wrist from my tight grip " what are you doing?? Leave me, my wrist it's hurting ", She said looking directly at my face, "I already left you once but not again babe you hurt me hard more than you can imagine". 

Before I realize she slapped me on my face from her free hand that makes me lose my grip on her wrist and she started running towards the exit, and I also run behind her. 

Meanwhile, I messaged Sam to meet me at the exit gate to inform him that we are leaving. 

My men are already at the exit gate they will catch her but I don't want their hands on my girl so as soon as possible I need to go there, I am still running behind her she is fast but not more than me she was wearing heels that decrease her speed and we are almost near the exit gate where she stopped running when she saw my mans protecting the gate.

She turned around to run in another way but I caught her tightly "who are you?? What do you want from me??? Leave me alone", she said that while yelling at me, I put my hand in my pocket to remove chloroform but I didn't get fuck fuck fuck!! maybe I fell the bottle on the ground while running but thank God on the main time I saw Sam running towards me from the other side he has another bottle in his hand and napkin, and suddenly my grip on her waist started to slip I can't hold her tight anymore, come fast you, idiot. 

He came and started to put some chloroform on a napkin "Come on, do it fast!!", I screamed at him but mistakenly he fell the whole bottle on a napkin in rush but in the right time he put that napkin on Elie's face and she fell asleep in my arms and I carried her in my arms while walking towards my car. 

"She looks so cute while sleeping," Sam said looking at her sleeping face and that makes me angry, "you stu-" I was about to shout him but he cut me off saying, "come on guys our work is done here let's go back to the cars what are you waiting for"? He said that to avoid my angry face. 

I put her on the back seat and her head was on my lap and Sam was sitting in front of us he was staring us her if I correct myself "keep your eyes off from her" I said and he stopped staring at her when he realized that I am watching him only  "sorry" he said but not in apologize tone, before turning his head towards his phone.