
Love and disgust

This book is a sequel to my first book name 'Love and misunderstanding' which is now available on a good novel app but you guys can read this book as a stand-alone book as well because I planned to add all the main points of the first book in this one so you won't have to read the previous part all you guys have to do is to wait patiently until I reveal them one by one as per the plot requirements. Thanks. ~~~~ "Tell me what can I do to make it up for you?" He asks, taking a seat on the table near the bed, sounding guilty. Tho, I don't trust his words or feelings it can always change. I faced him, grinning violently as I asked, "Can you let me go?" He smiled. "Except that." I knew he will say something like that. "I don't wanna do this marriage. " He cocks his brow up in amusement before he chuckled, "I thought I made it clear when we met that you don't have any choice to make while you are here with me. " I sighed, with an annoy, he continued. "Though, if that's how I can make up then let's make a deal. " "What deal?" °^°^°^°^°^ Elina's life turns upside down when she got kidnapped by the man who appears in her nightmares who is none other than the son of ruthless Mafia, Andrew, and he, himself a rumored to be the most dangerous mafia in reality. Elina soon starts to hear and see the things she has no idea of and tries her best to know the reason behind it but she wasn't ready to find and process something more horrifying about Andrew and her's unknown past that was kept hidden by her.

Ashh_m_23 · Action
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1. Day before the kidnapping.


"Elina, My Sweetheart, where are you hiding?" Hearing his velvet voice made me drop into a pool of sweat as I gulped my saliva in fear. 

"You know, you can't hide from me, " He says, walking more into the room as he stopped in front of the bed, where I am hiding under it.  Holding my breath, I tried my best not to make any sound.

"Are you behind the cupboard?" He walks away, taking this as a chance I quickly hid behind the big wardrobe. Catching sight of him, I realized that he was finding me under the bed instead of the cupboard.

My elbow hits the vase mistakenly as it falls on the ground.

Stupid girl!

"Ohh so you are there, " He heard it, feeling the shiver running down my spine, I hope it hasn't happened, I haven't met him. I felt a stronghold on my right hand, He towers over me, "L-Leave me alone, " I stuttered, trying not to look up into his dark brown eyes which scares me. He chuckles darkly, leaning towards me, he said. "Not today, my love, "

I shut my eyes tightly 'this is just a nightmare, it will end' I thought.

"I am worse than your nightmares, love. " He whispers my thoughts in my ears, sending another shiver in my body. I saw him pulling out the gun from his pocket as my eyes went wide in a panic, I can't go through it again. I just can't! he will kill me as he killed him but I don't wanna die, Not yet, not like this! No! Never!

"Elie! Elina! Elie!! Wake up!" My mother's voice snapped my nightmare, I quickly sat on the bed, taking heavy breaths in relief, I am safe, he isn't here.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Mama, He-He will kill me" She cuts me off as she pulls me into a warm hug, to stop my body that was shaking hard. 

She offers me the water and the medicine as she spoke, "Don't worry, I am here and that was just a nightmare, have this."

I gulp the meds with water, "Mama when this will end?" She knew what I am asking, rubbing my back gently, she softly said, "Very soon because you are my strong girl. " She kissed my forehead as I give her a weak smile, she made me lay on the bed while she traces her hands on my hair. She always does this until I fall asleep.

Mama is sleeping with me for weeks now and still, it's not helping me, having the same terrible nightmare, again and again, has made me sleepless and weak. This is the third time in the past two days since I am getting such a terrible dream which is no less than a movie where a psychopath is trying to kill the girl for fun. 

Nonetheless, I have no idea why I am getting haunt by this same nightmare every night. Anyway, I better should not think about it.


My light sleep broke by the sound of a sudden knock on the door, "Come in," I lazily ordered, it must be some maid who brought my breakfast up to my room.

Yawing still in sleep, I heard the familiar voice rang, "Hey, Elie! how are you doing?!" my very cheerful childhood best friend Veronica said, entering the room.

"Not so good what about ya?" I ask, removing the blanket from my legs.

"I am always fine so did you get that nightmare again?" She asks, sitting in front of me as I folded my legs in Indian style to give her some space to sit.

I nodded in stress.

"Don't take stress about it, you should see the positive side of your mares. " She says smirking.

"What do you mean?" I raise my brows at her.

"I mean, Is your dream Man is handsome?" 

I sighed in annoyance after understanding what she is saying, she is always sick of hopeless romantic things.

"I don't know when I woke up I just able to remember nothing but his brown eyes. " I specified.

"And those eyes are scary?"

"Sometimes they scare me, Sometimes I sense affection and sometimes I see the sadness in those eyes like I have seen them before not only once but thousands of times not in my mares but somewhere out there, "

She gawks at me with wide eyes, completely stunned by listening to me.

"How are you so sure?"

I stayed silent at her question, trying to guess, why I feel this way to someone whom I am trying to hide and run from in my nightmares?

Getting no response from me, she changes the topic, "Anyway, do you know why I am here for?!" 


"See, " She hands me a couple of passes of a popular music festival, I shot her a confused smile.

"What's this?"

"We are going there!!!" She yells in excitement.

"But, dad won't give me approval. " I stated sadly.

Her smiles drop for a moment before it lifts in an evil smirk of 'I got an idea'

Walking off to the dining room with Veronica where I saw my parents arguing loudly in the early morning.

"She is old enough to marry now, Rachel" My dad spoke.

"How rude you can be? Steve, look at our daughter she's already suffering a lot cos of her health and that Man will make it worse for her to handle." Mom responded, having tears in her eyes.

'That Man' they are talking about is none other than Curtis Massimo, the devil himself, he is one of the most wanted criminals aka Mafia who have hands in all types of illegal businesses and unfortunately, also my fiancee, I hate everything about him, Yet, I got one thing straight that he is not someone whom you like to have around especially when he is in his bad-tempered he never sees or thinks twice before murdering someone. Once, he killed a waitress because she doesn't bring dessert on time for me when he took me out for a date. He has no heart!

Surviving that date is nothing less than an achievement. At least for me because I needed to watch every single word that came out of my mouth for him.

Mom and I tried to make dad understand that he's not a good match for me but No! my greedy dad just wants the wealth he will get from this marriage.

"I am her father! I can see what's good or bad for my daughter, he is a wealthy man he can give her a better life." Father yelled not sounding concerned about me, at all.

"Money is not everything, she needs us, someone whom she can trust." 

"You bitch-"

"Dad!" I interrupted them, I hate my father a lot especially his habits of using abuse words when he can't win an argument. Seeing us, standing there, listening to their talks father slammed his hands on the table, walking past me annoyingly while cursing us under his breath.

I walk over to Mom, she sighed exhaustedly, sending us a sad yet weak smile.

"What's up, girls?" She asked, gesturing us to sit.

"Aunty, I was wondering to take Elina out for a night. " Veronica said.

"No, her father won't allow her to go for the night outs, darling. "

"No, No, No I am not taking her to any parties, our best friend Gena had an accident last night and now she is in hospital and I was hoping to take Elie there with me so Gena will be happy to see both of us, " She is definitely a good liar.

Mom looks up to me to confirm, "Yes, Mom, she is right. " 

Shooting us a long glance, she responds. "Alright, but try to come home as fast as possible. " 

We shared a look of happiness before nodding.