
Love And Desire

He was walking so fast, I couldn’t catch up with him. Is this how to give someone a walk? He has long legs and I can’t compare. I already told him countless times to slow down but he just said if I can’t walk along without nagging, then I should go in and take a nap. That’s rude! The next thing, he’s humming a song. Now, tell me who’s making the noise – or better still, nagging? I stood and wait to catch my breath. Hoping he would stop, no, he continued. I just told him am going to pee and he didn’t show approval. I left on my own but along the way, something pierce into my foot – underneath my cheap converse sneaker like a needle. I wince and bend over to check on it. Seriously? A pin? Damn this pin! If not for my weak sneaker sole, it’d had cause a serious damage on my foot. As I took it off, I heard someone’s phone ringing from afar me – behind. It was Harry’s. I pause to eavesdrop. And this was what I heard. “How many? Two would be enough. Send them over to my hotel - presidential suite. Thank you.” Who was he talking with and who are the people he sent for? And another thing, why the mention of a HOTEL? I know good things don’t usually happens there. I’ve never ever being to a hotel or motel before but I have clue that it’s all about something lusty.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

He was walking so fast, I couldn't catch up with him. Is this how to give someone a walk? He has long legs and I can't compare.

I already told him countless times to slow down but he just said if I can't walk along without nagging, then I should go in and take a nap.

That's rude!

The next thing, he's humming a song. Now, tell me who's making the noise – or better still, nagging?

I stood and wait to catch my breath. Hoping he would stop, no, he continued.

I just told him am going to pee and he didn't show approval. I left on my own but along the way, something pierce into my foot – underneath my cheap converse sneaker like a needle.

I wince and bend over to check on it. Seriously? A pin? Damn this pin! If not for my weak sneaker sole, it'd had cause a serious damage on my foot.

As I took it off, I heard someone's phone ringing from afar me – behind.

It was Harry's.

I pause to eavesdrop. And this was what I heard.

"How many? Two would be enough. Send them over to my hotel - presidential suite. Thank you."

Who was he talking with and who are the people he sent for? And another thing, why the mention of a HOTEL?

I know good things don't usually happens there. I've never ever being to a hotel or motel before but I have clue that it's all about something lusty.

I was so curious and eager to know. I didn't pee. I turn around to ask him but one second, I thought about it not being right.

Am I prying into his personal matters?

Am not.

When he turn around and saw me standing there, his mood agitated and irritated.

Did I suddenly look horrible in his sight? Why all of a sudden his neutral mood suddenly changes towards me?

While I was still wondering my ass, he adjusted his glasses and walked pass me – away.

But wait....we were almost at the garden walls. He said to show me the garden first and...

Now he left. I haven't seen anything here up to two. And I can't call him back with the type of expression on his face.

I slowly followed back inside.

Since he was nowhere to be seen in the room, I took opportunity to avenge the bed alone. It was peaceful sleeping alone on the king-size bed.

And when the afternoon came, I didn't realize I had slept so long for hours.

It was almost getting to evening already when I woke up.

How could I have missed lunch? Now, my belly is craving for urgent food.

I helped myself out of bed and fasten for the kitchen – though I met a staff of the house and she led me the way to the kitchen area.

But along the line, I met the queen talking with one of the staffs. She looked so tired and exhausted.

She rubbed her temple as she talks and the brunette hair maid just nodded every now and then.

I greeted her – bowing my head, curtly. She spun around and saw me standing metres afar from her.

She dismissed the maid and the one leading me to the kitchen, and when they were gone, she majestically made her way towards me.

I observed the wearing expression on her face and I panicked.

I asked her what the problem was. I've only knew her for almost a day as a nice person and it felt like I've known her for decades.

I want to know.

She tried all her possible best to smile at me. Still, I can sense an unhappiness underneath that cheeriness.

She rake the back of her hand on my cheek as if she was wiping something off.

Her smile was falling weak as she say, "You're a very beautiful woman, Irene. I hope my son could see this soon and deviate from whatever he is doing now."

I know am never happy whenever I hear the mention of something referring to my arranged marriage with the Prince.

I wanted to grumble against it but... at the same time, am beginning to like this Royal style of life. Just imagining myself sitting on a throne one day with a gem crown on my head, a staph on my right hand as I rule the entire country with just a decree.

The queen's continued speech brought me back to reality.

"He still sees himself as young to WHILE away his time now." She shook her head in pity and that made me ask her, her reasons. "My dear, I'm not supposed to tell you this but maybe after your wedding – he didn't stop and you find out, you'll be mad. Mad to know that Harry has a bad habit of renting prostitutes from agencies and drinking too much."

He is really a good figure of a prodigal son. I thought dad complimented him to be a good boy?

Okay. I've not seen anything yet. This is just the beginning.

My eyebrows suddenly creased. I recalled the phone call I heard him receive few minutes ago at the garden wall where he said two people should be sent to the presidential suite of his hotel.

Where those two people harlots?

I didn't bother asking him earlier – even though, I'll soon be known as his wife.

"You have to help me change him, Irene. I'm relying on you now. For the sake of the throne and the future ruler." The queen requested when I remained stun.

I pity for her. If she had had another son or another child, things would have been better for her.

"You two will be getting married in three days from now. He can't start a new life wearing this garment of old lifestyle, right? Please help me fix him."

It took me a long time before I nodded with a faint smile.

I don't know how to go about this – especially, my upcoming wedding plans. Everything just seem like a crash in my head.

The wedding, fixing Harry and my newly approved admission into Stockholm.

Later that day, I had dinner with the king and queen – alone. Harry's space in the dinning room was empty and vacant. And when the king asked me about him, I just had to lie – something I know I barely do.

The queen winked at me and gave me a secret thumbs up that lit up my face, softly. It's not as if she's encouraging me to lie but covering up for Harry was part of my duty. He'll be my husband in a few days and I have to take responsibility that anything he does is part of my business and nobody else.

When the night came, I was shown to my own personal bedroom – actually the blue and white one.

Just as I thought, it happened. My wish came to pass!

Am double excited but still sour. I haven't set eyes on my arranged fiancé since morning.

Is he still at the hotel? Why didn't I ask one of the bodyguards to take me there or send me his phone number when the day was still young?

I sat on my newly queen-size bed, in the pin-drop silence for what seem like hours. Then, sleep suddenly came and I started craving too much of it as it dizzes me into a fade of nap.

Just when I was about to cover myself with the sheets after a warm shower, my bedroom door opened.

Bringing in the only half reflection like a tiny ray from the outside to the dark room.

I sat up at once when I saw the person standing dark like a shadow there.

Before I decide whether he comes in or not, the person walked in, in few steps and shut the door behind him.

I was almost afraid as I reach for the lampstand's switch.

Behold, it was nobody else but just Harry.

I breath a sigh of relief like a burden has been taking out of my chest.

He made a shade over his eyes as if avoiding the rays of the sharp light.

What he called me…..made me shock.

"Fiancée...…..how are you?"

He is drunk and waving his balance on his toes.

I just look at the helpless man standing in front of me, then, I remembered the words of the queen and got up to save him.

Ew! He smelled of brandy mixed with mojito, mixed with mint and vodka. And secondly, the fragrance of feminine perfume.

So it was true. Those people he sent for in the morning were actually prostitutes.

His eyes drooping and his words slurring. I forgot everything I had against him and pull him somehow go the bed.

He crashed at once and handed his leg for me to help him with his pants.

He slurred out words I couldn't understand and I just shook my head and act along like an asshole.

"Why didn't you sleep in my room? Hmmm? My queen?" He laughed drunkenly and I just gave up pulling his pants. Though it haven't gone halfway yet.

Along the line as I helped him take off his shoes, and unbuckle his collar, I saw several red lipstick on his nape. And when my hand mistakenly drain to his pants, I felt something soft in his pocket

Thinking it to be wallet or something legal, my hand brought out the black lacy thong in his left pocket.

Jealousy and anger suddenly hit me to the extent, I didn't know when I left him alone to roll and fall on the ground, while I went to sleep.

He groaned in pain and faced me with rage eyes. "Useless bitch! Why did you lead me into your room? Huh? You want to seduce me? You want to take advantage of me? Now I fell down because of you. You're very heartless and mean!"

I wanted to say something but preferred to stay silent after recalling something again.

He is drunk and am the only normal human being here.

I think he needs privacy and that was what I gave him.

Leaving him alone in my room while I went to sleep in his.

Call it a switch.

I overheard him groaning for me to come back as I step out the door. The next, he started crying. I ignored him and made my way to his bedroom.

The next morning, I couldn't believe my eyes. The shock of my life.