
Love And Desire

He was walking so fast, I couldn’t catch up with him. Is this how to give someone a walk? He has long legs and I can’t compare. I already told him countless times to slow down but he just said if I can’t walk along without nagging, then I should go in and take a nap. That’s rude! The next thing, he’s humming a song. Now, tell me who’s making the noise – or better still, nagging? I stood and wait to catch my breath. Hoping he would stop, no, he continued. I just told him am going to pee and he didn’t show approval. I left on my own but along the way, something pierce into my foot – underneath my cheap converse sneaker like a needle. I wince and bend over to check on it. Seriously? A pin? Damn this pin! If not for my weak sneaker sole, it’d had cause a serious damage on my foot. As I took it off, I heard someone’s phone ringing from afar me – behind. It was Harry’s. I pause to eavesdrop. And this was what I heard. “How many? Two would be enough. Send them over to my hotel - presidential suite. Thank you.” Who was he talking with and who are the people he sent for? And another thing, why the mention of a HOTEL? I know good things don’t usually happens there. I’ve never ever being to a hotel or motel before but I have clue that it’s all about something lusty.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a man growling softly. It was Prince Harry licking his lips and mumbling something I can barely understand.

His hands creeping beneath him and when I look at the exact direction, I screamed out of bed.

He immediately jumped up from sleep with a huge scowl on his face. "What's your problem?" He asked me.

What's my problem?

I can't even talk now. My brain can't process a thing and my eyes just kept staring straight at what am still looking at.

I believe he followed my gaze and knew what my problem was.

"Bloody hell!" He grabbed a pillow to quickly cover his hard-on.

Geez! That was so massive. According to biology, it is the definition to mate with that thing for humans but if that thing dares to go into one's body, I don't know if hemorrhage would take place.

Especially... for me.

Even after he shielded it behind the pillow, I still couldn't fix my eyes to the normal elastic point. It was just like I've seen something I shouldn't have seen for the first time.

I expected him to be ashamed of himself but he just got piss and threw words at me.

"Hey, this is no Netflix movie where arranged couples end well. Whatever you saw is very normal for guys like me. Am a fast ejaculator and if you're going to have a problem with sleeping beside me all night then, help yourself to the bed-bench. No big deal."

Is he insane? Was he fucking with himself in his dreams?

God! I've never ever seen something has huge as that before. I've never even come across a man's shaft for once in my lifetime and yet, I say I like biology.

I was still getting a grief of myself when a knock on the door caused a distraction.

It was the maid telling us to come down for breakfast.

Am not used to this place yet but I answered her and she saluted me YOUR HIGHNESS.

That was fast. Am not royal yet. Just few days to my wedding then I'll be verified.

I was told by another maid when Prince Harry went to take a shower, that my things were already moved to the palace by Dad.

So dad was here to deliver all my stuff and he didn't even wait to say HI?

I took my bath after Prince Harry had left the room. The said stuffs for me where arranged in the closet – Harry and I now shared.

I wanted to wear a complete pair of blue hoodie and sweatpants but that was exactly what Harry wore. It'll only give the king and queen good impression of us liking to be couples.

So, I switch into a blue skinny highwaist pants and an orange polo t-shirt. I tie my red hair into a neat ponytail with black scrunchie and fit into a pair of Fila converse sneakers. I applied a little bit of white powder to keep my face smooth, then I march out the door.

I saw Harry leaning against the wall opposite the room's door. His mind was first carried away by his phone. I thought he had already left for breakfast.

He look so cute and stunning standing there all alone with so much attention on his phone. His dark hair was packed up into a simple man bun, giving his flawless face the full definition of handsomeness.

As I shut the door behind me, he lifted his head from his phone and faced my direction.

"Am just trying to put on an act for my dad, if not, I'd have eaten far of my breakfast by now." He handed me his arm and I took it. Playing along.

We entered the dining area and the king and queen welcomed us with a smile – especially seeing that we were holding hands.

"Mmm, I can sense a husband and wife coming up shortly." The queen indirectly stated. "Loading. Ninety percent."

Harry pulled out a seat for me and I settle down. I have no idea what a queen or princess does or how they behave but am trying my personal best not to mess things up and freak dad.

Harry sat next to me and help dish our meals into our plates.

There where so many appetizing dish on the table and I didn't know which to start from. I imagine myself getting a taste from all of them. Even the dessert.

Harry dish in my plate the same one he dished for himself.

I observe the cutleries. They were silver today. Nice wealthy family.

The dining was quite elegant but I was too shy to study it more.

Breakfast was going well, I loved the dish. It was the best I've ever tasted. Did they hire the world's greatest chef here? Because this meal is sure a VVIP order.

I wanted to reach for water but Harry poured in a glass of white wine for me. Unknowing to him, his parents were busy watching.

He poured two glasses and gave me one but before I took it from him, he took it to my lips and made me drink from his hand.

"Okay?" He asked.

I shook my head when I was satisfied and he kept the glass on the table.

"You know…." The queen started. I like her. She's so pretty and looks less under age with the dimples on her cheeks whenever she smiles. "I use to like red haired babies, Irene. They're rare these days. I hope you'll give me one, someday."

Babies? Like seriously? Can we just talk about something else other than mentioning kids in this conversation?

I can't even imagine myself mating with Harry. Ew! That didn't serve us right!

"Honey, let them finish with college first." The king saved me.

Thank you, your majesty.

"Of course. They will." The queen laughed richly and winked at her son.

I try to maintain a good impression. "Of a true your highness, you are right. People with red hair are rare and I was lucky to get mine from my grandma."

Her eyes grew hopefully. "Ah…you must have red hairs in your family." Yeah, whatever. "I have believe that my grandbabies will all become red hairs."

"Grand –" Harry almost choke on his meal. "I thought you said BABY before now and suddenly it becomes BABIES."

The queen giggled and shyly said, "Don't be crazy, Harry. I expect more than ten babies from you –"

"Fuck…." I choked. Instantly, that one shook me down to my marrow bones.

Ten fucking what?

Harry tagged with his cheesy plan to put on an act. "Baby, are you okay?" He reach for a glass of water and fed me to drink.

After a while, I breathe out a deep breath of relief and he rubbed my back. Something about the way he suddenly cared for me through this act, made me like him by every passing of each minute.

I finally got myself together and started eating again.

The queen felt a bit sad. She reach for my free hand and held it in hers.

And with a sweet tone, she said, "Sweetheart, there's no need to be in a rush, I know you're scared. It once happened to me during my wedding preparations."

So, she was fixed into an arrange marriage with the king? Or maybe she was forced to get married at an early age after high school too.

I accepted her consolations as I caress her hand too and nodded.

"Your grandma, where is she from?" The king suddenly questioned. Shooting me off-guard from the queen.

There's no need to lie, Irene. Just be sincere and straight forward.

"Um, Denmark." I simply answered. My head buried back into my plate.

The king nodded and continued eating but his wife suddenly whooped like it's Christmas so soon.

"Honey!" She held her husband's hand. I saw Harry rolling his eyes away in embarrassment. "She is Danish. Most Danish women has red hair. This is a dream come true for us to carry red hair babies. You know how long I wanted to have red hair children before Harry came with the black hair – just like you, and closed up my womb. And now my womb is dried. Unfortunately, I am blonde. How sad."

"Mom, please stop." Harry almost whispered. His lips pressed tightly in thin line.

I couldn't help but giggle silently. The king did the same before saying…. "Harry, would you like to show Irene around after breakfast?"

It took him something like years before he nod his head. "Yes, father."