
Love Amongst the Millionaires

In the bustling streets of modern New York, "Love Amongst the Millionaires" unfolds a captivating tale of passion, ambition, and deceit. Isabella Stone, a determined fashion designer from humble beginnings, finds her career on the brink of success. Little does she know, her path collides with Jamal Christopher, a charismatic billionaire with a troubled family legacy. As sparks fly between them, secrets unravel, revealing Jamal's ties to a dark past involving Isabella's parents. Caught between love and justice, Isabella must navigate treacherous waters to expose the truth, even if it means risking everything she holds dear. In a world where love blooms amidst million-dollar secrets, will they find redemption or be consumed by hatred?

Sharon_Whyte_2351 · Urban
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Chapter Two

The thirty-year-old Jamal Christopher rushed out of the office angrily, he couldn't believe what the council had agreed behind his back.

"They must be bluffing." 

Storming out of the building, he accidentally bumped into a cleaner pushing her hard she fell to the floor and twisted her ankle. Her scream drew the attention of the other workers, he stared at her angrily calling her all sorts of hurtful names.

"You imbecile, lunatic, moron." Those were the hurtful words he said to her.

He walked out on her rudely not minding if she was hurt but rather demanding she clean up the water she spilled on his shoes

She stared angrily at him as he made his way out of the company's building and headed straight towards his black car that looked so expensive.

Of course, it was an expensive car Jamal Christopher never drove a cheap car nor put on cheap clothes. He was rude, arrogant, and extravagant gosh very annoying. But he was so handsome, his piercing blue eyes contrasted sharply with his short, sleek black hair. He had a nice body build one could mistake him for a model.

She stood up from the floor dusted her uniform and continued her cleaning, the words he said to her kept ringing in her ears over and over again.

She wanted to give him the beating of his life, she wished she could bite off his ears and finger his eyes.

Isabella wished she could just disappear from the building, she was already fed up with the whole situation that kept getting worse every day.

"Isabella Stone." The tiny voice called out

She immediately kicks the thoughts out of her mind, she can't afford to lose this job so she needs to be focused and serious. 

She gave herself a mental shake, "Good morning Miss Susan." She hurriedly walked up to her.

"What just happened?" She asked pointing at the water that spilled on the floor.

"It's nothing serious ma." She lied.

"Okay, the dress you posted on your Facebook page was so captivating and I love it.

"Thank you ma." 

"I would love to have a dress like that," She paused staring at her with a smile. "So are you gonna make something like that for me?"

"Yes ma, I made the dress, so I can make it for you." She assured her

"Good to hear, I will get back to you." 

"Okay, ma."

"Hurry up with the cleaning and come to my office after that." She turned and walked away.

"Wow, she is so cool." Isabella stared at her for a long time before continuing to clean.

When she was done with her cleaning, she headed straight to Miss Susan's office, took her measurements, and left. She got home at exactly noon, hurriedly, she had her lunch and went to meet her parents at the shop. 

"Good afternoon Mom, good afternoon Dad." She greeted as she walked in taking a sit beside the sewing machine.

"How was work today honey?" Mrs Stone asked smiling at her daughter who was busy searching the whole drawer looking for only God knows what.

"Work was so stressful Mum." She finally brought out the sketchpad she had been looking for. " Someone annoyed me today and I am pissed right now." She glanced through the sketch pad angrily."

"Who was it that made you so angry?" Mr Stone asked looking at his wife and then at Isabella.

"Never mind, he is not someone important." 

"Okay, guess what honey." Mrs Stone asked smiling. 

"What mom, you know am so bad at guessing." 

"Just try." 

"Fine, you got accepted at the company you applied to." 

"Nope," she smiled bringing out a flier from her bag and stretching it out to Isabella.

"What is it?" She quickly took it from her mom and opened it. "Mom, this is a great opportunity for us." She smiled.

"I know Isabella but the problem is that, are we ready?"

"Mom, come on, don't be like that. You do know that we are good with what we do." 

"Have faith Anita, we don't know, we could be selected. So just believe in yourself and our maker." Mr Stone encourages his wife.

"Awwwn, Dad is so sweet." 

Isabella immediately brought out the material she needed to make the dress for Susan and began sewing them after turning on her music.

"Who's dress is that?" Mrs Stone asked 

"It belongs to a worker in the company I work." She answered

"Oh wow, make sure you sew it nicely for her."

"Of course Mom, that is the reason why am taking my time to make it perfectly well for her." 

"I really can see it, it's gonna be lovely." She patted her softly on the back. "Your dad and I are going home before your brother returns from school." 

"Okay, mom." 

Isabella was left alone in the shop, she took the flier from the table and glanced at it. The fashion show promises to be a life changer for the winner, Wow, she couldn't afford to miss it for anything.

"Isabel," a tiny voice called out from behind. "So good to see you."

"Amanda," Isabella called out in excitement. They both walked closer to each other and hugged.

"It's been a while, Isabel." Amanda smiled at her. "How have you been doing, how are Mom and Dad and Steve?" 

"They are all fine and yours?" Isabella asked ushering her a sit and headed straight to the fridge.

"Yeah, they are all good." She replied sitting on the couch, crossing one long leg over the other. 

Amanda and Isabella were childhood friends, they both attended the same middle school and high school but got separated when Amanda left for college. 

"It's so good to see you again after a long time Amanda." She said handing her a glass of juice 

"So good to see you too Isabella." She took it from her. "Thanks."

"So how did you get here?"

"He helped me." She said pointing to a man who just walked in.