
Love After Marriage for the Doted-upon Spoiled Wife

The birthday present was a divorce certificate!!! On her birthday, he gave her a gift of a divorce certificate! They were married for one year, in this marriage, she loved in silence while he left without hesitation! it was pouring rain outside. In that moment, she felt hopeless, but the appearance of Gu Mucheng seemed like a lifeline. So she married Gu Mucheng, they only met for a few minutes, and their flash marriage was faster than anyone else's! She started to plan and took risks by playing games with the devil. She played games with the devil, but in the end, she couldn't control her heart and gradually fell into it. When she was deeply involved, she suddenly realized that she was just a substitute. Who will be the winner in this game?

DaoistrtniKM · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: I Need to Use the Bathroom

Noah walked into the restaurant and called over a waiter, who nodded with a smile as Noah gave instructions. Outside the restaurant, Sophia was still holding Ava's hand, trying to find Noah.

After finishing his business, Noah left the restaurant and bumped into Sophia. She immediately grabbed his arm and said in a coquettish voice, "Noah, why didn't you tell me you were back? I wanted to play with you."

Noah smiled faintly and replied, "I came back because of my mom, and I'm leaving tomorrow, so I didn't want to bother you."

Sophia said, "How could you be a bother? I just wanted to spend time with you. It's been so long since I've seen you."

Noah replied, "Not today, maybe another day."

Sophia persisted, "Come on, Noah. I really want to hang out with you today."

Sophia's voice was so sweet that it gave people goosebumps. She was 24 years old, a beautiful woman with big eyes, cherry lips, a cute nose, a round face, and smooth skin, like a porcelain doll.

It's hard to refuse such a request from a girl like her, especially when she looked at you with those pitiful eyes. However, Noah was not the type to give in easily. He only did what he was willing to do, and nothing could change his mind once he made up his mind.

Noah's handsome face became slightly displeased, and he said, "Sophia, when I say no, I mean no. There's no room for negotiation. Do you understand?"

He hated it when people persisted in asking for things he didn't want to do. He thought to himself, "Women are such troublesome creatures."

If Sophia wasn't Aiden's daughter, Noah would have left already. He didn't really like Sophia, and in fact, he found her quite annoying.

Noah is a carefree person from a prestigious family, the Z group, which has a well-known reputation both domestically and internationally, and is no less inferior to the BIG group. However, Noah refused to accept the group's support and joined the military despite opposition from his family. He made a name for himself at the age of 26, earning the rank of colonel through his own efforts.

He was an impressive person, having become a major at the age of 23 after secretly joining a special forces unit. Due to his excellent performance on a certain secret mission, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel by his superiors.

To recognize Noah's contribution to the country and to set an example for the youth, Noah's direct leaders decided to award him the rank of lieutenant colonel and third-class merit.

This year, at the age of 26, Noah was promoted to the rank of colonel due to his outstanding military accomplishments, which were highly regarded by others. He proved that he could make a name for himself without relying on his family's support.

When Ava noticed something was amiss, she immediately stepped in to smooth things over, saying, "Sophia, be obedient. Maybe Noah has something to attend to and doesn't have time to be with you. Can't you be more sensible?"

After speaking, Ava turned to Noah and said, "Noah, Sophia is still young, don't take it to heart." Noah couldn't be bothered to reply. Seeing that Noah didn't respond, Ava felt awkward, so she said, "Noah must be busy, so he should go first. Sophia and I will go in and eat."

Sophia's expression wasn't very good because Noah didn't pay any attention to her. She had never experienced this kind of grievance before, but she wouldn't speak out about it. She wanted to create a positive image for herself in front of Noah. As Ava was speaking, she grabbed Sophia's hand and prepared to walk into the restaurant, but Noah suddenly called out to them, "Wait!"

Sophia turned excitedly, thinking that Noah had changed his mind and wanted to go out and play with her. She felt proud, thinking to herself that she was indeed a man's killer, and that she could handle any kind of man by just being a little coquettish. She kept throwing flirtatious glances at Noah and asked, "Noah, are you going to play with me?"

Noah gave a cold smile, his eyes deep and unfathomable, completely different from his usual self. He spoke in a cold tone, "You guys can't come in! I've rented the whole place, so no outsiders are allowed." His voice was not loud, but it was very intimidating, exuding an undeniable aura of dominance.

Sophia's face suddenly changed, and Ava's face was also hard to look at. However, Ava managed to hold back her anger and politely asked, "May I ask why we can't come in, Noah?"

"It's simple. I've rented the place, and no outsiders are allowed," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Although his voice was not loud, it was full of authority and a kind of regal aura that could not be ignored.

The inherent dominance and regal demeanor he possessed could not be imitated by anyone. His face was delicate and beautiful, almost like a woman's, but no one would mistake him for a woman.

With just one sentence, Noah relegated them to the status of outsiders, and the faces of the mother and daughter turned ugly. Emma had been waiting in the car for too long and saw Noah chatting with two women. They had been talking for a long time, and she couldn't wait any longer.

She didn't want to disturb Noah's conversation, but she had to this time. She pushed open the car door and walked toward Noah. When Noah saw Emma approaching, his beautiful eyebrows furrowed, and he asked, "Why did you get out of the car? Why don't you stay inside?"

Ignoring Noah, Emma greeted Sophia and Ava, saying, "Hello!" Sophia and Ava were puzzled and didn't know who she was. They didn't dare to ask.

Emma first greeted the mother and daughter and then turned to Noah and said, "Can you come with me for a moment?"

Noah raised an eyebrow and asked, "Can't you say it here?"

Emma looked at the mother and daughter and said, "No, I can't!"

Noah shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the restaurant with an elegant stride towards his car. Sitting on the hood with his hands in his pockets, he looked like a typical street thug.

Emma would soon realize that Noah was a complete and utter rogue. Approaching Noah with a slight blush on her face, Emma took a deep breath and said, "I need to use the restroom."

Noah was taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter. "If you need to go, just go. Why do you need to tell me?"

Emma's expression didn't change much, but she felt a surge of anger inside. Who was she doing this for? If it weren't for this crappy car, she would have been back from the restroom already. In the end, Noah pointed to the restaurant behind them and said, "Turn right after entering the restroom!"

Emma didn't even look back as she turned around and walked away! God knows how much she wanted to kill Noah in her heart.

He was a devil, a demon, a complete bastard! Sophia and Ava watched this seemingly innocent-looking girl with a bright smile, their eyes filled with curiosity.